Selasa, 22 Oktober 2013

Prayer for all Poor, Homeless, and Neglected People

O GOD, Almighty and merciful, 
who heals those that are broken in heart, 
and turns the sadness of the sorrowful to joy; 
Let your fatherly goodness 
be upon all 
that you have made. 
Remember in pity those who are this day 
destitute, homeless, or forgotten 
by their fellow men. 
Bless the congregation of your poor. 
Uplift those who are cast down. 
For those who suffer innocently, 
I pray that you will sanctify their endurance 
of the wrongs worked on them, 
keeping their hearts free of bitterness. 
Cheer with hope all 
discouraged and unhappy people, 
and help those who are tempted 
into sin by their poverty; 
though they be troubled on every side, 
suffer them not to be distressed; 
though they be perplexed, 
save them from despair. 
Grant this, O Lord, 
for the love of him, 
who for our sakes endured poverty 
and blameless suffering, 
your Son, our Jesus Christ.

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