Selasa, 29 Januari 2013

What do Christians believe about miracles?

Jesus did many miracles in his lifetime. That was over 2000 years ago. Now God still does miracles, sometimes as petitioned by his followers in prayer, and sometimes of his own accord. I have seen miracles take place by the grace of God. 

Miracles are miraculous things done by the power of Jesus, and Jesus alone. a human is not ultimately performing the miracle, but Jesus is using that person to show His power THROUGH them. 
Miracles can happen anywhere anytime, because Jesus Christ has the power to do anything.

source :

�I returned and saw under the sun that-- 
The race is not to the swift,
Nor the battle to the strong, 
Nor bread to the wise, 
Nor riches to men of 
Nor favor to men of skill; 
But time and chance 
happen to 
them all� 

Ecclesiastes 9:11

How to Ask God for a Miracle
Miracles happen whenever you welcome God�s powerful presence into the situations you face. So don�t worry about trying to pray perfect prayers to convince God to do something miraculous in your life. Simply invite God to work in every situation in which you�re seeking miracles, and trust Him to do what�s best after you ask Him to intervene.
If you�re not sure whether or not it�s God�s will to perform a particular miracle in your life, ask Him to make His will clear to you and tell Him that you want His will � not your own will � to be done.
If you�re unwilling to forgive someone who has hurt or offended you, that refusal to forgive can hinder your prayers from being answered, because God sometimes waits until you obey His commands before answering prayers. Remember how much God has forgiven you for, and let that motivate you to obey His call to forgive others. Ask God to help you forgive; you can choose to forgive even when you don�t feel like it and rely on the strength God will give you during the forgiveness process.

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