Kesaksian Rohani Kristen, Renungan, Kesaksian, Inspirasi, Saat Teduh, Firman Tuhan, Bahan Kotbah, Humor, dll.
Jumat, 30 Januari 2009
Planning Ahead
My husband and I are waiting for layoffs. The last time there were layoffs my husband was the next in line to be laid off for a year but, it never happened. We prayed a lot that year and God blessed us.
This time, well...we will see.
Because of this round of layoffs, my husband and I have been planning what to do about our situation. Not, knowing what to do, I went on a fast to find the answers. Maybe, because God knew I would not get very far in my fast or maybe because He simply wanted things done quickly, He answered me in the first day.
He told me to pay off the farm with our 401k when things get bad. Ok, things are going to get bad. Something I already knew, but did not want to hear. He said to me, that on the farm, we can not work and pay the mortgage. But, in the city, we can find work and pay that mortgage.
So, simple, one would wonder why I had to go to God for that. I suppose it was so I would be doing His will not mine, which is to stay in my home in the city.
Because of this word from God, we are stepping up our homesteading plans.
But, last night, my small group spoke prophetically over each other. One of the words I got from my son, Kansas Exorcist Society, was that our ministry was here. Meaning in our home in the city. He is new to this gift, but I know that he hears from God, so I needed to take a look at what he was saying.
Both the farm and the home in the city were gifts from God. He just handed them to us. In town, we have ministered to many in our home. Our door is constantly opening to folks whom need deliverance, inner healings or just prayer. So, what is God telling me? We may need to give this home up and go to the country, which we are preparing for.
As, I prayed for this and as I write, I am reminded what a friend, a prophet, said to me yesterday. "Perhaps you home is to be a mission". This is beginning to make perfect since to me.
It has been prophesied that there will be many safe houses in Wichita. That this will be a need in the future. I believe that this house, where I sit now, will continue to be used as a place of ministry and safety. I hear often, that my house is so peaceful and many have run here for safety.
Not sure how all this will look, but I am just trusting the Lord and willing to obey.
I continue to pray that in the days ahead.... The days of dark, that God will be glorified through His people. That no matter what the future holds, we, His people will show His light in a dark and foreboding place.
Kamis, 29 Januari 2009
Where is the United States?
The post yesterday, on predictions for the United States, got a lot of peoples attention. I am not surprised but, hope that all that have read it see the significances to the end time prophesy of the Bible.
I have been asked many times, where the United States is in the book of Revelation or if the United States is mentioned in the end times. Well, "no", it is not and if you read yesterday's post, you can see why.
So, we could look at this as the United States becomes an undeveloped country, with no power or we could look at it another way.
The Bible states, that all nations come against Israel. Many people say this is impossible. The U.S. would never turn its back on Israel. But, if we did not exist this very thing could happen. Below is a map of the divided U.S. that was published is the Wall Street Journal. It was drawn by Igor Panarin�s a Russian. The map is pure speculation and propaganda for Russia, but it is interesting.
Click to enlarge
Could this kind of thing happen. I believe it could. When a country collapses on itself who rescues them? We have sold so much of ourselves to other countries, I suppose they could come in, without a fight, and take possession.
All speculation, but does hold a touch of truth.
As a Christian, I lean on my faith to see me through these predicted times. I hold to the truth of my faith and the warnings from my God. Knowing that these things are planned out, gives me strength and peace. But, I also, prepare.
I prepare by building my faith and not sitting idly by and watching. My husband and I are preparing the farm for ourselves and family to live on in relative safety. At least it will get us out of the city where I believe it will be horrible.
Proverbs 21:20
In the house of the wise are stores of choice food and oil, but a foolish man devours all he has.
Our world as become more dangerous and more confused. I will not be confused by keeping my eyes on God and will not live in danger because the wise man sees danger and prepares.
Selasa, 27 Januari 2009
United States Predictions
I borrowed this information from Channel of Healing. This is some info on Gerald Celente who has written this forecast I have no reason to doubt what he is saying
Gerald Celente:
The United States of America will witness a major economic down turn within the next four years, transforming it from one of the strongest economies in the world to an �undeveloped nation�, Gerald Celente, the CEO of Trends Research Institute has forecasted
Celente of the Trends Research Institute who specialises in forecasting about social, economic, consumer and political trends, and had predicted the 1987 stock market crash and the fall of the Soviet Union is now forecasting revolution in America, food riots and tax rebellions - all within four years, while cautioning that putting food on the table will be a more pressing concern than buying Christmas gifts by 2012.
Gerald Celente, the CEO of Trends Research Institute, is renowned for his accuracy in predicting future world and economic events, which will send a chill down your spine considering what he told Fox News this week.
Celente says that by 2012 America will become an undeveloped nation, that there will be a revolution marked by food riots, squatter rebellions, tax revolts and job marches, and that holidays will be more about obtaining food, not gifts.
�We�re going to see the end of the retail Christmas�.we�re going to see a fundamental shift take place�.putting food on the table is going to be more important that putting gifts under the Christmas tree,� said Celente, adding that the situation would be �worse than the great depression�.
�America�s going to go through a transition the likes of which no one is prepared for,� said Celente, noting that people�s refusal to acknowledge that America was even in a recession highlights how big a problem denial is in being ready for the true scale of the crisis
Celente, who successfully predicted the 1997 Asian Currency Crisis, the subprime mortgage collapse and the massive devaluation of the U.S. dollar, told UPI in November last year that the following year would be known as �The Panic of 2008,� adding that �giants (would) tumble to their deaths,� which is exactly what we have witnessed with the collapse of Lehman Brothers, Bear Stearns and others. He also said that the dollar would eventually be devalued by as much as 90 per cent.
The consequence of what we have seen unfold this year would lead to a lowering in living standards, Celente predicted a year ago, which is also being borne out by plummeting retail sales figures.
The prospect of revolution was a concept echoed by a British Ministry of Defence report last year, which predicted that within 30 years, the growing gap between the super rich and the middle class, along with an urban underclass threatening social order would mean, �The world�s middle classes might unite, using access to knowledge, resources and skills to shape transnational processes in their own class interest,� and that, �The middle classes could become a revolutionary class.�
In a separate recent interview, Celente went further on the subject of revolution in America.
�There will be a revolution in this country,� he said. �It�s not going to come yet, but it�s going to come down the line and we�re going to see a third party and this was the catalyst for it: the takeover of Washington, D. C., in broad daylight by Wall Street in this bloodless coup. And it will happen as conditions continue to worsen.�
�The first thing to do is organize with tax revolts. That�s going to be the big one because people can�t afford to pay more school tax, property tax, any kind of tax. You�re going to start seeing those kinds of protests start to develop.�
�It�s going to be very bleak. Very sad. And there is going to be a lot of homeless, the likes of which we have never seen before. Tent cities are already sprouting up around the country and we�re going to see many more.�
�We�re going to start seeing huge areas of vacant real estate and squatters living in them as well. It�s going to be a picture the likes of which Americans are not going to be used to. It�s going to come as a shock and with it, there�s going to be a lot of crime. And the crime is going to be a lot worse than it was before because in the last 1929 Depression, people�s minds weren�t wrecked on all these modern drugs � over-the-counter drugs, or crystal meth or whatever it might be. So, you have a huge underclass of very desperate people with their minds chemically blown beyond anybody�s comprehension.�
Senin, 26 Januari 2009
ALLAH BAPA Berkata Kepada ALLAH ANAK (Yesus Kristus)
"Anak-Ku Engkau! Engkau telah Kuperanakkan pada hari ini"
"Aku akan menjadi Bapa-Nya, dan Ia akan menjadi Anak-Ku"
"Takhta-Mu, ya Allah, tetap untuk seterusnya dan selamanya, dan tongkat kerajaan-Mu adalah tongkat kebenaran. Engkau mencintai keadilan dan membenci kefasikan; sebab itu Allah, Allah-Mu telah mengurapi Engkau dengan minyak sebagai tanda kesukaan, melebihi teman-teman sekutu-Mu."
"Pada mulanya, ya Tuhan, Engkau telah meletakkan dasar bumi, dan langit adalah buatan tangan-Mu. Semuanya itu akan binasa, tetapi Engkau tetap ada, dan semuanya itu akan menjadi usang seperti pakaian; seperti jubah akan Engkau gulungkan mereka, dan seperti persalinan mereka akan diubah, tetapi Engkau tetap sama, dan tahun-tahun-Mu tidak berkesudahan."
(Ibrani 1)
"Aku akan menjadi Bapa-Nya, dan Ia akan menjadi Anak-Ku"
"Takhta-Mu, ya Allah, tetap untuk seterusnya dan selamanya, dan tongkat kerajaan-Mu adalah tongkat kebenaran. Engkau mencintai keadilan dan membenci kefasikan; sebab itu Allah, Allah-Mu telah mengurapi Engkau dengan minyak sebagai tanda kesukaan, melebihi teman-teman sekutu-Mu."
"Pada mulanya, ya Tuhan, Engkau telah meletakkan dasar bumi, dan langit adalah buatan tangan-Mu. Semuanya itu akan binasa, tetapi Engkau tetap ada, dan semuanya itu akan menjadi usang seperti pakaian; seperti jubah akan Engkau gulungkan mereka, dan seperti persalinan mereka akan diubah, tetapi Engkau tetap sama, dan tahun-tahun-Mu tidak berkesudahan."
(Ibrani 1)
Mazmur 119 (English)
ISTRI IDAMAN (Kitab AMSAL 31:10-30)
Praise God!!
The last nine posts were written Saturday. They were all written by individuals that spent eleven hours praying over a child with Cerebral Palsy.
What an amazing time.
So, I thought I would write a summary of what happened and my experiences of that day.
Within the second hour of prayer, we began to see changes in the child. He became more active...trying to get up and speaking clearly.
I watched throughout the day as God moved not only on the child, but on everyone as they prayed.
I saw the desperation on a father as he prayed over his son. His tears flowed freely as he prayed. There were times where his anger would rise up and his prayers became more commanding then pleading. But, he saw and heard God moving and his hope grew.
Five of us stayed with the boy the entire day, while others came in and out of my home taking an hour or more out of their day to pray.
Some had never stepped out in such a way, praying for the sick. God moved on these people and showed them his power. One felt tingling in his hands and heard God's leading on where to touch the child. Another, so very new at Christianity, prayed enclosing the boy with his body, while lifting his voice to the Lord. I was moved by his simplicity of love.
For myself, I heard throughout the day that I should speak to the child's spirit. So, I did and told his father to do the same. Late in the day, a friend came to pray, and I sat down with him. We both hear from God very clearly and have both been doing this for a long time.
God told him to tell the boy's spirit man to rise up. Now, I had confirmation that this is exactly what God was wanting. So, we prayed. As we prayed, the parents sat down with us. The gift of tongues filled the room and soon I was overcome with laughter.
The inappropriateness of this struck me, but this just caused me to laugh harder. The boys father, was reading aloud the Word and when he read that we should be in awe of God, I heard God say, "You people take me far more serious than I do". Now, I am falling apart with laughter.
My, dear friend, who had come to pray, speaks out that we have come to the father as children. Then I heard the boy's father read..."Until now you have not asked for anything in my name. Ask and you will receive, and your joy will be complete." When he finished this word, God said to me.."You have asked so is your portion of joy".
That did it for me...I fell apart with laughter. My ribs hurt and my mouth became sore. All the time, I tried to keep my prayers going, but found it difficult. I was disruptive to the others but was out of control. The others, however, kept their prayers going, while smiling at me.
Sunday morning, when we all gathered at church, we of course asked about the child. He has had serious intestine problems since birth and today for the first time, he was normal.
We saw God move Saturday. Maybe, not as we would have liked him to move, but He did move. We continue to pray and will discuss, Thursday, fasting and prayer.
We have not given up. We will press in even harder. God loves this child, as to we, and we will see his spirit man rise up and walk.
Sabtu, 24 Januari 2009
TODAY ELVEN CHRISTIANS PRAYED FOR Bret's miracle including myself! PRAYING FOR HOPE AND THE POWER OF GOD/HOLY SPIRIT/ THOUGH OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST! As we were praying this miracle started to happen, Bret aka my nephew started gaining more control through his body! his speech got better his muscles grew stronger instantly! in the Bible it says, "ask and you shall receive" And have no doubt only faith!
The house was full of the faith and the Holy Spirit. no one had any doubt that God's work would be done, we did this through the soaking prayer. God answered our questions today because we prayed in Jesus' name and the Holy Spirit. the Bible and "facing the giants" quotes, Through God, all things are possible. Also, God can open up doors that no man alone can open and close doors no man alone can close!!
With all this being said, for those of you who don't believe, i really wish you would have been here today to see the MIRACLES that Jesus Christ the only living God worked! you can quote me, seek God and his righteousness and you shall enter into his Kingdom! The closer you get to God the better your life will be! take it from me, i had doubt before but today the Holy Spirit has changed me forever! It says in the Bible to seek his Kingdom all you have to do is ask for His forgiveness, and truly mean it. (repent) And you shall be saved TODAY. nothing is better than God, the Holy Spirit and Christ! Go seek it yourself from the Word of God (the Holy Bible) watch the passion of the Christ, you'll truly see how much love and compassion Jesus has for us! he was not just hung on a cross, he was BEATEN and whipped, slashed open and was crowned with a crown of thorns as drunken romans were mocking him! The Bible says on the 3rd day He will rise from the dead, just as he did! My God is ALIVE!
that being said, I'm now a disciple. I'm a cocaine addict who used to steal from people to get my fix, and now I'm spreading the Gospel truth! If i, an 18 year old can do it, anyone can! I used to drink and drug and now Im only seeking to get drunk in the Spirit of God! Also the Bible says, he's our Shepard, we are his sheep, He doesn't want to lose any of them! Fear no evil but only the power of God.
With all this said, the experience of God has changed my life forever!
If you ever want to know the truth or are ever mad, i'll tell ya, just pick up your Bible and read!
I came over to given55's house to pray for a little four year old boy. While I was praying for him the Lord impressed to me in the spirit that this boy has parents that truly love the Lord and are feeding him the Word of God Daily. That excites me, I wish I would have grown up in such a household. This boy who I prayed for was sleeping when I got here and while I prayed his body began to move voluntarily and his hands really began moving and the thing that stood out to me about his hands was that his fingers straightened out flexing back and forth. It's truly amazing once you think about the Holy Spirit and the power of God. It seems like people nowadays just don't realize the power of God or how maneuverable God is or can be through people. I'm just a simple guy that serves God I am not a Medical Doctor and here this boy is doing these things that modern medicine or even doctors can't do for him. While I prayed for him I focused on the little boy's spirit man and spoke to it to rise up within him. And that's when all of the movement began. God is real, face it. Nothing will ever stop the Holy Spirit from ministering except for limitations we set on God through religion or doctrine and/or ignorance. Don't limit God and watch His wonders with Awe. I named this boy, boy wonder because when people see what God ultimately does with him they are going to wonder hard on how real the Lord of Heaven is. I witnessed a miracle right before my eyes watching this child move on his own in ways which modern medicine say are impossible. So I laugh in the face of technology, ha,ha,ha! And I praise God in his Authority and Freedom (& Love):P
Today has been so humble and amazing!
The spirit of the Lord has been upon me several different times.
I'm so thankful for the people God has placed in our life!
without them we would still be walking blind. The Lord has brought us together for reasons so clear, and one of them is true happiness!
... Bret is asleep right now and has been for 30 min or so. He has brought us to our child-like spirit! So happy and giddy! I'm so excited for what God has in store for my son! =)
Jessica "mom"
Our prayers today are many. We call to the Lord with our hearts broken and exposed. I look at Brett and see God. I look at Brett and see love. I look at Brett and see hope.
My God, help us to find you in a new way. We need you Lord. You are our strong tower. Our only way to hope.
We seek you in this hour, calling upon all we know to do and yet... we still wait. I feel you move through my home and I see you in the faces of those who pray and yet we wait.
We wait for that moment when you are glorified and Brett rises up and walks. We wait for you Lord. Without you, we are undone, lost and confused. With you.. we are assured and have confidence.
I speak to the heavens, that you alone, oh Lord, command.. and I call for your healing grace to fall. Fall on the child. Heal him through your son. Our lord, Jesus. Bring your mighty arm to comfort and heal. Show us what it is you want from us, because there is not one, among us, who would not give all for this child.
I pray, oh Lord, for mercy. Mercy on Brett.
God is amazing in His ability to pour out His Spirit on His children, not only individually, but collectively. Over and over, in each and every one of us praying for our little miracle boy today, even though we were all praying for complete healing, we saw and felt God Himself whispering, guiding, nudging each of us to pray for specific healing.
While laying my hands on Brett, I felt the need to move my hands to his chest. I quietly touched his tiny chest, waiting... was it his heart? His lungs? Then a picture, almost clinical in detail, emerged of this little boys lungs, clogged and full, hurting, full of bumps and bruises. Feeling a gentle nudge, I simply prayed that God remove whatever was plaguing this boy's lungs, whatever was keeping him from breathing. I could almost pictures God pouring out His power over the boy's lungs and chest, making the lungs fresh and clean and smooth and healthy. The more I realized that God was directing my petitions, the harder I prayed. My prayers moved from his head to his toe, but I kept coming back to his little chest. Not at my direction, but at the Holy Spirit's insistence that I was praying only for Brett's lungs.
I only recently met this amazing young family, so I didn't realize until I asked Brett's momma whether he had lung issues, but this little boy has had so many lung infections and bouts of pneumonia that his lungs are full of scar tissue. The doctor told them that little Brett just can't afford to get pneumonia one more time. How merciful and loving for God to allow us to know why He directed my prayer that direction... we don't always know why we're praying for specific things, so the fact that He let me know why is beautiful.
Thank God that He sends the Spirit to us to direct our prayers. That, in itself, is an amazing miracle! The next person to pray for Brett has already directed their prayers at one specific area on his body, as well... God's plan in action is amazing! I can't wait to see what else our Father has in store for this beautiful little boy.
God spoke to me today while I was praying for a little boy with Cerebral palsy. and Epilepsy. He told me to focus on his hands. I also prayed for his lungs and legs and feet. God also told me that this little boy has a big purpose in this world. God has a plan for all of our lives. We just need to follow Him and have faith in what he does and what he can do. God can heal this little boy, I have faith that he can. It maybe a slow process but it will happen. Through God all things are possible. In the bible it constantly talks about the miracles Jesus performed.. making a blind man see.. a lame man walk. Well if we had as much faith as the people back in that time, we would be seeing miracles like that. We just need to have faith it can happen through Christ.
Well SO far Bret is trying to SIT UP! he is speaking more clearly, and has even said a sentence! "no more barney" He was playing with his barney toy at the time.
He is moving his arms more freely and more accurately.
.... I've come expecting, AND GOD HAS SHOWN UP! Thank you Jesus! i pray for more of your spirit and healing touch!
Bret's Day Of Healing A Gift From YHWH!!!
Bret's Daddy
Robert Lies AKA BoB
Today i'm believing for a miracle!
Dear Lord I come to you today with hope and thanksgiving in my heart!
I come to you boldly yet humbly, with questions in my heart of why and how. These questions You've never answered yet I still come to ask, but Today I'm believing for a miracle!
Lord you have shown me the ways of your love and your healing touch, so today I'm believing it for my son as well! Father TODAY I'M BELIEVING FOR A MIRACLE! You've stretched my faith so far and wide, and kept your wonders hidden, so I have to search, and today I'm searching! today I'm seeking! TODAY I'm believing for a MIRACLE!
Thank you Father for your wondrous, amazing, love! Thank you also for the people you have placed in my life! I feel so blessed to call them my friends and teachers!
I love you Lord and i praise you! You are SO good!
I pray all these things in Jesus Holy name! AMEN!
Thanks to everyone who is praying for my son today! I know that God will move in this house today! I really hope these posts will move you today!
The sentence that has been coming to me over and over the last 2 days is, come expecting, and today I come expecting! We are called to walk by faith, not sight, and today I'm walking by faith!
Jessica "the mom"
Jumat, 23 Januari 2009
Healing Prayer
Praise be to the Lord God on High.
Tomorrow, Saturday, my small group, will be soaking a child in healing prayer.
He is five years old and is tormented with Cerebral Palsy's.
We will begin prayer at 8:30 in the morning and continue prayer till 9:30 Saturday night. As a group we go into prayer expecting the healing power of our God to fall down upon this child and make his body whole.
There is no room for doubt nor restraint of faith. We will walk boldly and with confidence that our God hears our cries and know that He will answer.
Through out the day I will have members of my small group post on this blog their thoughts and prayers.
It will be a supernatural experience.
Senin, 19 Januari 2009
Ayat-Ayat di dalam ALKITAB tentang "SUAP"
Kel. 23:8 Suap janganlah kauterima, sebab suap membuat buta mata orang-orang yang melihat dan memutarbalikkan perkara orang-orang yang benar.
Ul. 10:17 Sebab TUHAN, Allahmulah Allah segala allah dan Tuhan segala tuhan, Allah yang besar, kuat dan dahsyat, yang tidak memandang bulu ataupun menerima suap;
Ul. 16:19 Janganlah memutarbalikkan keadilan, janganlah memandang bulu dan janganlah menerima suap, sebab suap membuat buta mata orang-orang bijaksana dan memutarbalikkan perkataan orang-orang yang benar.
Ams. 15:27 Siapa loba akan keuntungan gelap, mengacaukan rumah tangganya, tetapi siapa membenci suap akan hidup.
Pkh. 7:7 Sungguh, pemerasan membodohkan orang berhikmat, dan uang suap merusakkan hati.
Yeh. 22:12 Padamu orang menerima suap untuk mencurahkan darah, engkau memungut bunga uang atau mengambil riba dan merugikan sesamamu dengan pemerasan, tetapi Aku kaulupakan, demikianlah firman Tuhan ALLAH.
Am. 5:12 Sebab Aku tahu, bahwa perbuatanmu yang jahat banyak dan dosamu berjumlah besar, hai kamu yang menjadikan orang benar terjepit, yang menerima uang suap dan yang mengesampingkan orang miskin di pintu gerbang.
Mi. 3:11 Para kepalanya memutuskan hukum karena suap, dan para imamnya memberi pengajaran karena bayaran, para nabinya menenung karena uang, ...
Ul. 10:17 Sebab TUHAN, Allahmulah Allah segala allah dan Tuhan segala tuhan, Allah yang besar, kuat dan dahsyat, yang tidak memandang bulu ataupun menerima suap;
Ul. 16:19 Janganlah memutarbalikkan keadilan, janganlah memandang bulu dan janganlah menerima suap, sebab suap membuat buta mata orang-orang bijaksana dan memutarbalikkan perkataan orang-orang yang benar.
Ams. 15:27 Siapa loba akan keuntungan gelap, mengacaukan rumah tangganya, tetapi siapa membenci suap akan hidup.
Pkh. 7:7 Sungguh, pemerasan membodohkan orang berhikmat, dan uang suap merusakkan hati.
Yeh. 22:12 Padamu orang menerima suap untuk mencurahkan darah, engkau memungut bunga uang atau mengambil riba dan merugikan sesamamu dengan pemerasan, tetapi Aku kaulupakan, demikianlah firman Tuhan ALLAH.
Am. 5:12 Sebab Aku tahu, bahwa perbuatanmu yang jahat banyak dan dosamu berjumlah besar, hai kamu yang menjadikan orang benar terjepit, yang menerima uang suap dan yang mengesampingkan orang miskin di pintu gerbang.
Mi. 3:11 Para kepalanya memutuskan hukum karena suap, dan para imamnya memberi pengajaran karena bayaran, para nabinya menenung karena uang, ...
Kitab Mazmur 82:2-4
82:2 | "Berapa lama lagi kamu menghakimi dengan lalim dan memihak kepada orang fasik? |
82:3 | Berilah keadilan kepada orang yang lemah dan kepada anak yatim, belalah hak orang sengsara dan orang yang kekurangan! |
82:4 | Luputkanlah orang yang lemah dan yang miskin, lepaskanlah mereka dari tangan orang fasik!" |
The young girl below has been found.
She was with a group of satanist. Needless to say, she needs your prayers.
My heart breaks for the confusion and emotional pain that she is in.
The world is in a steady decline and we as Christians need to lift up and pray for our youth.
She was with a group of satanist. Needless to say, she needs your prayers.
My heart breaks for the confusion and emotional pain that she is in.
The world is in a steady decline and we as Christians need to lift up and pray for our youth.
Kamis, 15 Januari 2009
Penglihatan Taman Yang Sangat Indah
Puji Tuhan oleh karena kasihnya saya masih bisa hidup sampai sekarang. Ketika saya menulis kesaksian ini, hati saya hancur dan saya sangat merasa tidak layak mendapat kemurahanNYA dan mendapat kesempatan melihat hal yang sungguh ajaib karena banyak dosa yang sudah saya lakukan dalam hidup muda saya serta sering tidak dengar-dengaran kepada Roh Kudus. Namun Kasih Tuhan amat besar begitu kuat menarik serta mencengkram dengan kuasa Roh Kudus untuk saya tetap hidup berlayak dihadapanNYA.
Kejadian yang tak terlupakan itu berawal pada saat dimana hati saya rindu untuk mengikuti KKR walaupun waktu itu saya ada jadwal kuliah semester pendek di Fakultas Ekonomi Universitas Tanjungpura Pontianak Kal-Bar Thn 2005. Namun hati saya tetap bergejolak untuk mengikuti KKR tersebut. dalam hati saya percaya Tuhan pasti buka jalan yang terbaik asal saya mengutamakan Tuhan dalam segala hal seperti ditulis dalam injil Matius 6 : 33, "Carilah dahulu Kerajaan Allah dan Kebenarannya maka semuanya akan ditambahkan kepadamu". itulah yang menjadi motto dalam hidup muda saya sampai saat ini.
Ketika saya memasuki ruangan itu saya hanya mendapat tempat duduk dibagian belakang karena banyaknya orang yang hadir namun saya merasakan urapan Allah yang luar biasa dan setiap Firman yang disampaikan selalu tertuju kepada saya bahkan Tuhan mau menyucikan hidup saya dari segala dosa kejahatan dan kenajisan yang dulu saya lakukan, secara daging sangat sakit dan menolak, namun kuasa urapan Roh Kudus menembusi hati batin saya bahkan menghancurkan tembok hati saya yang keras sehingga hati saya mulai hancur.
Bahkan satu persatu Tuhan tunjukan segala kekurangan saya bahkan suara Tuhan lebih jelas lagi berbisik pada telinga saya untuk saya melepaskan roh-roh yang diberikan oleh ayah saya ketika saya masih kecil yaitu berupa air yang sudah dimantrai, dan kalau saya minum badan saya yang tadinya sakit menjadi sembuh, memang ayah saya waktu itu terkenal dengan mempunyai banyak ilmu yang dipelajarinya bahkan keahlian dia adalah warisan ilmu2 dari kakek dan nenek saya yang belum bertobat.
Ketika saya membuka hati untuk Firman dan Roh Kudus, itulah awal dari kejadian yang sungguh luar biasa walaupun saya mengeluarkan suatu cairan dari mulut saya dan muntah-muntah serta berteriak histeris, namun sungguh ajaib Tuhan begitu penuh kasih ketika tubuh saya disucikan ada satu seperti arus yang sangat deras masuk dalam tubuh saya bahkan saya tidak bisa menahan sampai saya terjatuh dilantai dan dengan seketika saya seperti orang mati tapi saya sangat kaget melihat Tubuh saya terbaring tak berdaya tapi roh saya terangkat menembusi atap gedung tempat KKR tersebut bahkan yang tadinya saya memakai baju lengan panjang warna merah berubah menjadi Jubah Putih yang sangat terang saya bertanya-tanya apakah saya suda mati atau belum?
ketika dalam kebingungan proses pengangkatan itu saya melihat seorang berpakaian putih dan mempunyai dua sayap itulah malaikat yang menjemput orang-orang yang mati dalam Tuhan, dia berdiri di samping saya dan kami terus terangkat menembusi awan-awan sampai kami berhenti pada satu tempat yang sangat indah seperti sebuah Taman yang sangat indah namun berada diawan-awan.
Taman tersebut dihiasi bunga-bunga yang sangat indah dan tampak dari jauh seperti ada banyak tempat tinggal. Taman tersebut sangat terang benderang tidak ada matahari atau bulan maupun bintang. Seketika hati saya dipenuhi sukacita yang sangat luar biasa serta sangat merasa suatu perhentian yang indah dan damai, malaikat itu mengajak saya berkeliling dan saya memberanikan diri untuk bertanya kepada malaikat itu tempat apakah yang sedang kita jalani ini? dia menjawab saya, anakku, ini adalah tempat perhentian dimana orang-orang yang telah meninggal dalam Tuhan dikumpulkan sebelum hari penghakiman yang dahsyat itu namun mereka telah disiapkan untuk masuk pada kerajaan sorga yang kekal.
Saya teringat pada saudara-saudara saya maupun hamba-hamba Tuhan yang telah meninggal waktu kerusuhan di Poso mereka sudah berada ditempat ini, kemudian saya berkata kalau bisa saya tinggal di sini saja dan saya tidak mau kembali ke dunia karena dunia sangat kacau dan tidak memberikan kedamaian, pertikaian, kerusuhan bahkan masalah-masalah datang silih berganti tidak pernah putus menghantui hidup manusia, namun malaikat itu berkata kepada saya, anakku, kamu belum bisa masuk ke tempat ini karena masih banyak hal yang kamu harus lakukan serta bersaksi untuk kemuliaan nama Tuhan.
Dan ingat dalam Roma 8:18 berkata "penderitaan ataupun pencobaan yang kamu alami didunia tidak sebanding dengan kemuliaan yang kelak akan diberikan kepadamu" dan ingat kamu harus menjaga kekudusan serta hidup dalam kesucian karena tanpa kesucian tidak seorangpun dapat melihat ALLAH sebab DIA adalah SUCI. Dan malaikat itu juga berkata,"Kamu akan diberikan ROH KUDUS untuk memampukan kamu menjalani kehidupan di dunia untuk itu pelihara jangan sampai Dia meninggalkanmu."
Setelah malaikat itu berkata demikian, seketika itu saya diajak untuk kembali ke bumi dan turun kembali seperti saya naik sebelumnya, perlahan namun pasti saya melihat tubuh saya masih terbaring kaku dan saya masih melihat banyak orang yang didoakan dan mengalami mujizat kesembuhan dalam ruangan itu, tiba-tiba roh saya masuk ke tubuh saya, seketika saya bangun dan saya berlutut menyembah TUHAN dengan bahasa asing, air mata tanda sukacita seakan tak henti mengalir seiring penyembahan yang saya naikan kepada DIA ALLAH yang KUDUS.
setelah selesai ibadah banyak orang-orang yang heran kenapa kamu terbaring tidak bergerak selama satu jam lebih bahkan seorang hamba Tuhan bertanya apa yang saya alami tapi saya belum bisa berkata-kata, hati saya masih diliputi oleh Roh Kudus dalam penyembahan namun akhirnya saya menceritakan pengalaman yang saya baru alami dan dia sungguh bersukacita, dan menyarankan saya untuk masuk dalam pelayanan bahkan menyerah menjadi Hamba Tuhan.
Puji Tuhan ketika saya kembali ke rumah dalam perjalanan, air mata saya terus mengalir bagaikan mata air yang tidak pernah kering dan malam itu setelah sampai di rumah, Roh Kudus menuntun saya untuk sujud menyembah kepada Tuhan Yesus Kristus yang luar biasa sampai tidak terasa malam telah berganti pagi namun saya merasakan urapan Allah begitu kuat bahkan saya tidak merasa lapar ataupun lelah. Keesokan harinya pun saya tidak merasakan lelah atau ngantuk namun saya diberi kekuatan yang ajaib sehingga saya bisa bekerja seperti biasa dan saya pun menyaksikan kepada keluarga saya dan mereka sangat bersukacita.
Puji Tuhan, setelah kejadian itu saya dibaharui dalam penyembahan serta pengikutan saya kepada Tuhan semakin sungguh-sungguh karena saya rindu untuk masuk kedalam Perhentian yang kekal yaitu Sorga Mulia sampai selama-lamanya, bahkan hal yang diluar pemikiran saya Tuhan mengerjakan dengan ajaib saya mendapat nilai A untuk semua Mata Kuliah pada semester pendek tersebut, bahkan dalam menyusun Skripsi sampai Wisuda Tuhan mengerjakan semua dengan ajaib sampai saat ini pemeliharaan Tuhan sangat luar biasa;
Setiap kali saya berdoa saya hanya minta satu hal Tuhan jangan ambil RohMu dariku karena itulah harta yang paling berharga. sebagai kehidupan muda saya selalu ingat Firman dalam Mazmur 119 : 9 - 11 yang intinya hanya dengan Firman kita dapat menjaga kehidupan anak muda kita bersih atau dengan kata lain hidup dalam kesucian dan kekudusan yang pada akhirnya dalam Filipi 4:13 segala perkara dapat kita tanggung dalam Dia yang memberikan kekuatan kepada kita semua. Terpujilah Nama Tuhan Yesus Kristus sampai selama-lamanya. Haleluyah Amin
Salam Kasih,
Seprianus Podiaro
Puji Tuhan oleh karena kasihnya saya masih bisa hidup sampai sekarang. Ketika saya menulis kesaksian ini, hati saya hancur dan saya sangat merasa tidak layak mendapat kemurahanNYA dan mendapat kesempatan melihat hal yang sungguh ajaib karena banyak dosa yang sudah saya lakukan dalam hidup muda saya serta sering tidak dengar-dengaran kepada Roh Kudus. Namun Kasih Tuhan amat besar begitu kuat menarik serta mencengkram dengan kuasa Roh Kudus untuk saya tetap hidup berlayak dihadapanNYA.
Kejadian yang tak terlupakan itu berawal pada saat dimana hati saya rindu untuk mengikuti KKR walaupun waktu itu saya ada jadwal kuliah semester pendek di Fakultas Ekonomi Universitas Tanjungpura Pontianak Kal-Bar Thn 2005. Namun hati saya tetap bergejolak untuk mengikuti KKR tersebut. dalam hati saya percaya Tuhan pasti buka jalan yang terbaik asal saya mengutamakan Tuhan dalam segala hal seperti ditulis dalam injil Matius 6 : 33, "Carilah dahulu Kerajaan Allah dan Kebenarannya maka semuanya akan ditambahkan kepadamu". itulah yang menjadi motto dalam hidup muda saya sampai saat ini.
Ketika saya memasuki ruangan itu saya hanya mendapat tempat duduk dibagian belakang karena banyaknya orang yang hadir namun saya merasakan urapan Allah yang luar biasa dan setiap Firman yang disampaikan selalu tertuju kepada saya bahkan Tuhan mau menyucikan hidup saya dari segala dosa kejahatan dan kenajisan yang dulu saya lakukan, secara daging sangat sakit dan menolak, namun kuasa urapan Roh Kudus menembusi hati batin saya bahkan menghancurkan tembok hati saya yang keras sehingga hati saya mulai hancur.
Bahkan satu persatu Tuhan tunjukan segala kekurangan saya bahkan suara Tuhan lebih jelas lagi berbisik pada telinga saya untuk saya melepaskan roh-roh yang diberikan oleh ayah saya ketika saya masih kecil yaitu berupa air yang sudah dimantrai, dan kalau saya minum badan saya yang tadinya sakit menjadi sembuh, memang ayah saya waktu itu terkenal dengan mempunyai banyak ilmu yang dipelajarinya bahkan keahlian dia adalah warisan ilmu2 dari kakek dan nenek saya yang belum bertobat.
Ketika saya membuka hati untuk Firman dan Roh Kudus, itulah awal dari kejadian yang sungguh luar biasa walaupun saya mengeluarkan suatu cairan dari mulut saya dan muntah-muntah serta berteriak histeris, namun sungguh ajaib Tuhan begitu penuh kasih ketika tubuh saya disucikan ada satu seperti arus yang sangat deras masuk dalam tubuh saya bahkan saya tidak bisa menahan sampai saya terjatuh dilantai dan dengan seketika saya seperti orang mati tapi saya sangat kaget melihat Tubuh saya terbaring tak berdaya tapi roh saya terangkat menembusi atap gedung tempat KKR tersebut bahkan yang tadinya saya memakai baju lengan panjang warna merah berubah menjadi Jubah Putih yang sangat terang saya bertanya-tanya apakah saya suda mati atau belum?
ketika dalam kebingungan proses pengangkatan itu saya melihat seorang berpakaian putih dan mempunyai dua sayap itulah malaikat yang menjemput orang-orang yang mati dalam Tuhan, dia berdiri di samping saya dan kami terus terangkat menembusi awan-awan sampai kami berhenti pada satu tempat yang sangat indah seperti sebuah Taman yang sangat indah namun berada diawan-awan.
Taman tersebut dihiasi bunga-bunga yang sangat indah dan tampak dari jauh seperti ada banyak tempat tinggal. Taman tersebut sangat terang benderang tidak ada matahari atau bulan maupun bintang. Seketika hati saya dipenuhi sukacita yang sangat luar biasa serta sangat merasa suatu perhentian yang indah dan damai, malaikat itu mengajak saya berkeliling dan saya memberanikan diri untuk bertanya kepada malaikat itu tempat apakah yang sedang kita jalani ini? dia menjawab saya, anakku, ini adalah tempat perhentian dimana orang-orang yang telah meninggal dalam Tuhan dikumpulkan sebelum hari penghakiman yang dahsyat itu namun mereka telah disiapkan untuk masuk pada kerajaan sorga yang kekal.
Saya teringat pada saudara-saudara saya maupun hamba-hamba Tuhan yang telah meninggal waktu kerusuhan di Poso mereka sudah berada ditempat ini, kemudian saya berkata kalau bisa saya tinggal di sini saja dan saya tidak mau kembali ke dunia karena dunia sangat kacau dan tidak memberikan kedamaian, pertikaian, kerusuhan bahkan masalah-masalah datang silih berganti tidak pernah putus menghantui hidup manusia, namun malaikat itu berkata kepada saya, anakku, kamu belum bisa masuk ke tempat ini karena masih banyak hal yang kamu harus lakukan serta bersaksi untuk kemuliaan nama Tuhan.
Dan ingat dalam Roma 8:18 berkata "penderitaan ataupun pencobaan yang kamu alami didunia tidak sebanding dengan kemuliaan yang kelak akan diberikan kepadamu" dan ingat kamu harus menjaga kekudusan serta hidup dalam kesucian karena tanpa kesucian tidak seorangpun dapat melihat ALLAH sebab DIA adalah SUCI. Dan malaikat itu juga berkata,"Kamu akan diberikan ROH KUDUS untuk memampukan kamu menjalani kehidupan di dunia untuk itu pelihara jangan sampai Dia meninggalkanmu."
Setelah malaikat itu berkata demikian, seketika itu saya diajak untuk kembali ke bumi dan turun kembali seperti saya naik sebelumnya, perlahan namun pasti saya melihat tubuh saya masih terbaring kaku dan saya masih melihat banyak orang yang didoakan dan mengalami mujizat kesembuhan dalam ruangan itu, tiba-tiba roh saya masuk ke tubuh saya, seketika saya bangun dan saya berlutut menyembah TUHAN dengan bahasa asing, air mata tanda sukacita seakan tak henti mengalir seiring penyembahan yang saya naikan kepada DIA ALLAH yang KUDUS.
setelah selesai ibadah banyak orang-orang yang heran kenapa kamu terbaring tidak bergerak selama satu jam lebih bahkan seorang hamba Tuhan bertanya apa yang saya alami tapi saya belum bisa berkata-kata, hati saya masih diliputi oleh Roh Kudus dalam penyembahan namun akhirnya saya menceritakan pengalaman yang saya baru alami dan dia sungguh bersukacita, dan menyarankan saya untuk masuk dalam pelayanan bahkan menyerah menjadi Hamba Tuhan.
Puji Tuhan ketika saya kembali ke rumah dalam perjalanan, air mata saya terus mengalir bagaikan mata air yang tidak pernah kering dan malam itu setelah sampai di rumah, Roh Kudus menuntun saya untuk sujud menyembah kepada Tuhan Yesus Kristus yang luar biasa sampai tidak terasa malam telah berganti pagi namun saya merasakan urapan Allah begitu kuat bahkan saya tidak merasa lapar ataupun lelah. Keesokan harinya pun saya tidak merasakan lelah atau ngantuk namun saya diberi kekuatan yang ajaib sehingga saya bisa bekerja seperti biasa dan saya pun menyaksikan kepada keluarga saya dan mereka sangat bersukacita.
Puji Tuhan, setelah kejadian itu saya dibaharui dalam penyembahan serta pengikutan saya kepada Tuhan semakin sungguh-sungguh karena saya rindu untuk masuk kedalam Perhentian yang kekal yaitu Sorga Mulia sampai selama-lamanya, bahkan hal yang diluar pemikiran saya Tuhan mengerjakan dengan ajaib saya mendapat nilai A untuk semua Mata Kuliah pada semester pendek tersebut, bahkan dalam menyusun Skripsi sampai Wisuda Tuhan mengerjakan semua dengan ajaib sampai saat ini pemeliharaan Tuhan sangat luar biasa;
Setiap kali saya berdoa saya hanya minta satu hal Tuhan jangan ambil RohMu dariku karena itulah harta yang paling berharga. sebagai kehidupan muda saya selalu ingat Firman dalam Mazmur 119 : 9 - 11 yang intinya hanya dengan Firman kita dapat menjaga kehidupan anak muda kita bersih atau dengan kata lain hidup dalam kesucian dan kekudusan yang pada akhirnya dalam Filipi 4:13 segala perkara dapat kita tanggung dalam Dia yang memberikan kekuatan kepada kita semua. Terpujilah Nama Tuhan Yesus Kristus sampai selama-lamanya. Haleluyah Amin
Salam Kasih,
Seprianus Podiaro
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