On 19 March annually, Catholic honours Saint Joseph as the husband of Mary in a feast celebration. This feast is formally known as the Solemnity of Saint Joseph Spouse of The Blessed Virgin Mary. It is celebrated with Holy Mass and also prayerful devotion to him as an intercessor with Almighty God.
Saint Joseph the model of humility and holiness, and also patron for fathers everywhere. He cared for the Son of God, despite Jesus not being his own Son. His devotion towards Mary, despite his suspicions of her infidelity, and his willingness to listen to the angel of God, demonstrate his humility. He was chosen by God the Father before time, as the husband for Mary and foster father for Jesus.
Joseph was carpenter, simple and just man, he was open to all that God wanted to do for him as well as wholeheartedly obedient to God when he took Mary as his spouse, heeding Gods message to him even knowing she was pregnant. After the child was born he also obeyed Gods message again in naming Jesus, in shepherding the precious pair mother and son to Egypt, and in bringing them to Nazareth.
St. Joseph Prayer
"O Blessed St. Joseph, tenderhearted father, faithful
guardian of Jesus, chaste spouse of the Mother of God,
we pray and bessech thee to offer to God the Father
His divinve Son, bathed in blood of the Cross for
sinners, and through the thrice-holy Name of Jesus,
obtain for us from the Eternal Father the favor we
(mention request)
Appease the Divine anger so justly inflamed by our
crimes, beg of Jesus mercy for thy children. Amid the
splendors of eternity, forget not the sorrows of those
who suffer, those who pray, those who weep; stay the
Almighty arm which smites us, that by thy prayers and
those of thy most Holy Spouse, the Heart of Jesus may
be moved to pity and pardon. Amen. St. Joseph, pray
for us. "
(These praises may be prayed
in thanksgiving for favours received.)
In the Name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost. Amen.
O holy Patriarch Joseph, ever blessed be thy soul, which was adorned with all the virtues and gifts of the Holy Ghost.
Glory be to the Father...
O holy Patriarch Joseph, ever blessed be thine intellect, which was full of the most sublime knowledge of God and was enlightened with revelations.
Glory be to the Father...
O holy Patriarch Joseph, ever blessed be thy will, which was all inflamed with love for Jesus and Mary and always perfectly conformable to the Divine will.
Glory be to the Father...
O holy Patriarch Joseph, ever blessed be thine eyes, to which it was granted to look continually upon Jesus and Mary.
Glory be to the Father...
O holy Patriarch Joseph, ever blessed be thine ears, which merited to hear the sweet words of Jesus and Mary.
Glory be to the Father...
O dear St. Joseph, ever blessed be thy tongue, which continually praised God and with profound humility and reverence conversed with Jesus and Mary.
Glory be to the Father...
O chaste St. Joseph, ever blessed be thy most pure and loving heart, with which thou didst ardently love Jesus and Mary.
Glory be to the Father...
O holy Joseph, ever blessed be thy thoughts, words and actions, each and all of which ever tended to the service of Jesus and Mary.
Glory be to the Father...
O holy Patriarch Joseph, ever blessed be all the moments of thy life, which thou didst spend in the service of Jesus and Mary.
Glory be to the Father...
O my Protector St. Joseph, ever blessed be that moment of thy life in which thou didst most sweetly die in the arms of Jesus and Mary.
Glory be to the Father...
O glorious St. Joseph, ever blessed be that moment in which thou didst enter into the eternal joys of Heaven.
Glory be to the Father...
O happy St. Joseph, ever blessed in eternity be every moment in which, until now, in union with all the Saints of Heaven, thou hast enjoyed the incomprehensible bliss of union with God, with Jesus and Mary.
Glory be to the Father...
O my dear Protector! Be ever blessed by me and by all creatures, for all eternity, with all the blessings which the Most Holy Trinity bestowed upon thee and with all the benedictions given thee by Jesus and Mary and by the whole Church.
Glory be to the Father...
O thrice holy Joseph, blessed in soul and body, in life and death, on earth and in Heaven. Obtain also for me, a poor sinner but nevertheless thy true and faithful client, a share in thy blessings, the grace to imitate thee ardently, and to love and faithfully serve Jesus, Mary and thyself, and especially the happiness to die in thy holy arms.
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