119:1 | Blessed are those whose lives have integrity, those who follow the teachings of the LORD. |
119:2 | Blessed are those who obey his written instructions. They wholeheartedly search for him.
119:3 | They do nothing wrong. They follow his directions. |
119:4 | You have commanded that your guiding principles be carefully followed. |
119:5 | I pray that my ways may become firmly established so that I can obey your laws. |
119:6 | Then I will never feel ashamed when I study all your commandments. |
119:7 | I will give thanks to you as I learn your regulations, which are based on your righteousness. |
119:8 | I will obey your laws. Never abandon me. |
119:9 | How can a young person keep his life pure? He can do it by holding on to your word. |
119:10 | I wholeheartedly searched for you. Do not let me wander away from your commandments. |
119:11 | I have treasured your promise in my heart so that I may not sin against you. |
119:12 | Thanks be to you, O LORD. Teach me your laws. |
119:13 | With my lips I have repeated every regulation that comes from your mouth. |
119:14 | I find joy in the way shown by your written instructions more than I find joy in all kinds of riches. |
119:15 | I want to reflect on your guiding principles and study your ways. |
119:16 | Your laws make me happy. I never forget your word. |
119:17 | Be kind to me so that I may live and hold on to your word. |
119:18 | Uncover my eyes so that I may see the miraculous things in your teachings. |
119:19 | I am a foreigner in this world. Do not hide your commandments from me. |
119:20 | My soul is overwhelmed with endless longing for your regulations. |
119:21 | You threaten arrogant people, who are condemned and wander away from your commandments. |
119:22 | Remove the insults and contempt that have fallen on me because I have obeyed your written instructions. |
119:23 | Even though influential people plot against me, I reflect on your laws. |
119:24 | Indeed, your written instructions make me happy. They are my best friends. |
119:25 | I am close to death. Give me a new life as you promised. |
119:26 | I told you what I have done, and you answered me. Teach me your laws. |
119:27 | Help me understand your guiding principles so that I may reflect on your miracles. |
119:28 | I am drowning in tears. Strengthen me as you promised. |
119:29 | Turn me away from a life of lies. Graciously provide me with your teachings. |
119:30 | I have chosen a life of faithfulness. I have set your regulations in front of me. |
119:31 | I have clung tightly to your written instructions. O LORD, do not let me be put to shame. |
119:32 | I will eagerly pursue your commandments because you continue to increase my understanding. |
119:33 | Teach me, O LORD, how to live by your laws, and I will obey them to the end. |
119:34 | Help me understand so that I can follow your teachings. I will guard them with all my heart. |
119:35 | Lead me on the path of your commandments, because I am happy with them. |
119:36 | Direct my heart toward your written instructions rather than getting rich in underhanded ways. |
119:37 | Turn my eyes away from worthless things. Give me a new life in your ways. |
119:38 | Keep your promise to me so that I can fear you. |
119:39 | Take away insults, which I dread, because your regulations are good. |
119:40 | I long for your guiding principles. Give me a new life in your righteousness. |
119:41 | Let your blessings reach me, O LORD. Save me as you promised. |
119:42 | Then I will have an answer for the one who insults me since I trust your word. |
119:43 | Do not take so much as a single word of truth from my mouth. My hope is based on your regulations. |
119:44 | I will follow your teachings forever and ever. |
119:45 | I will walk around freely because I sought out your guiding principles. |
119:46 | I will speak about your written instructions in the presence of kings and not feel ashamed. |
119:47 | Your commandments, which I love, make me happy. |
119:48 | I lift my hands in prayer because of your commandments, which I love. I will reflect on your laws. |
119:49 | Remember the word you gave me. Through it you gave me hope. |
119:50 | This is my comfort in my misery: Your promise gave me a new life. |
119:51 | Arrogant people have mocked me with cruelty, yet I have not turned away from your teachings. |
119:52 | I remembered your regulations from long ago, O LORD, and I found comfort in them. |
119:53 | I am burning with anger because of wicked people, who abandon your teachings. |
119:54 | Your laws have become like psalms to me in this place where I am only a foreigner. |
119:55 | At night I remember your name, O LORD, and I follow your teachings. |
119:56 | This has happened to me because I have obeyed your guiding principles. |
119:57 | You are my inheritance, O LORD. I promised to hold on to your words. |
119:58 | With all my heart I want to win your favor. Be kind to me as you promised. |
119:59 | I have thought about my life, and I have directed my feet back to your written instructions. |
119:60 | Without any hesitation I hurry to obey your commandments. |
119:61 | Though the ropes of wicked people are tied around me, I never forget your teachings. |
119:62 | At midnight I wake up to give thanks to you for the regulations, which are based on your righteousness. |
119:63 | I am a friend to everyone who fears you and to everyone who follows your guiding principles. |
119:64 | Your mercy, O LORD, fills the earth. Teach me your laws. |
119:65 | You have treated me well, O LORD, as you promised. |
119:66 | Teach me to use good judgment and knowledge, because I believe in your commandments. |
119:67 | Before you made me suffer, I used to wander off, but now I hold on to your word. |
119:68 | You are good, and you do good things. Teach me your laws. |
119:69 | Arrogant people have smeared me with lies, yet I obey your guiding principles with all my heart. |
119:70 | Their hearts are cold and insensitive, yet I am happy with your teachings. |
119:71 | It was good that I had to suffer in order to learn your laws. |
119:72 | The teachings that come from your mouth are worth more to me than thousands in gold or silver. |
119:73 | Your hands created me and made me what I am. Help me understand so that I may learn your commandments. |
119:74 | Those who fear you will see me and rejoice, because my hope is based on your word. |
119:75 | I know that your regulations are fair, O LORD, and that you were right to make me suffer. |
119:76 | Let your mercy comfort me as you promised. |
119:77 | Let your compassion reach me so that I may live, because your teachings make me happy. |
119:78 | Let arrogant people be put to shame because they lied about me, yet I reflect on your guiding principles. |
119:79 | Let those who fear you turn to me so that they can come to know your written instructions. |
119:80 | Let my heart be filled with integrity in regard to your laws so that I will not be put to shame. |
119:81 | My soul is weak from waiting for you to save me. My hope is based on your word. |
119:82 | My eyes have become strained from looking for your promise. I ask, "When will you comfort me?" |
119:83 | Although I have become like a shriveled and dried out wineskin, I have not forgotten your laws. |
119:84 | What is left of my life? When will you bring those who persecute me to justice? |
119:85 | Arrogant people have dug pits to trap me in defiance of your teachings. |
119:86 | (All your commandments are reliable.) Those people persecute me with lies. Help me! |
119:87 | They almost wiped me off the face of the earth. But I did not abandon your guiding principles. |
119:88 | Give me a new life through your mercy so that I may obey the written instructions, which came from your mouth. |
119:89 | O LORD, your word is established in heaven forever. |
119:90 | Your faithfulness endures throughout every generation. You set the earth in place, and it continues to stand. |
119:91 | All things continue to stand today because of your regulations, since they are all your servants. |
119:92 | If your teachings had not made me happy, then I would have died in my misery. |
119:93 | I will never forget your guiding principles, because you gave me a new life through them. |
119:94 | I am yours. Save me, because I have searched for your guiding principles. |
119:95 | The wicked people have waited for me in order to destroy me, yet I want to understand your written instructions. |
119:96 | I have seen a limit to everything else, but your commandments have no limit. |
119:97 | Oh, how I love your teachings! They are in my thoughts all day long. |
119:98 | Your commandments make me wiser than my enemies, because your commandments are always with me. |
119:99 | I have more insight than all my teachers, because your written instructions are in my thoughts. |
119:100 | I have more wisdom than those with many years of experience, because I have obeyed your guiding principles. |
119:101 | I have kept my feet from walking on any evil path in order to obey your word. |
119:102 | I have not neglected your regulations, because you have taught me. |
119:103 | How sweet the taste of your promise is! It tastes sweeter than honey. |
119:104 | From your guiding principles I gain understanding. That is why I hate every path that leads to lying. |
119:105 | Your word is a lamp for my feet and a light for my path. |
119:106 | I took an oath, and I will keep it. I took an oath to follow your regulations, which are based on your righteousness. |
119:107 | I have suffered so much. Give me a new life, O LORD, as you promised. |
119:108 | Please accept the praise I gladly give you, O LORD, and teach me your regulations. |
119:109 | I always take my life into my own hands, but I never forget your teachings. |
119:110 | Wicked people have set a trap for me, but I have never wandered away from your guiding principles. |
119:111 | Your written instructions are mine forever. They are the joy of my heart. |
119:112 | I have decided to obey your laws. They offer a reward that never ends. |
119:113 | I hate twofaced people, but I love your teachings. |
119:114 | You are my hiding place and my shield. My hope is based on your word. |
119:115 | Get away from me, you evildoers, so that I can obey the commandments of my God. |
119:116 | Help me God, as you promised, so that I may live. Do not turn my hope into disappointment. |
119:117 | Hold me, and I will be safe, and I will always respect your laws. |
119:118 | You reject all who wander away from your laws, because their lies mislead them. |
119:119 | You get rid of all wicked people on earth as if they were rubbish. That is why I love your written instructions. |
119:120 | My body shudders in fear of you, and I am afraid of your regulations. |
119:121 | I have done what is fair and right. Do not leave me at the mercy of those who oppress me. |
119:122 | Guarantee my wellbeing. Do not let arrogant people oppress me. |
119:123 | My eyes are strained from looking for you to save me and from looking for the fulfillment of your righteous promise. |
119:124 | Treat me with kindness, and teach me your laws. |
119:125 | I am your servant. Help me understand so that I may come to know your written instructions. |
119:126 | It is time for you to act, O LORD. Even though people have abolished your teachings, |
119:127 | I love your commandments more than gold, more than pure gold. |
119:128 | I follow the straight paths of your guiding principles. I hate every pathway that leads to lying. |
119:129 | Your written instructions are miraculous. That is why I obey them. |
119:130 | Your word is a doorway that lets in light, and it helps gullible people understand. |
119:131 | I open my mouth and pant because I long for your commandments. |
119:132 | Turn toward me, and have pity on me as you have pledged to do for those who love your name. |
119:133 | Make my steps secure through your promise, and do not let any sin control me. |
119:134 | Save me from human oppression so that I may obey your guiding principles. |
119:135 | Smile on me, and teach me your laws. |
119:136 | Streams of tears flow from my eyes because others do not follow your teachings. |
119:137 | You are righteous, O LORD, and your regulations are fair. |
119:138 | You have issued your written instructions. They are fair and completely dependable. |
119:139 | My devotion for your words consumes me, because my enemies have forgotten your words. |
119:140 | Your promise has been thoroughly tested, and I love it. |
119:141 | I am unimportant and despised, yet I never forget your guiding principles. |
119:142 | Your righteousness is an everlasting righteousness, and your teachings are reliable. |
119:143 | Trouble and hardship have found me, but your commandments still make me happy. |
119:144 | Your written instructions are always right. Help me understand them so that I will live. |
119:145 | I have called out with all my heart. Answer me, O LORD. I want to obey your laws. |
119:146 | I have called out. Save me, so that I can obey your written instructions. |
119:147 | I got up before dawn, and I cried out for help. My hope is based on your word. |
119:148 | My eyes are wideopen throughout the nighttime hours to reflect on your word. |
119:149 | In keeping with your mercy, hear my voice. O LORD, give me a new life guided by your regulations. |
119:150 | Those who carry out plots against me are near, yet they are far away from your teachings. |
119:151 | You are near, O LORD, and all your commandments are reliable. |
119:152 | Long ago I learned from your written instructions that you made them to last forever. |
119:153 | Look at my misery, and rescue me, because I have never forgotten your teachings. |
119:154 | Plead my case for me, and save me. Give me a new life as you promised. |
119:155 | Wicked people are far from being saved, because they have not searched for your laws. |
119:156 | Your acts of compassion are many in number, O LORD. Give me a new life guided by your regulations. |
119:157 | I have many persecutors and opponents, yet I have not turned away from your written instructions. |
119:158 | I have seen traitors, and I am filled with disgust. They have not accepted your promise. |
119:159 | See how I have loved your guiding principles! O LORD, in keeping with your mercy, give me a new life. |
119:160 | There is nothing but truth in your word, and all of your righteous regulations endure forever. |
119:161 | Influential people have persecuted me for no reason, but it is only your words that fill my heart with terror. |
119:162 | I find joy in your promise like someone who finds a priceless treasure. |
119:163 | I hate lying; I am disgusted with it. I love your teachings. |
119:164 | Seven times a day I praise you for your righteous regulations. |
119:165 | There is lasting peace for those who love your teachings. Nothing can make those people stumble. |
119:166 | I have waited with hope for you to save me, O LORD. I have carried out your commandments. |
119:167 | I have obeyed your written instructions. I have loved them very much. |
119:168 | I have followed your guiding principles and your written instructions, because my whole life is in front of you. |
119:169 | Let my cry for help come into your presence, O LORD. Help me understand as you promised. |
119:170 | Let my plea for mercy come into your presence. Rescue me as you promised. |
119:171 | Let my lips pour out praise because you teach me your laws. |
119:172 | Let my tongue sing about your promise because all your commandments are fair. |
119:173 | Let your hand help me because I have chosen to follow your guiding principles. |
119:174 | I have longed for you to save me, O LORD, and your teachings make me happy. |
119:175 | Let my soul have new life so that it can praise you. Let your regulations help me. |
119:176 | I have wandered away like a lost lamb. Search for me, because I have never forgotten your commandments. |