We had a visitor last night. A friend whom I truly enjoy. We were talking about my last post. I was telling him that I had had a few comments from people that were also feeling the evil in the air. He suddenly said "birthing pain."
The "birth pain" of the rise of evil. Not something I really want to concentrate on.
Revelation 9:13-15
Then the sixth angel sounded: And I heard a voice from the four horns of the golden altar which is before God, saying to the sixth angel who had the trumpet, �Release the four angels who are bound at the great river Euphrates.� So the four angels, who had been prepared for the hour and day and month and year, were released to kill a third of mankind.
Could it be that this is what we are feeling. The birth pains of the release of these four evil angels. My heart breaks for humanity with the oncoming release of evil. As a Christian, when I feel this evil, it unnerves me. I can not imagine what this will be like. My senses become overwhelmed with the reality of what is to come.
I think that what Patti wrote in the comments of my last post is a word worth heeding. She wrote: " When Babylon (systems of the world that are controlled by the evil one) falls, make sure your feet are not planted there or any little roots, as you will be taken away with it. (Like being in a building when there is an earthquake. Let's all ask the Lord to show us if we have any idols of this world which are keeping us from being totally His. The only power that is stronger than the evil one is His, and contain that power in our earthen vessels."
We certainly do need to search ourselves and find those things inside of us that keep us from the intimacy of our loving God. Those things that separate us from His glory. Will we be strong enough to hold off the hordes of evil. Or will we succumb to the ways of the world.
It is so easy for us to get caught up in the world and leave those things we know to be just and true behind. Or to dabble in the things of the world thinking that it can not harm us. But, beware my dear friend, the time is nigh, and the birth pains have begun. Hold fast to the things of God. Dig deeper into His word and His love. I agree with Patti, if we are not sure footed, we will certainly slip.
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