Sabtu, 27 Desember 2008

Kebenaran Sejati di dalam KRISTUS

Percaya kepada Yesus Kristus sebagai Tuhan dan Juruselamat itu sebenarnya bukanlah agama, melainkan sebuah jalan masuk ke dalam kebenaran sejati dan hidup yang kekal. Banyak ajaran-ajaran di luar Kristus menyebut “dirinya” sebuah kebenaran bahkan kebenaran sejati, tetapi kebenaran sejati yang sesungguhnya adalah hanya terdapat di dalam Yesus Kristus. Hanya di dalam Kristuslah terdapat kehidupan yang kekal dan harta rohani yang tak terbatas.

Sebab iblis (lucifer) datang kepada manusia hanya untuk menyesatkan pikiran manusia, mencuri / menghilangkan rasa damai dari hati manusia, membunuh tubuh manusia, membawa paksa roh manusia ke alam maut untuk disiksa, dan akhirnya di akherat iblis dan manusia mengalami siksaan di neraka sampai selama-lamanya. Tetapi Yesus datang kepada kita manusia, supaya kita memiliki dan menikmati hidup ini di dalam segala kelimpahannya.

Kapan dan mengapa kita bisa memiliki hidup yang kekal? Kehidupan kekal dimulai sejak hati kita percaya bahwa Yesus Kristus telah mati di kayu salib karena menanggung hukuman dari Allah Bapa, untuk menggantikan kematian kita karena dosa-dosa kita, betapa menderitanya Yesus, tidak ada orang di dunia ini yang lebih menderita dibandingkan Tuhan Yesus. Oleh sebab itu kita menyebut Yesus sebagai Penyelamat.

Pesan Yesus kepada Kenneth E. Hagin setelah Yesus memberikan kepadanya Urapan Istimewa (Kuasa Kesembuhan ilahi) untuk melayani Orang-Orang Sakit.

“Berikanlah pujian dan kehormatan serta segala kemuliaan hanya bagi Tuhan untuk segala apa yang Tuhan sudah kerjakan. Berhati-hatilah dalam menggunakan uang, banyak hamba-hamba Tuhan yang telah Aku urapi untuk tugas semacam ini telah terperosok ke dalam “sifat cinta akan uang”, sehingga merekapun kehilangan pengurapan dan kuasa pelayanannya, yang pernah Aku berikan kepada mereka.
Ada banyak orang bersedia membayar mahal untuk memperoleh kesembuhan mereka, ada banyak orang tua bersedia mengeluarkan sejumlah besar uang untuk kesembuhan anak-anak mereka yang menderita sakit pada tubuhnya, mereka akan memberikan ribuan dollar demi kesembuhan anak-anak mereka. Banyak orang beroleh kelepasan selagi kamu menumpangkan tangan ke atas penderita.

Tetapi kamu tidak boleh menerima suatu harga pembayaran apapun bagi pelayanan pekerjaan ini, selain persembahan biasa yang diberikan dengan sukarela sebagaimana selama ini kamu jalankan. Bersikaplah setia kepada Tuhan, sebab waktu pehukuman sudah dekat.
…apabila kuasa urapan itu terasa menghilang darimu, berpuasa dan berdoalah sampai kuasa urapan itu kembali lagi ke dalam dirimu.”

Jumat, 26 Desember 2008

Doa Pribadi Untuk Menerima Yesus Kristus

"Yesus, pada saat ini, aku menerima Engkau dengan sungguh-sungguh di dalam hatiku sebagai Penyelamatku secara pribadi, Engkaulah Tuhanku, Engkaulah Penebusku, sebab sekarang aku percaya bahwa Engkaulah telah yang menghapus segala dosaku dengan darahMu di kayu salib,

dan sekarang ya Tuhan, pimpinlah hidupku, lindungilah aku dari kuasa iblis, tuntunlah aku oleh Roh KudusMu, kuasai aku, sucikan aku, jadikanlah aku sebagai ciptaan baru di dalam Engkau, ajarlah aku untuk membuang semua sifat dosaku sebelum kedatanganMu yang kedua, tanamkan benih FirmanMu dalam hatiku, penuhilah hatiku dengan kasihMu, ya Bapa, pakailah hidupku untuk melayaniMu, pakailah aku sebagai alatMu untuk memperluas kerajaanMu, pakailah aku untuk menjadi berkat buat sesamaku, baik berkat jasmani terutama berkat rohani.

Terima kasih Yesus buat anugerahMu, Dalam nama Tuhan Yesus, aku berdoa dan mengucap syukur kepada Bapa Surgawi."

Rabu, 24 Desember 2008


Hari Natal yang pertama yang luar biasa adalah ketika Maria mengandung dari Roh Kudus dan melahirkan Yesus Kristus - Anak Allah, bukan karena hasil hubungan suami istri. (Matius 1:18-25)
(Melahirkan Kristus secara jasmani)

Tetapi hari Natal yang terakhir dan yang terbesar adalah saat "Mempelai Wanita Kristus" melahirkan anak-anak Allah, yakni setiap Kristen yang menjalin hubungan rohani / kasih dengan Allah dan mengandung kebenaran Allah di dalam hatinya dengan kuasa Roh Kudus, membuang semua sifat dosa / daging, menjadi ciptaan baru dengan cara melahirkan karakter Kristus di dalam kehidupannya. (Yoh 3:29, Wahyu 12:1-6; 21:2,3,9-11, II Kor 5:17, Gal 6:15, I Yoh 3:1,9,23,24; 4:7; 5:1,4,18)
(Melahirkan Kristus secara rohani)

Hati Yesus akan dipuaskan dan sangat bersukacita bila Dia melihat bahwa kelahiranNya, kematianNya, dan kebangkitanNya di bumi ini tidak sia-sia, karena sanggup menuntun banyak orang ke dalam keselamatan abadi, dan hidup dalam kebenaran, kesucian, dan kesempurnaan Allah.

Apakah OBAT Untuk Semua Penyakit Fisik, Mental, dan Spiritual?

Jawab: Menjadi Pelaku Firman Allah, bukan hanya jadi Pendengar saja (Yakobus 1:22-25).
Untuk menjadi pelaku Firman, anda harus mengasihi musuh-musuh anda. Itu berarti anda harus bertindak berdasarkan kasih Allah terhadap musuh-musuh anda, entah anda menyukainya atau tidak.

Kalau seseorang berkata kepada anda,”Aku tidak suka padamu” – mintalah pertolongan Roh Kudus, ingatlah selalu, bahwa anda adalah ciptaan baru di dalam Kristus, jangan lupa bahwa anda adalah seorang yang mengasihi, bukan pembenci, karena kasih Allah telah dicurahkan ke dalam hati anda. Jangan membalas dan mengikuti sifat daging.

Sebaiknya katakan saja,”Aku mengasihimu, puji Tuhan! Kalau kamu memerlukan bantuanku, katakan saja; sungguh, kalau ada yang dapat kulakukan bagimu, katakan saja, aku akan melakukannya.” – orang-orang biasanya akan menyambut baik, sikap rendah hati yang penuh kasih.

Ingatlah selalu kepada Kristus, yang walaupun adalah Orang Benar tanpa dosa, bisa tidak disukai orang, bahkan dicaci-maki, dihina, diludahi, dihajar, dicambuk, dipaku sampai mati di kayu salib – apalagi kita yang masih banyak kekurangan sana-sini.
Jadi, marilah kita memberitakan cara menyembuhkan kebencian, yakni pengampunan dan kasih.

Beritakanlah cara menyembuhkan sikap yang tidak mau mengampuni, suka memaki, dan perselisihan, yakni: melalui Kasih Allah yang dipraktekkan.

Saya tahu dari pengalaman bahwa bila anda ingin sembuh, hidup sehat, memperoleh berkat-berkat yang terbaik dan semua berkat yang rohani dari Allah – anda harus hidup mengasihi musuh-musuh anda, berbuat baik kepada mereka, memberkati dan mendoakan mereka. (Matius 5:44, Roma 12:21) - (Kenneth Hagin)

Belajar Mengampuni Diri Sendiri dan Melupakan Masa Lalu Yang Buruk

Anda tidak hanya harus mengampuni orang lain, Anda juga harus belajar mengampuni diri Anda sendiri! – dan jangan lupa bahwa belajar mengampuni itu berarti juga belajar melupakan.
Kalau Anda tetap bergantung pada masa lalu, maka kehidupan Anda bagi Allah akan mengalami hambatan. Anda tidak akan menjadi orang Kristen yang berhasil jika Anda selalu memandang ke belakang.

Kalau Anda sudah minta ampun dan Allah sudah melupakan masa lalu Anda, mengapa Anda harus mengingat-ingatnya kembali? Bila Anda menuduh diri Anda sendiri dan terus-menerus merasa bersalah, maka IMAN Anda tidak akan bekerja.
Sebagai contoh: Rasul Paulus pun mengampuni dirinya sendiri (Filipi 3:12-14, I Timotius 1:11-16, Kis 9:1-6)
(Kenneth Hagin)

Hubungan Iman dan Pengampunan

"Anda tidak akan dapat meningkatkan iman Anda jika Anda belum mengampuni. Ini adalah kebenaran mutlak". (Lukas 17:3-5)

Ketika Yesus mengatakan bahwa kita harus mengampuni sebanyak 70 x 7 kali, maksudnya bukan dalam sepanjang hidup kita, melainkan dalam sehari. Hal itu menasihati kita supaya mempraktekkan sikap suka mengampuni.

Oleh karena itu, rasul-rasul berkata kepada Yesus,”Tambahkanlah iman kami!”
(Kenneth Hagin)

Apakah Karunia Roh Kudus yang tidak ada di dalam Jaman Perjanjian Lama?

Jawab: Karunia berbahasa roh (Kis 10:46, Kis 19:6, I Kor 14:2, I Kor 14:4)

Siapakah itu Nabi?

Nabi adalah seorang yang memiliki penglihatan dan menerima wahyu dari Tuhan.

Untuk memegang jabatan seorang nabi:

1. Seseorang haruslah pertama sekali menjadi pelayan Firman Tuhan, sama sekali terpisah dan terpanggil khusus untuk melayani tugas sesuai dengan panggilan Tuhan dalam hidupnya.

2. Paling sedikit memiliki 3 karunia Roh Kudus:

· 2 dari 3 jenis karunia pewahyuan (kata-kata hikmat, kata-kata pengetahuan, membedakan macam-macam roh).

· Ditambah karunia bernubuat.


Kehidupan duniawi ini bagaikan fatamorgana, sepertinya menyenangkan dan memuaskan manusia namun sesungguhnya tidak, karena yang benar-benar bisa memuaskan kehidupan manusia adalah kebenaran Allah, karena hanya kebenaranlah yang sanggup membebaskan manusia dari segala belenggu sifat-sifat dosa manusia, dari belenggu kuasa iblis, dari segala kutukan dosa adam maupun dosa sendiri.

Yang benar-benar bisa memuaskan kehidupan manusia adalah jika manusia itu hidup di dalam Kristus – karena Kristus adalah kebenaran yang Allah nyatakan buat manusia, di dalam Kristus lah baru kita bisa menikmati kebaikan Allah, kemurahanNya, dan kehidupan kekal.

Setelah kita percaya kepada-Nya, barulah kita bisa makan roti kehidupan dan minum air kehidupan yang membuat kita puas selama-lamanya, karena Yesus sendiri berkata,”Akulah Roti Hidup, barangsiapa datang kepadaKu, ia tidak akan lapar lagi, dan barangsiapa percaya kepadaKu, ia tidak akan haus lagi, …”Barangsiapa haus, baiklah ia datang kepadaKu dan minum!” (Yoh 6:35, Yoh 7:37)

Barangsiapa minum air kehidupan dari Yesus maka dari dalam hati kita akan mengalir aliran-aliran air hidup, yakni aliran Roh Kudus, aliran kuasa Allah; siapakah yang belum dibaptis dengan Roh Kudus, datanglah kepada Yesus dan minumlah! - semudah itukah? Yang memang mudah, semuanya memang mudah bagi kita yang percaya sepenuhnya kepada Dia, karena Dia sendiri yang mengundang kita dan berkata: “..datang kepadaKu dan minum!

“Marilah, barangsiapa yang haus, hendaklah ia datang, dan barangsiapa yang mau, hendaklah ia mengambil air kehidupan dengan cuma-cuma.” (Why 22:17)

Minggu, 21 Desember 2008

Yesus Menyembuhkan Banyak Orang Sakit

Injil Matius

15:29Setelah meninggalkan daerah itu, Yesus menyusur pantai danau Galilea dan naik ke atas bukit lalu duduk di situ.
15:30Kemudian orang banyak berbondong-bondong datang kepada-Nya membawa orang lumpuh, orang timpang, orang buta, orang bisu dan banyak lagi yang lain, lalu meletakkan mereka pada kaki Yesus dan Ia menyembuhkan mereka semuanya.
15:31Maka takjublah orang banyak itu melihat orang bisu berkata-kata, orang timpang sembuh, orang lumpuh berjalan, orang buta melihat, dan mereka memuliakan Allah Israel.

Yesus Dimuliakan Di atas Gunung

Injil Markus

9:2Enam hari kemudian Yesus membawa Petrus, Yakobus dan Yohanes dan bersama-sama dengan mereka Ia naik ke sebuah gunung yang tinggi. Di situ mereka sendirian saja. Lalu Yesus berubah rupa di depan mata mereka,
9:3dan pakaian-Nya sangat putih berkilat-kilat. Tidak ada seorangpun di dunia ini yang dapat mengelantang pakaian seperti itu.
9:4Maka nampaklah kepada mereka Elia bersama dengan Musa, keduanya sedang berbicara dengan Yesus.
9:5Kata Petrus kepada Yesus: "Rabi, betapa bahagianya kami berada di tempat ini. Baiklah kami dirikan tiga kemah, satu untuk Engkau, satu untuk Musa dan satu untuk Elia."
9:6Ia berkata demikian, sebab tidak tahu apa yang harus dikatakannya, karena mereka sangat ketakutan.
9:7Maka datanglah awan menaungi mereka dan dari dalam awan itu terdengar suara: "Inilah Anak yang Kukasihi, dengarkanlah Dia."
9:8Dan sekonyong-konyong waktu mereka memandang sekeliling mereka, mereka tidak melihat seorangpun lagi bersama mereka, kecuali Yesus seorang diri.
9:9Pada waktu mereka turun dari gunung itu, Yesus berpesan kepada mereka, supaya mereka jangan menceriterakan kepada seorangpun apa yang telah mereka lihat itu, sebelum Anak Manusia bangkit dari antara orang mati.

Yesus menyembuhkan orang tuli dan juga kesulitan berbicara

Injil Markus

7:31Kemudian Yesus meninggalkan pula daerah Tirus dan dengan melalui Sidon pergi ke danau Galilea, di tengah-tengah daerah Dekapolis.
7:32Di situ orang membawa kepada-Nya seorang yang tuli dan yang gagap dan memohon kepada-Nya, supaya Ia meletakkan tangan-Nya atas orang itu.
7:33Dan sesudah Yesus memisahkan dia dari orang banyak, sehingga mereka sendirian, Ia memasukkan jari-Nya ke telinga orang itu, lalu Ia meludah dan meraba lidah orang itu.
7:34Kemudian sambil menengadah ke langit Yesus menarik nafas dan berkata kepadanya: "Efata!"*, artinya: Terbukalah!
7:35Maka terbukalah telinga orang itu dan seketika itu terlepas pulalah pengikat lidahnya, lalu ia berkata-kata dengan baik.
7:36Yesus berpesan kepada orang-orang yang ada di situ supaya jangan menceriterakannya kepada siapapun juga. Tetapi makin dilarang-Nya mereka, makin luas mereka memberitakannya.
7:37Mereka takjub dan tercengang dan berkata: "Ia menjadikan segala-galanya baik, yang tuli dijadikan-Nya mendengar, yang bisu dijadikan-Nya berkata-kata."

Mazmur 27:10

Sekalipun ayahku dan ibuku meninggalkan aku, namun TUHAN menyambut aku.


Karunia bernubuat merupakan yang terpenting dari ketiga jenis karunia ucapan ( karunia bernubuat, karunia berbahasa roh, karunia menafsirkan / mengartikan bahasa roh ). Alasannya karena nubuatan sudah merangkum kedua karunia lainnya. (I Kor 14:5)
Orang yang bernubuat tidak secara otomatis menjadikan dia seorang nabi. Untuk dapat memenuhi tugas jabatan seorang nabi, maka seseorang harus memiliki paling sedikit 2 dari 3 jenis karunia pewahyuan (Karunia berkata-kata dengan hikmat, karunia berkata-kata dengan pengetahuan, karunia membedakan bermacam-macam roh).

Bernubuat merupakan suatu pengucapan berdasarkan kuasa ilahi dalam bahasa yang dapat dipahami orang. Gunanya adalah untuk membangun iman, menasihati dan menghibur jemaat Kristus. (I Kor 14:3)

Bernubuat, arti dalam bahasa Ibrani: “mengeluarkan atau mengalirkan terus.” Juga mengandung pengertian: terus menggelembung keluar bagaikan sebuah air mancur, membiarkan menetes, membiarkan terangkat, memancar keluar, membersit keluar. Arti “nubuat” dalam bahasa Yunani: “berbicara untuk orang lain.”

Di dalam I Kor 14:1-5, Paulus menganjurkan kepada kita supaya kita mengejar karunia rohani, terutama karunia untuk bernubuat; ini tidak berarti bahwa kita tidak perlu mengejar karunia-karunia lainnya, namun kita harus mengutamakan karunia untuk bernubuat.

Janganlah kita samakan karunia bernubuat dalam bentuk sederhana dengan tugas pelayanan seorang nabi. Lihat dalam I Kor 14:3, dengan mudah kita dapat melihat bahwa di dalam karunia bernubuat yang sederhana itu tidak terdapat sesuatu wahyu. Akan tetapi dalam pelayanan seorang nabi, kita sering melihat bahwa seorang nabi menerima suatu wahyu, bahkan kadang-kadang untuk kepentingan bernubuat.

Jadi sangat menarik apabila kita memperhatikan perbedaan antara bernubuat di dalam Perjanjian Lama dan Perjanjian Baru.

Dalam Perjanjian Lama, peranan nubuat ialah untuk meramalkan / memberitahukan sesuatu yang akan terjadi, sedangkan dalam Perjanjian Baru pengertiannya telah bergeser dari tugas meramalkan, menjadi hanya mengemukakan sesuatu; dalam karunia bernubuat yang sederhana malahan tidak terdapat bentuk ramalan apapun sama sekali.

Seperti telah disinggung di atas, kenyataan bahwa seseorang bisa bernubuat belum berarti bahwa orang itu telah menjadi nabi (I Kor 12:28-31). Sebagai contoh, masing-masing kita rata-rata memiliki uang tetapi tidak berarti bahwa kita adalah orang kaya raya, demikian juga orang yang bernubuat itu tidak berarti bahwa dia seorang nabi. Seorang nabi itu harus memiliki kelebihan dalam karunia Roh dan bukan hanya sekedar karunia bernubuat. Ia harus memiliki karunia pewahyuan yang berjalan bersama dengan karunia bernubuat itu. 

Contoh dalam Kis 21:8-11, empat anak Filipus beroleh karunia untuk bernubuat, pasti mereka pernah bernubuat selama berlangsungnya kebaktian, karena jika tidak tentu Paulus dan kawan-kawannya tidak mungkin mengetahui hal ini. Tampaknya mereka (4 anak Filipus) tidak pernah bernubuat terhadap Paulus, akan tetapi, ketika nabi Agabus datang, ia mempunyai amanat yang lebih besar dan tinggi kedudukannya yang diungkapkan dalam sebuah wahyu. Jadi kita lihat bahwa seorang nabi dapat bernubuat tetapi pesan yang ia sampaikan bisa saja bukan merupakan nubuatan, yang kita lihat dalam Kis 21:10,11 adalah karunia kata-kata hikmat yang sedang bekerja.

(Arti Khotbah: membuat pernyataan, mengumumkan sesuatu, menyerukan atau menyampaikan sesuatu) Ada orang beranggapan bahwa bernubuat sama saja dengan berkhotbah, akan tetapi bernubuat tidak sama dengan khotbah. Kadang-kadang ada unsur nubuatan dalam berkhotbah bila seseorang itu diurapi oleh Roh Kudus dan diilhami oleh Roh Kudus untuk menyatakan sesuatu yang datangnya dari hati dan bukannya dari otak manusia, akan tetapi hal ini baru merupakan salah satu segi saja dari cara bekerja sebuah karunia bernubuat. Tujuan Alkitab mengenai karunia bernubuat berbeda dengan tujuan berkhotbah. Yesus tidak berkata bahwa manusia bisa selamat karena tidak paham soal bernubuat melainkan karena tidak paham pendengaran akan firman Tuhan (melalui khotbah).

(Kenneth Hagin)

Perbedaan antara Kasih Manusia dan Kasih Allah

Kasih manusia adalah kasih yang sangat dipengaruhi mood (suasana hati), situasi dan kondisi di sekitarnya, tiba-tiba dapat saja berubah menjadi kebencian hanya dalam waktu yang sekejap, atau seringkali bertindak sebaliknya, misalnya seharusnya bertindak lembut malah keras, seharusnya tegas malah lunak.

Kasih Allah adalah kasih yang stabil, tidak berubah-ubah, tidak dipengaruhi oleh “musim”, kasih yang selalu bertindak pada saat yang tepat, kasih yang sangat panjang sabar, dan murah hati (Maz 30:5). Walaupun Kasih Allah itu sangat lembut namun kadang-kadang dapat menjadi sangat tegas, sebagai contoh, ketika Yesus mengambil cemeti dan mengusir para penukar uang untuk keluar dari bait Allah. Apakah Ia bertindak menurut kasih?

 Ya; anda lihat sisi tegas dari kasih. Allah adalah Kasih; ada sisi Allah yang murah hati dan lemah lembut, namun ada juga sisi Allah yang tegas dan menghakimi, … kasih ini menyerupai kasih orang tua terhadap anak-anaknya. (Amsal 13:24 “Siapa tidak menggunakan tongkat, benci kepada anaknya; tetapi siapa mengasihi anaknya, menghajar dia pada waktunya.”)

Jumat, 19 Desember 2008

Dimanakah roh orang-orang mati yang diselamatkan dalam zaman Perjanjian Lama dan zaman Perjanjian Baru?

Roh orang mati yang diselamatkan sebelum jaman Yesus (Perjanjian Lama) akan menuju Dunia Orang Mati Bagian Atas / ‘Pangkuan’ Abraham, karena Abraham Bapa orang beriman, bertugas di Dunia Orang Mati Bagian Atas. (Lukas 16:19-31)

Namun setelah Tuhan Yesus bangkit dan naik ke surga, roh mereka yang selamat hanya berada 3 hari di Dunia Orang Mati Bagian Atas kemudian mereka akan menuju SUATU TEMPAT DI FIRDAUS bersama-sama dengan Tuhan Yesus, yakni suatu TEMPAT PENANTIAN, untuk menantikan kedatangan Tuhan Yesus kedua kali di bumi, kemudian mereka akan diberi tubuh surgawi dan masing-masing akan menerima pembagian upah dari Tuhan.

Bagaimana keadaan mereka di tempat penantian itu?

Mereka sangat menikmati damai sejahtera Allah yang sejati, mereka menikmati kebahagiaan dan penuh dengan sukacita.

Di sana mereka tidak membuang-buang waktu, sebaliknya terus menerus mempelajari banyak pengetahuan rohani dari para malaikat dan para nabi, misalnya tentang Allah Tritunggal, surga, peraturan-peraturan dunia roh, dsb. Pengetahuan yang demikian tidak ada habis-habisnya. Mempelajari hal-hal rohani tidak pernah membosankan atau mengalami kesulitan, tidak seperti belajar di dunia ini.

Mereka juga selalu ingin tahu tentang apa yang sedang terjadi di dunia ini, tetapi terutama hal-hal yang terkait dengan kerajaan surga; misalnya ‘Bagaimana perkembangan gereja yang saya layani? Berapa banyak tugas yang diberi yang sudah dilaksanakan oleh gereja? Bagaimana perkembangan penginjilan di dunia?, dll. Jadi mereka akan sangat beersukacita / puas dan merayakannya bila mereka mendengar bagaimana Allah dipermuliakan melalui KKR-KKR dan acara-acara persekutuan lainnya.

Di tempat penantian itu berhimpun semua orang dari berbagai tingkatan rohani. Orang yang tingkat rohaninya lebih rendah memberi hormat dengan cara menundukkan kepala kepada orang yang tingkat rohaninya lebih tinggi, namun mereka yang memberi hormat melakukan hal itu bukan karena terpaksa tetapi memang keluar dari hati yang benar dan tulus.

Ada perkecualian bagi para nabi dan para rasul, mereka tidak berada di tempat penantian ini, namun mereka sudah berada di Yerusalem Baru untuk melayani pekerjaan Allah untuk mempersiapkan tempat bagi kita karena mereka sudah dikuduskan sepenuhnya dan mencerminkan hati Allah sepenuhnya; walaupun begitu, mereka masing-masing belum bisa ke rumah surgawi mereka masing-masing karena Penghakiman belum dilaksanakan.

Karena itu, di dalam nama Tuhan, saya memberkati anda supaya anda tidak hanya mengejar Yerusalem Baru dengan tingkat rohani yang tinggi seperti Paulus, namun juga memimpin banyak jiwa ke jalan keselamatan dengan cara memberitakan Injil sekalipun demi tugas tersebut anda harus mengorbankan nyawa anda

(Wahyu Tuhan untuk Jaerock Lee)


If you have seen this girl, especially those of you in Wichita, let me know. She may be in danger.

Kamis, 11 Desember 2008

Seorang Pastor Katolik menerima Baptisan Roh Kudus (Diceritakan ulang oleh Kenneth. E. Hagin)

Manifestasi Roh Allah bukan saja berlaku pada masa lampau, melainkan juga untuk masa sekarang. Seorang rekan dari anggota Gereja Baptis yang telah dipenuhi Roh Kudus, dan merupakan ketua Full Gospel Business Men’s Fellowship setempat (di Amerika), suatu saat menceritakan kepada saya tentang pengalamannya.
Ia bercerita,

“Saya lewat depan sebuah gereja Katolik dan tiba-tiba ada sesuatu yang seakan-akan menyuruh saya berhenti sejenak. Jadi saya masuk ke dalam halaman parkir gereja tersebut, berhenti dan duduk sebentar untuk berdoa.

Seperti ada suara yang menyatakan kepada saya bahwa pastor akan berdoa di ruangannya dan menyuruh saya agar saya masuk, menumpangkan tangan atas dia, dan dia akan dipenuhi dengan Roh Kudus, …saya ragu, saya tidak mau ditertawakan orang,… kemudian saya duduk di sana dan berdoa sejenak lagi,.. lalu saya memutuskan bahwa tidak ada salahnya kalau saya masuk saja, mungkin saya dapat bertemu dengan pastor itu, dan memperhatikan apakah Tuhan benar-benar membimbing saya.”

Pengusaha eksekutif itu masuk dan mengetuk pintu ruang belajar sang pastor. Sebuah suara mempersilahkan dia masuk, lalu dia membuka pintu dan melihat seorang pastor sedang duduk berhadapan dengan buku-buku yang terbuka di hadapannya. Ketika dia masuk, sang pastor berdiri dan memberi salam kepadanya, lalu mereka pun saling berkenalan.

Ketika pastor itu mendengar bahwa tamunya adalah ketua dari Full Gospel setempat, dengan segera dia berkata,”Puji Tuhan! Saya baru saja membaca buku tentang apa yang Allah kerjakan pada jaman ini tentang kegerakan Roh Kudus. Saya sedang membaca tentang Baptisan Roh Kudus dan Berbicara dalam bahasa roh, dan Tuhan menyatakan dalam roh saya bahwa hal inilah yang sedang saya butuhkan. 

Saya menyadari tentang kekurangan saya secara rohani. Baru 10 menit yang lalu saya menundukkan kepala saya dan berkata,”Tuhan, aku tidak mengenal siapapun di kota ini yang pernah mengalami hal semacam ini, kirimkanlah seseorang yang bisa berdoa bersamaku.” – Dan kini anda berada di hadapan saya.”

Pengusaha eksekutif ini berkata kepada saya,”Pastor ini berlutut dan berdoa sambil saya menumpangkan tangan saya ke atasnya, dan dengan segera dia mulai berbicara dalam bahasa roh sambil mengangkat kedua tangannya ke langit.”

Selasa, 09 Desember 2008

KASIH - Hukum Perjanjian Baru

Di bawah Perjanjian Baru, saling mengasihi adalah suatu perintah, bukan sekedar nasehat atau saran. (Yoh 13:34)

Mengapa kita harus mengasihi? Karena Yesus pun telah mengasihi kita dengan jalan rela mati disalib untuk menjadi korban perdamaian sebagai pemersatu antara Allah dan manusia yang sebelumnya terpisah karena dosa-dosa manusia.

Mengapa ada Perjanjian Baru? Karena Perjanjian Baru diadakan oleh Allah berdasarkan janji-janji yang jauh lebih tinggi daripada Perjanjian Lama. Perjanjian Lama sebenarnya hanya merupakan bayangannya saja, sedangkan wujud yang aslinya adalah Perjanjian Baru. (Ibr 8:7-13; Ibr 10:7-10,14-17, Yeremia 31:33,34)

Orang-orang yang berada di bawah Perjanjian Lama adalah orang-orang yang lahiriah; mereka belum dilahirkan kembali (lahir baru) sebab Yesus belum datang dan menebus mereka.
Orang-orang perjanjian lama -> melayani Allah dengan perlindungan darah binatang, belum di dalam perlindungan darah Yesus yang ajaib; mereka harus berhadapan dengan peraturan dan tata cara di dunia; mereka belum dapat dipimpin oleh hati atau roh mereka, karena mereka belum dilahirkan secara rohani (lahir baru); dan di bawah perjanjian lama, bila seseorang melanggar salah satu hukum Taurat maka dianggap melanggar seluruh hukum itu.

Namun, di bawah Perjanjian Baru, kita dilahirkan kembali sebagai ciptaan baru ( II Kor 5:17 ). Karena roh kita telah diciptakan baru maka Allah dapat menulis hukum-Nya di dalam hati kita. Karena itu kita tidak lagi hidup di bawah hukum perjanjian lama beserta peraturan dan tata caranya yang bertujuan untuk mengendalikan kehendak manusia lahiriah / daging.

Melalui kelahiran baru, roh kita diperbaharui kembali, karena itu, kita dapat dipimpin oleh Allah melalui roh kita sebab di dalam roh yang demikianlah ada kasih Allah.( II Kor 5:17, Efesus 4:24 )

Orang yang sungguh-sungguh lahir baru tidak lagi memiliki keinginan untuk berbuat dosa, walaupun kadang-kadang tubuh atau pikiran kita masih bisa tersandung, tetapi keinginan di dalam hati kita untuk berbuat dosa sudah hilang.

Hal lain yang menarik tentang kasih Allah adalah bahwa kasih itu tinggal di dalam hati manusia, bukan di dalam pikiran atau tubuhnya; hal itu terjadi karena hati adalah satu-satunya bagian dari manusia yang mengalami ciptaan baru.

Karena itu kita masih mempunyai tugas yang sangat diharapkan oleh Allah, yakni memperbarui pikiran kita; mengapa? Karena pikiran adalah tempat manusia mendapatkan masalah; karena pikiran manusia merupakan “medan pertempuran” antara Allah dan iblis. Oleh karena itu kita harus memperbarui pikiran kita dengan firmanNya, sehingga pikiran kita dapat selaras dengan Roh Kudus yang ada di dalam hati kita; sebab penghalang utama dari iman yang berada di hati / roh manusia adalah pikiran manusia lahiriah. (Efesus 3:23,24)

Jadi, ketika Yesus menggenapi Perjanjian Lama, Ia pun sekaligus menetapkan Perjanjian Baru dengan meterai darah-Nya (Ibr 12:24); jadi orang yang hidupnya saling mengasihi karena kasih Allah, otomatis ia sudah memenuhi hukum Taurat.

(I Yoh 3:14-18,23)

Kita tahu, bahwa kita sudah berpindah dari dalam maut ke dalam hidup, yaitu karena kita mengasihi saudara kita. Barangsiapa tidak mengasihi, ia tetap di dalam maut.

Setiap orang yang membenci saudaranya, adalah seorang pembunuh manusia. Dan kamu tahu, bahwa tidak ada seorang pembunuh yang tetap memiliki hidup yang kekal di dalam dirinya.

Demikianlah kita ketahui kasih Kristus, yaitu bahwa Ia telah menyerahkan nyawa-Nya untuk kita; jadi kitapun wajib menyerahkan nyawa kita untuk saudara-saudara kita.

Barangsiapa mempunyai harta duniawi dan melihat saudaranya menderita kekurangan tetapi menutup pintu hatinya terhadap saudaranya itu, bagaimanakah kasih Allah dapat tetap di dalam dirinya?

Anak-anakku, marilah kita mengasihi bukan dengan perkataan atau dengan lidah, tetapi dengan perbuatan dan dalam kebenaran.

Dan inilah perintah-Nya itu: supaya kita percaya akan nama Yesus Kristus, Anak-Nya, dan supaya kita saling mengasihi sesuai dengan perintah yang diberikan Kristus kepada kita.

Sabtu, 06 Desember 2008

SONG: Blessings and Honor - Terry MacAlmon

The Vision of the Doors of Destiny (Susan Cummings)

These past few days, the Lord has been showing me a series of things that he has for His people. With the many prophetic words and decrees that have gone forth over the internet concerning the New Year, I have hesitated to release anything into the mix. I have waited awhile longer for the Lord to complete this communication to me, so that the people of God would understand what I have been given.

It is not my intention to bring attention to myself in this encounter, but to show forth the hour of opportunity that each child of God has now come to, in the timing of God. Our lives are just a reflection of the Lord's dealings in His People. We are transparent, so that He can be seen.

This is what I have been given:

I have had a recurring vision of standing in a darkened room or area and I am watching many windows or doors with long curtains hanging in front of them. Each of these openings have a single colored curtain, and each has a specific color or fabric. Some are brightly colored, while others are more pastel and some are more subdued in its brilliance. Others have unique fabrics and textures to them, and others have shimmering lights woven into them.

Each of the curtains are moving slightly, and it seems like a breeze is gently causing each to sway in the light breeze. There are also others doors that are further away from these that I see close up. I also discern that there are natural doors, like caves, and ones that are man made. But each has a purpose and a timing for its opening and closing.

As I am watching these curtains gently sway before their doors, I sense that the Lord is waiting for a response from me. I don't really know what to do, so I wait and watch. I know that the Lord will speak to me when He is ready or when I have received what I have been sent to learn. The Lord comes up next to me, and points at the doors with the curtains.

He says to me, "These are the doors that have been awaiting the release of those who will enter them, and fulfill their destiny." I look at each one again. Each is different, and each is made for that individual, that is why each had a unique color or quality, or so I thought. The Lord nodded.

"You are only partly correct. Each of My People have the same opportunity to serve Me. Each can come to Me, and obtain all that they need to walk out their destinies. Each has a specific calling and purpose, but each can choose and say no. I will not force anyone to come to Me, or to serve Me, or to walk out their walk. Each must desire Me above themselves or their own desires and plans."

"What you see before you are the doors of release that await you and My People who I have now brought forth. Each is a specific path for this hour, and each course will determine their final assignments. But take a close look and choose wisely. For each is a set course and cannot be altered nor exchanged after the choice is made, for time is short. For each one who chooses to serve Me, must utterly cast off their own will and pick up Mine, and then walk out that choice and it's following results."

"Each of the doors are also the release of gifts and different expressions of Myself that each will show when they walk forth into those doors. But what they express will also be affected by their amount of dying to their own selves. For what they cleave to of themselves will also come forth as they walk out their choice, as they allow their humanity to influence their destiny and their fruit that will come forth with it. I will explain it this way... If you do not entirely let go of all areas of your life and give them to Me, and fully allow Me to inhabit those areas, then what remains will taint My Presence and eventually cloud and distort the purity of My Reflection within you. The result will not be a full transformation, and will be a mixture."

"I desire that each of Mine will be a pure vessel. I am coming to all of My Children, and bringing them to their place of choosing. Whatever is in their hearts, will be what they will be drawn to. This will result in their final placement and portion. Each will serve Me, but what the results of that service will be, is up to them. I will not force anyone. Each will give their hearts to Me, or they will retain them. I will not force My Love upon anyone, nor receive forced Love that is not sincerely offered."

"What you see before you, is also your choice too. Look before you, and then choose your door." I looked at the Lord, and then back at the doors. I thought that I already had been released and knew the course that the Lord had for me. As I have been coming to the Lord and have received many changes in myself and my ways. I was confused as to the new shift and the new commission before me. The Lord watched as I struggled within myself and searched for understanding.

The Lord waited. He watched and waited for me to come to a choice. I had no choice. I could not make one. I did not want any of the doors before me, and could not identify with any of them. The Lord said, "The doors are for each to choose. Even you. Each much choose daily to serve Me, and to lay down their lives for Me and for the Harvest. There are many choices along the way. Each choice leads to another juncture and setting in My Timing for you, and then another choice is required. But in this Hour in the times of men. I am opening the final series of releases and am positioning My People into their places. So, you are at the season of new release, along with My People, and you will walk through and begin the next phase of your destiny. As will all of My People. Each to their own choice."

I looked at the doors. I went and drew closer to see them, and to view their curtains. Each door had a unique quality and set of events that would occur to the one who would enter into it. Each had a unique anointing that would be upon them and empower them to walk out that choice. Each had a specific gifting that would enable the individual to express the Lord uniquely in their walk. There were so many, and some were more compelling than the others.

Some had shining lights that glittered throughout the fabrics and compelled the viewer to their brilliance, it seemed. The one that I stood in front of was like this. I did not desire the brilliance of these lights nor the feeling of the brilliance of the lights as it seemed to illuminate the person and I drew back. I felt afraid of the beckoning lights and I sensed uneasiness about the door.

The Lord said to me, "This is good. Some of My People choose the more brilliant and public doors that bring great public exposure and brilliance, but fail to realize that it will also illuminate them, and this causes them to fall into pride and arrogance, as they cannot stand in the light without receiving it into themselves. They never gave me all of their hearts, so when the illumination comes, it exposes the area of darkness and they take the light of the gifts to themselves, and it brings them to a place of imbalance, mixture, and self destruction. Very few walk purely in the arena of public gifting and in the display of My True Power. The more of My Power and Glory that is displayed, the more death that is necessary to release it and to reflect Me. Few handle My Gifts and honor them rightly without coveting the glory. But, all men can choose which portion of Me that they desire to reflect. All of My Gifts are available to all men, and are always freely given. Many want the most prominent gifts and callings, but fail to bring the changes necessary into their lives to enable them to walk purely in that calling. But fewer still fail to fully weigh the responsibilities of their choice."

I looked at the other doors. I walked up to one that had a silky and shiny fabric in front of it. It felt like water flowing through my hands. It was so lovely to hold and it was a deep blue in color. It was very heavy even though it was silky. The fabric was not what it seemed to be. It bore a weight that did not match its appearance. I did not feel any strong drawing or attachment to this curtain, so I released it too. I stepped back and looked at it. It shimmered in the darkness, and awaited its owner to walk through it. The Lord nodded and said. "This one also bears much responsibility. My gifts are without repentance, so each must fully weigh their choices and know that their choice will bear fruit in their lives, for good or for bad. This represents the beauty of My Presence and the weight of My Glory that flows through My Gifts. For each reflects Me. But the weight of My Glory will crush those who have not fully surrendered their hearts to Me. For I Am Holy, and My Glory will not abide in those who do not walk clean."

"This door is another path of expression of Me. It bears much responsibility too. It is a path of revelation that unveils much about My Glory and My Presence, and My Word, but it bears much hardship. The greater the revelation, the greater the death and obedience that is required to walk in it. Many want to walk in My Truth, but do not want to pay the price of that knowledge. But I give all of My People the choice. They can walk in My Truth or not. I will not force anyone to come to My Light or to My Truth. Each much come freely and know Me. The ones who walk through this door will reflect My Word. It will also reflect what is in them. It will also judge what is in them that has not been given to Me, that is why I desire that all men allow Me to judge them first. For judgment must come for My people to learn righteousness. Then they can effectively teach My truth and rightly divide it."

I nodded and walked to the next curtain. It was a fabric that had many weaves and patterns woven into its folds. It was not a bright or alluring color, but it was pleasing to look at, and was heavier than the others. It has patterns of fruits and plants woven into it. It was a kind of beige or natural color. I reached out and touched its folds and felt the woven images. It was a strong fabric and it bore many things. But I could not find within me a desire for this one either. I was beginning to wonder if I had something within me that was not given to the Lord, because I couldn't identify with any of these so far. But, I waited anyways. Searching myself as I walked.

The Lord stood at this one. He said, "This door is one of great weight and responsibility as the others. Each of them bears a great responsibility. But this one is very heavy. It is the weight of My Word. My Word is brought forth through this door through teaching and impartation of Truth. Those who choose this door, receive great understanding of My Word and the anointing to teach it to My People. Many desire this gift, and path. But fail to walk in its light. As I said before, My Word judges and reflects Me. If the person has not brought every area of their life under total authority and submission to My Word, that same Word will show forth their walk. My Word is a lamp unto their feet and a light upon their paths. But those who teach My Word, are entrusted with the Holiness of My Word and must reflect that Holiness. I am the Living Word. But few honor Me, and My Word. Few give My Word utter and total Lordship over their lives and their giftings and destinies. They only want My Word, till they get what they desire, then they walk on in their own ways. Those who teach My Word will have no excuse before My Father. For the Word will judge them and their actions, for they know the Word, and teach others to do likewise. Much Blood has been shed in this door. Many are led into destruction by those who teach My Word falsely and with insincere hearts. I am raising up those who will be Lovers of My Truth, and who will reflect Me to others through My Word. This is available to all who desire it, and who will treasure My Word as Precious."

On and on I walked. Past many doors and curtains, but I could sense no compelling drawing to any of these. Much was revealed to me by the Lord regarding the many gifts and expressions of Himself that he is now releasing, and that awaited its time to be seen in the earth.

I then came to a cave. It had a rough covering of some type that just fit over it. It was not compelling or even pleasing to see, but I felt its fabric in my hands. It has a feeling of roughness and of un use. I just felt that few chose this door. I felt that many had come this way, but few had entered in or chose this path due to its uniqueness and its placement. It was farther away from the others. I sensed a drawing to this one, but at the same time, I felt the desire to search more. There was still something that I had not found yet.

The Lord saw my hesitancy. He nodded and said, "This is a very important door. It is the door of sacrifice. It is a very costly door and it is very highly esteemed among heaven. Sacrifice births forth the Kingdom of Heaven. For the Kingdom of Heaven is come to men, and is now within them if they choose it to be. But sacrifice is the price of obedience. My Sufferings is revealed through this door. It is the door to My Sufferings and to My Glory. It is through sacrifice that true change comes and the Light of My truth shines forth. All of My Mighty Men are trained in these caves of obscurity. But few pay the price to be changed, so they can take the message to My People so that they too can enter in. Few want to be transparent. Many want to be seen as important and as in high positions of authority in the earth, but few will lay their lives down for their brethren, to reflect Me. I am the pearl of great price. It will cost you your life to enter in, and to be My Reflection. This path brings great reward and many souls to My Father.

We walked on and passed many more. Each stood with its own path and purpose. But I could not find any that I could embrace. Although I wanted to embrace each one, as I truly did want to reflect the Lord is whatever way He desired me to, and it did not matter, for I would walk in His choice, but He did not choose for me. He waited. I began to grieve, as I felt that I had not found the place for me here, and I had missed it somewhere. I began to think of the many times I had encountered the Lord and the lessons that I had learned in them. Each was precious to me and had brought me closer to Him.

I said to Him, "Lord, I cannot choose any of these. I do not feel my destiny is here with these." I then began to recall several times that the Lord had brought me into His Heart last year.

In one visionary experience, my spirit left my body after a meeting, and I rose up into the heavenlies, and saw the stars and the heavens. I saw this small square hatch type door open before me. Inside the door was the milky way, the heavens, the planets, the stars and all of creation. I suddenly understood that all of creation was in the Fathers Heart before He ever created it. I felt compelled to enter in this door.

In this door was a room of sorts. There was a loud drum beating in this room. I was told to shut the door behind me. I turned and shut the hatch. It seemed to disappear as I did and the walls became a living wall. I turned and I saw that I was in a huge heart. It was beating loudly as at first and it echoed throughout the chamber that I was in. I could feel the heartbeat of the Father, and was overwhelmed at its size and capacity for Love. With each beat that I heard and felt in that room, I understood the Father truly loves His creation and cares for it. He spoke it forth from Himself and imparted Himself into it as He did. All things existed through Him, for Him, and by Him.

It is here that I felt at home. Another time, I was back in the Fathers heart again, and I saw a desk and chair in this heart. I saw myself sitting at the desk and writing the things that the Fathers heart was beating. I did not want to leave this place. I felt at one with His Heart beat and it echoed throughout my being. But, all of a sudden, I was back in my body again after this first experience. All of these emotions welled up within me, as I re-thought about them again. This is where I belonged.

I said to the Lord, "Lord I do not desire these doors as the one to walk through. I do desire to be used by you in any of them if you choose for me to. I desire to be your vessel in any way that you choose me to. I am your servant and you can make me into whatever you desire. I take no thought for my future, for you are all that I desire. But, I cannot help but remember when you allowed me to experience Your Heart and what You feel and how much You love us. I entered into that door, as You brought me into it, I felt so close to you and your love beat all around me. I would like to choose that door if I could again. I would like to sit at that desk that I saw, and write of what your heart beats about, and of your desires, and the great love that You have for your people. I would like to write of you. I desire that your people know you and also have your heart."

"I choose this door. The door to Your Heart. For I do not desire greatness or luxuries, but I desire You. I want to know You, and to be able to tell others who You are, and what You feel, and reflect You to them. There is nothing else for me, but You. I cannot choose any other path."

I waited. My heart beat with longing for His Presence and Love, but I could only embrace that which He allowed me to. I looked at the Lord and felt that I maybe had not asked correctly. For the doors around us were shown to me, but what I desired was not here. The Lord came over to me, and took me into His arms. He enveloped me in His embrace, and held me close. I felt such acceptance from Him that I no longer felt grief or uncertainty. I felt secure in Him. He drew back after a minute, and smiled and said, "There is no other place that I desire for you to be, but in My heart. My Father and I are one. Our heart has desired that men would seek us. Oh, that men would seek us, and desire to know us, and to be one with us. For I was sent to earth to reveal the Father to men. I showed the way, for all men to come and know us, and be free. But each Man must choose his destiny."

"It is a great delight for us to bring you into Our Heart. Few want to know our Love or to walk with us. Few desire to change or to be free. They desire their own ways and future. The Father always answers those who desire to come to Him. He delights in those who love Him and want to be like Him. Many want to reflect Him, and use His Gifts, but they do not want to be Holy. They do not want to embrace Him or to live in His Light. Many use My Word, My Father, My Gifts, and My Name for their own uses, but that day is ending. The night has come, and no man will now stand under the Glory of the Father, and walk in their own ways. All will be seen and all will be clean. All will be required to choose whom they will serve fully. Those who choose to come to us, will be ours. They will be under My Blood and in My House."

"My Father sent me to prepare a place for you, and all of My People. I have done so. All is in readiness. All will enter in, who desire Truth, and who love My Word, more than themselves. It pleases us that you desire to know us, and to come to us, and to bring that knowledge of us to His People. My Word is a Living Word and it brings life to all who will receive it. My Father is calling to those who would come and partake, and then feed to those who will follow after them. It is time for the People of God to know their God."

"Be at peace, daughter, for I know all things. I knew your choice, before you made it, but I have to bring you to this place, as I do all of Mine. Each must choose. Each is responsible for that choice. Each must embrace Me in it, and reflect Me through it. I would have loved you no matter which choice you made. I would have used you in any choice, and any gift that you desired that I pour through you. I would have been reflected through you in the degree that you allowed me to. I am glorified through each of Mine, as the Father is also glorified. Each choice is just as important as the other. Each is a part of Us, and reflects Us. Each is available to all who seek Us, and desire to be made into Our Image."

"What you have asked for, I always grant. I desire that all men would want to know My Heart, and to share it with others. For such is the Kingdom of God, the Love. Love is the greatest of all gifts, and is the foundation upon which all things exist and flow through. For God is Love. I AM Love. All things exist through Me, and out of Me, and Love upholds all things. Because of My great Love for you, I created all things, so that you could know that great love. It is just many of the things that I desire My People to know. I love them. I died for them, so that they could know that love and be with Me where I am. It is time for Love to be released in My House again. It is time for Love to be given and shared amongst the Church. It is time for true Love to be released and true Life to come forth. It is time for change. My People are known by their love. They reflect Me. The world is looking for Truth and for Love. It is time to shine forth with My Love and to communicate it to the darkness and to bring the imprisoned out into My Light."

"Enter in. Take your place in My Heart. Sit, and learn of Me. Write what I show you and what I speak to you. Many will come and sit where you will sit, and they also will write of Me. For I am bringing great Grace to those who are searching for Me. Great Grace is given to the thirsty and the hungry, and the naked. I will feed them, and fill them, and clothe them with Myself. I will reveal Myself to those who will receive Me. Write of Me, for many will read, and will embrace Me. I will be glorified through My Words. I will receive My Own to Myself and the Father."

"I am bringing greater understanding to the Earth of who I AM. All men will know that there is a Living God. All men will know that I AM. All men will come to a knowledge of Me, and will choose their final destiny."

"The Earth will shake with the knowledge of Me."

"The heavens will shake with the knowledge of Me."

"The seas will roar with the knowledge of Me."

"There will be no excuse. All men will see that I am in control of all things. The heavens and the Earth are Mine. The heavens and the Earth reflect Me and what I am doing in this hour."

"Great travail will now increase, as men are ushered into their final destinies. Great Grace will also be given to Mine who serve Me, and who reflect Me in this hour. For I will reap My Harvest, and it will be seen. Great darkness has come, and all men who refuse the knowledge of Me will be given over to the darkness and will be separated from Me. Many have warned and have faithfully cried out. Now it has come. The Storm has begun."

"Take your place. My Own are now taking their places. All is in readiness. All is now brought forth."


Jumat, 05 Desember 2008

Repost: Victory

I was asked by Bluebirdy, whatever happened with the demonic spirit in my house. This is a repost of that situation. Just for you Bluebirdy. You are, soooo, in my prayers.

I have not written a lot lately because of a situation in my life. I wrote a bit about it in a previous post, but will now write of the whole thing.My home was inhabited by a spirit. Since, I see into the spirit realm this would not seem to be much of a problem, except that it would not leave. We tried all we knew to do. My husband and I prayed together for it to leave twice, a friend and myself prayed, I fasted and prayed, but to no avail.I could not understand why it would not bow at the knee of Jesus. I pressed in to God and received prayers from many. There was lots of advise and warnings, but nothing would help. I have removed many a demon from other peoples homes by the grace of God. But, my own home was quite the mess.After a while, our visitor, started to feel like one of us. We always wanted it to leave, but we became use to it and were no longer startled nor uncomfortable with it around.It told me its name. "Bebet". God had once shared with me that you can power over some by knowing its name. It stayed on the second floor and if someone came to the house it would come down to see who was here and then go back up stairs. It would, at times, get on top of me. When this happened it felt like a weight was on me. I would then tell it to get off of me by Jesus name and it would get off. But, it would not leave my home.Finally, a friend called and said that she thought the folks on my prophetic team should come over and pray this thing out. So, we set the date and last Saturday we prayed.After one,on the team, showed up early and we sat on my porch, this spirit came out and began to torment me. About every two minutes it would get on me. I could feel it trying to get inside of me. The feeling was unnerving but, I stood my ground.We worshiped before we started. While worshiping it visited us. Three on the prophetic team are Christian sensitives, including me. We would get dizzy when it was in the room. At one point, I realized that all three of us were walking backwards at the same time. It was pushing us back. Again we stood our ground.When we went upstairs we all prayed. There was eight of us walking from room to room. We heard it cry "help". One heard it moan and scream. For myself the battle that was going on inside of my head intensified. It was speaking to me and trying to gain control through me. I fought hard. To near exhaustion.Finally, we began to shout in prayer. To contend with the heavenlies. We cursed this thing, we praise God, we read loudly from the Bible. We stomped our feet, we cried to the Lord, and finally we won.While praying in the spirit and shouting to the Lord, those that had gone to the lower floor said that the lights were flickering and things were swaying. They were praying on the lower floor as hard as we were on the second.Praise God. Praise God. This thing is gone. Gone!!!My house has been swept clean and everything is right again. What did I learn? I learned that "This kind come out through prayer and fasting. That some times the resolution of such things is in God's plan. He may just be teaching you something. What did he teach me?He taught me that in this age, when evil is being release onto the land, that standing firm will be harder than ever. That we have never had to contend we such evil power as we will now. That demons talk common since and God in not necessarily in common since. That the victory is always God's but we do and can get in the way of victory. That if we are not prepared for battle and in this age that is upon us, we need to always be prepared, that the fight we be ongoing and our spiritual defense will be broke down.I have learned how badly we need our brothers and sisters in Christ. That through that loving family and their righteous anger love conquers all. As families should be, they will not settle for one of their own being tormented by anything.So, all in all, I have learned how to "Fight the good fight". We, as Christians, need to see the world for what it is. It is not our home and as a foreigner in a foreign land we are not accepted. Not accepted by the world nor the evil of the spirit realm. In this place of prejudiced we have to be close to the one who gives us strength, who gives us courage and who gives us love. We can not go into battle without Him. We can not battle the forces around us without the light of God not His weapons. We need, above how, to prepareThis is not a time to be lazy not compliant. This is a time to prepare.Ephesians 6:12For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.With this in mind we should prepare for the coming and existing battle. Because the enemy is not dumb, he attacks with familiarity, He knows you and finds ways to attack that are personal and can be emotional. He is creative and clever in battle and without God there is no way that you will be prepared. So, prepare. Press into God and put on your weapons of warfare and never take them off. You, my friend, walk in victory, but only if you prepare.Romans 8:36-39"For your sake we face death all day long; we are considered as sheep to be slaughtered." No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us. For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.

Rabu, 03 Desember 2008

Rahasia 3 Tingkat LANGIT

1. Langit pertama – Alam Semesta Jasmani di mana kita hidup / alam fisik

2. Langit kedua – Alam Semesta Rohani / “Padang Gurun” (Wah 12:6) yang berada di antara langit pertama dan langit ketiga; sebagian daerah diberi Allah untuk tempatnya iblis / roh-roh jahat (Efesus 2:2) dan sebagian daerah lagi dikuasai oleh Allah.

3. Langit ketiga – Alam Semesta Rohani di mana terdapat Firdaus, kerajaan Surga / Yerusalem Baru / Kerajaan Allah dan Anak Domba (Yesus Kristus) / Kerajaan Terang

Rahasia tentang alam fisik dan alam roh ini sangat luas sehingga tidak bisa dijangkau oleh pikiran manusia, sebab alam-alam ini selain bertingkat tetapi juga berdampingan, berdampingan tetapi tidak berbenturan, mempunyai banyak dimensi yang tentunya manusia akan bingung jika memikirkannya.

Pembagian Surga Menurut Ukuran IMAN ( Wahyu TUHAN kepada Rev. Jaerock Lee)

  1. IMAN yang bagaikan rumput kering / jerami: tempatnya di Firdaus
  2. IMAN yang bagaikan kayu: tempatnya di Kerajaan Surga Tingkat I
  3. IMAN yang bagaikan permata: tempatnya di Kerajaan Surga Tingkat II
  4. IMAN yang bagaikan perak: tempatnya di Kerajaan Surga Tingkat III
  5. IMAN yang bagaikan emas: tempatnya di Kota Yerusalem Baru

( I Kor 3:12-15 )

Saat-saat Pertemuan Pertama dengan Yesus - Sang Mempelai Pria Surgawi dalam Perjamuan Kawin Anak Domba (Penglihatan Rev. Jaerock Lee)

Sebelum anda akan memasuki ruang perjamuan kawin Anak Domba di dalam istana yang sangat besar, anda akan menemukan alam yang begitu cemerlang dan bercahaya yang belum pernah anda lihat. Anda akan merasa seolah-olah tubuh anda lebih ringan dari bulu. Anda akan melihat suatu langit dan sebuah danau yang sangat jernih dan bersih sehingga tampak berkilau bagi mata anda. Danau ini bersinar bagaikan permata yang indah saat airnya beriak.
Semua daerah dipenuhi dengan bunga-bunga berwarna-warni dan pohon-pohon yang hijau. Bunga-bunga bergoyang seolah melambaikan tangan pada anda dan anda akan mencium bau harum yang begitu wangi yang belum pernah anda cium. Segera burung-burung yang berwarna-warni datang dan menyambut anda dengan kicauan nyanyian mereka. Di danau yang begitu bening, anda dapat melihat jauh hal-hal yang berada di bawah permukaan air, ikan-ikan yang sangat cantik menyembulkan kepalanya dan menyambut anda.
Bahkan rumput di mana anda berdiri terasa bagaikan kapas. Ada angin yang berhembus membuat pakaian anda berkibar dengan lembut.
Pada waktu itu suatu cahaya yang terang terlihat oleh mata anda dan anda melihat ada Seorang yang berdiri di dalam terang tersebut. Dengan senyum lembut di wajah-Nya, Dia memanggil anda untuk mendekat kepada-Nya dengan tangan-Nya yang terbuka lebar. Ketika anda menghampiri-Nya, wajah-Nya mulai terlihat jelas.
Anda akan melihat wajah-Nya untuk pertama kalinya namun anda sangat mengenali siapa Dia dengan baik. Dia adalah Tuhan Yesus, Mempelai Pria Surgawi, yang anda sangat cintai dan rindukan untuk bertemu sepanjang hidup anda.
Pada waktu itu, air mata mulai berlinang di pipi anda; anda tidak dapat menahan air mata anda karena anda akan teringat saat-saat anda dididik oleh-Nya di bumi ini; anda dapat melihat Yesus muka hadap muka karena oleh-Nya anda dapat mengatasi segala keadaan di bumi bahkan keadaan yang tersulit sekalipun, termasuk menghadapi banyak pencobaan dan aniaya.
Tuhan Yesus akan menghampiri anda, memeluk anda, dan berkata kepada anda,”MempelaiKu, Aku menunggu datangnya hari ini. Aku mencintaimu.”
Mendengar perkataan itu, air mata anda akan semakin bercucuran, kemudian Tuhan Yesus akan menghapus air mata anda dan merangkul anda dengan lebih erat.
Saat anda melihat mata-Nya, anda akan dapat merasakan hati-Nya:”Aku mengetahui segala sesuatu tentang engkau. Aku mengetahui semua air mata dan penderitaanmu.”
Di sana hanya ada kebahagiaan dan sukacita.
Sudah berapa lama kah Anda merindukan saat-saat itu? Ketika anda berada di pelukan-Nya, Anda merasakan damai sejahtera dan sukacita yang sangat besar menyelimuti tubuh Anda.