Have you ever planted a tree? Well, it is quite the job.
First, you have to pick out the tree. The tree can not jump up and down and yell, "pick me, pick me". It can not seek you out and try to persuade you to take it home with you. No, you have to figure out which tree you want to take home.
When I became a Christian, it was because I was looking for the right God. I had a void inside of me that needed filling. So, what to plant? I did not see any God yelling, "pick me, pick me". No, I had to figure out which God I was going to take home with me.
Then you pick the tree. You look to see which is the greener, stronger and bears the best and most fruit. You do not want to take one home that has holes in the leaves, brown tips nor empty of food.
When I looked around at different religions I noticed that many had holes in their theology and were empty of nourishment to my spirit.
Does the trunk of the tree have a firm base? Will the trunk hold up in the wind or will it snap at with the strength of a storm?
I found in my search of spirituality that most religions had no strong foundation. That in the hard times there was nothing that one could hold on to for strength in the chaos of the day.
So, you find your tree and take it home. Where to put the tree? Should it be in the front yard or the back? Should I hide it from the neighbors or show it off in all its beauty? Where is the perfect place to put my new tree? I must remember to put it in the perfect place, so that I will not grow tired of it and want it to move to a new location. Because, once I have planted it...there it will stand.
I once had a woman tell me that my zealous attitude towards God would wain over the years. That I would loose my excitement and energy towards God. To an extent this is true. That newness does wear off, but if I have planted my God in the appropriate area of my spirit, I will continue to admire the beauty of my God.
So, I have made my decision and have found the perfect place to plant my tree. Now, how deep should I plant this tree? The roots need to go deep for nourishment and strength. It needs room to spread its root and grow tall. The tree needs to be deep enough that it will not lean to one side or the other.
I planted my God, deep within my spirit. If I did not, the ground would have been shaky. I need my God to hold me up so that I will not lean from one side or the other. His deep roots nourish me and keep me strong. A strong foundation.
Now that my tree is in the ground, I need to water it and keep the bugs from destroying it.
The tree of life that is within me is nourished by the Word of God. The enemy comes and tries to destroy my faith but, I have the insecticide of the Word to protect me. They can try but they can not succeed.
So, with time my tree will develop fruit, if I continue to nourish it and protect it. The tree will grow strong and give shade to the weary and beauty to the beholder. It will be a magnificent tree. Others will want the same tree I have and will ask "Where did you get that tree?"
I will tell them, there is only one tree. But, I will share this tree with you. It is my God. The Living God. He is tall and strong, with roots that go on forever. He gives you fruit to live on and shade from the turmoil of life. His foundation is assured and His protection unwavering. This tree I share with you is Jesus Christ.
In all things, God, gives peace to the weary, beauty to the eye and strength to those who feed upon His fruit. He is the tree that I lean on and pick from. He is planted in front of my house for all to see and I will share Him daily with all who will listen.
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