Jumat, 26 Mei 2017

Holy Spirit, Holy Spirit, Holy Spirit, abide in me

Holy Spirit, 
Sweet guest of My Soul, 
Abide In Me
and Grant That I May Ever 

abide in You.

* * * * * *

L: In the beginning, at creation, you hovered over the water. 
A: Come Holy Spirit, as by a New Pentecost. 

L: You breathed into Adam a breath of life. 
A: Come Holy Spirit, Breath of God, breathe in us today. 

L: You anointed the prophets and kings. 
A: Come Holy Spirit, anoint us for your service. Send us anew to bring good news to the poor. 

L: To Elijah you came with the sound of a gentle breeze, to the Apostles with the sound of a mighty wind. 
A: Come Holy Spirit, in your gentleness and might. 

L: You are the living water, the river of life that brings fruitfulness and joy. 
A: Come Holy Spirit, flow freely in your Church. 

L: You overshadowed Mary at the Annunciation. 
A: Come Holy Spirit, overshadow us today with your power, that the will of God may be accomplished in us and through us. 

L: You appeared as a dove at the baptism of Jesus Christ. 
A: Come Holy Spirit, fill the world anew with the gift of your peace. 

L: You came at Pentecost fulfilling the promise of the Father. You filled the disciples of Jesus who had gathered in prayer and appeared with tongues of fire. 
A: Come Holy Spirit, lead us anew to Jesus Christ. May we be baptised with Holy Spirit and fire. 

L: You are the love of God poured into our hearts. 
A: Come Holy Spirit, make us one. Fill us and empower us with your presence that we may live in love as sons and daughters of God.

Lord Jesus, I believe that you are risen from the dead and that you are alive. I give you my life. By the power of your Holy Spirit draw me deeper into you and help me to live for you in every aspect of my life. I renounce everything that would separate me from you and I proclaim you as the only Lord of my life. Amen.

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