Selasa, 29 Januari 2013

Liturgical Calendar for Lent 2013

List of the dates of the Sundays and major feast days that fall in Lent 2013.

Ash Wednesday (Wednesday, 13 February, 2013)
First Sunday of Lent (Sunday, 17 February, 2013)
Feast of the Chair of Saint Peter (Friday, 22 February, 2013)
Second Sunday of Lent (Sunday, 24 February, 2013)
Third Sunday of Lent (Sunday, 3 March, 2013)
Fourth Sunday of Lent (Laetare Sunday) (Sunday, 10 March, 2013)
Feast of Saint Patrick (Sunday, 17 March, 2013)
Fifth Sunday of Lent (Passion Sunday) (Sunday, 17 March, 2013)
Feast of Saint Joseph (Tuesday, 19 March, 2013)
Palm Sunday (Sunday, 24 March, 2013)
The Annunciation of the Lord (Monday, 25 March, 2013)
Holy Thursday (Thursday, 28 March, 2013)
Good Friday (Friday, 29 March, 2013)
Holy Saturday (Saturday, 30 March, 2013)
Easter (Sunday, 31 March, 2013)

** What is Laetare Sunday

Laetare Sunday is the fourth Sunday in Lent (Western Christian Church), based on the first word �Rejoice� of the introit of the liturgy (Isaiah 66:10-11). This Sunday is also known as mid-Lent Sunday.

Isaiah 66:10-11
10 �Rejoice with Jerusalem and be glad for her,
    all you who love her;
rejoice greatly with her,
    all you who mourn over her.
11 For you will nurse and be satisfied
    at her comforting breasts;
you will drink deeply
    and delight in her overflowing abundance.�

Laetare Sunday has traditionally been observed as a day of celebration, during which the austerity of Lent is briefly reduced. On Laetare Sunday, the purple vestments and altar cloths of Lent are set aside, and rose ones are used instead. Flowers, which are normally forbidden during Lent, may be placed on the altar.

Lent is also where people recall or tell stories about "the Journey of Faith". The time when we think about the story of the Israelites escaping from slavery in Egypt, miraculously crossing the Red Sea, struggling through the wilderness for forty years, and, at last, entering the promised land.


Lenten Psalm

Prayers during Lent

Prayer for Holy Week

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