** This prayer can be either said in 13 consecutive days (once each day) or 13 consecutive hours (once every hour).
Oh my thirteen Blessed souls so wise and understanding,
I ask you for the Love of God that my request be answered.
Oh my thirteen Blessed souls so wise and understanding,
I ask you for the Love of God that my request be answered.
Of you I ask for the sake of the blood
that Jesus shed that my request be answered.
My Lord Jesus Christ
that your protection wrap me with your arms.
Guard me with your eyes.
O God of kindness
you have been my defender in life and death.
I ask that you free me from the difficulties that torment me.
My thirteen blessed souls so wise and understanding
having received the grace I seek from you
(mention your specific intention)
I will be devoted to you.
End with the Sign of the Cross.
** Publish / share the prayer immediately after the thirteenth day or thirteenth hour as thanksgiving.
** Publish / share the prayer immediately after the thirteenth day or thirteenth hour as thanksgiving.
Have Faith and Trust in the Lord,
your prayer will be answered.
JESUS alone is the Mighty one, and
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