Rabu, 01 November 2017

Saint Helen & A Prayer for Intercession

St. Helen, also known as St. Helena (d. 327 A.D.), was a woman of humble means from Asia Minor. She married the future Roman Emperor Constantius Chlorus, and their son Constantine was born in c. 272. Constantius divorced Helen in c. 293 to marry Emperor Maximian�s daughter for the sake of political gain. When her son Constantine became the Roman Emperor, St. Helen was given the imperial title �Augusta� and was treated like royalty. After Constantine legalized Christianity across the Roman Empire, St. Helen, a Christian convert, went to the Holy Land in search of the actual cross on which Christ was crucified, despite being in her 80�s. Helen questioned local Christians and Jews and learned that the cross was buried under the Temple of Venus. Helen had the temple demolished and excavated. There she discovered the Holy Sepulcher, three crosses, the board with Pilate�s inscription, and the nails which pierced Jesus� Sacred Body. In order to determine which cross was the Lord�s, the Bishop of Jerusalem touched them to a corpse, causing the man to come back to life. A second miraculous healing of a sick woman confirmed the discovery of the True Cross. Christians flocked to Jerusalem to venerate the Holy Cross. St. Helen then visited all the holy places of Jesus� life and built many churches over their locations, including at Bethlehem, the Mount of Olives, and the Garden of Gethsemane. St. Helen is the patron of divorced people, empresses, difficult marriages, converts, and archaeologists. Her feast day is 18 August.

source: MorningOfffering@FB

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A Prayer to St. Helena, for Intercession 

Holy and blessed Saint Helena, 
with the anguish and devotion 
with which you sought the Cross of Christ, 
I plead that you give me God's grace 
to suffer in patience the labors of this life, 
so that through them 
and through your intercession and protection, 
I will be able to seek and carry the Cross, 
which God has placed upon me, 
so that I can serve Him in this life 
and enjoy His Glory ever after. 

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