Jumat, 19 April 2013

Blessed are you, Lord Jesus, Saviour of the World

Blessed are you, Lord Jesus, Saviour of the world, for giving your life to save us,
by your precious blood we are saved.
You promised living waters to those who seek the truth,
give us that water to quench our thirst.
You sent disciples to announce the Good News to all people,
sustain those who proclaim your word.
To those who carry your cross today in anguish,
grant patience and courage.

O God, you are our blessed light,
awaken us this new day.
By the resurrection of your Son, you have enlightened the world,
and given us new hope.
By your Spirit you gave wisdom to the disciples of your Son,
send your Spirit upon us and make us faithful.
Light of the nations, shine on those who dwell in darkness,
open their eyes to know you, the only true God.

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