I do not like snakes. They, like mice, startle me. I do not like to be startled.
I stay away from snakes. But, if I am in the car and see one crossing the road, I will make a bee line for that snake and run right over it. Then I get the hibby gibbies thinking about the snake on my tires. I avoid snakes at all costs.
Just yesterday my brother, Only In His Service, and I were working in my backyard. My brother suddenly jumped, startled. You guessed it. A snake. But, I did not run, I did not jump on top of anything, instead I ran and got my camera. Who is this woman?
I stood there and took multiple pictures of this snake and it's little snake friend. I do not recognize this woman.
This morning while I was thinking and praying about blogging, God brought this event back to me and talked to me about the world. You see, I have grown to accept the snake as a way of life. I have grown accustom to the snake in my life. He, the snake, is the same, I have changed.
So, I have began to search myself. What else of this world have I grown accustom to and accepted into my life. Have I forgotten that I am not of this world. I did not see the change that brought acceptance of the snake in my life. Could it be that other worldly things have crept into my life and I did not notice. How worldly have I become?
I still do not want to touch the snake. But, I seem to have lost my fear and disgust with the snake. Slowly, I have accepted the snake. Letting him in inch by inch. How numb I have become to the snake.
Have I become numb to the things of this world and begun to just go with the flow. To allow myself to inch by inch fall into the schemes of the evil one. To say to myself "oh well, it's just a snake". No harm in seeing a snake, just do not touch the snake.
How easy it is to fall into the evil trap set aside just for us Christians. How easy to slide into the world and see it, accept it, but tell ourselves, "I will not touch it." Danger, Will Smith, Danger". There in lies our vulnerability. Telling ourselves I can look but not touch.
We, as Christians, are prey to the predator, Satan. Like the snake he spends his day looking for the vulnerable to devour. The prey, does not pay attention to their surroundings and succumbs to the predator. Loosing their life in the twinkling of an eye.
Search thyself.
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