There are times in our lives when we just want to say, "I quit". Well, I came close in the mountains.
First, my computer broke. Ouch!!! It is now being fixed.
A friend went with me to the mountains. We went there so my oldest son could face some charges he had from his life as a drunk. While there I stayed with another son.
Well, the 0ldest son, went to jail. This was no surprise to me, but I still was unhappy. He will serve 22 days and then come back to Kansas to try sobriety. I have faith that this will happen.
So, my friend and I stayed with my other son to show her the sites. Well, this was fun, but it began to snow. It snowed a lot. Really, a lot. We could not leave. Stuck, oh yea, we were stuck.
She called her husband and told him. His response was to get a bottle of alcohol and drink himself into stupidity. He was suppose to be taking care of her 4 children. He brought his girlfriend, yep that is what I said, my friends, husband, brought his girlfriend, into their home. He decided to get intimate with the girlfriend in front of the children. The oldest of the children drew a glass of water on them. The husband took off after the daughter and tried to hit her in the front yard. A neighbor stepped in and took the blow. So, you guessed it, a fist fight started. The oldest then called a relative for help and the children left the home.
Ok. Now my friend, stuck in the mountains, is loosing it. Don't blame her. In order to talk on the phone, cell phone, there where no house phones, you had to stand outside in the falling snow and not move an inch or you would loose signal. She stood out there for hours trying to understand, figure out and resolve what was happening in her home 900 miles away.
I kept asking God, "What is going on?" The answer came from my friend. She had been in the marriage for 17 years. He has beat her, in the past and continues to drink and have girlfriends. The last year, there have been many split ups and make ups. She has always tried to fix him.
God showed her on this trip that she had no control. Absolutely none. She knew this intellectually but not on the level she needed to know. She had no where to turn but to God and she turned, feeling helpless and knowing how badly she needed him.
The weather began to turn a bit better, but my friend, who drove, was a bit afraid to drive. So, I took the keys and off we went. We drove over this incredible pass that twisted and turned. It snowed and was slick at times. But, God drove while I prayed.
We are home. My friend has a Protection order and he, the husband, had to leave. She was here last night confessing to her control issue and praising God for the ultimate lesson.
For myself, I am grateful to God that my friend received the lesson and am glad that he used this time to show her the way. But, for me. I just wanted to quit. Sit down, watch the world go by and eat. Yep, eat. But, you can never quit. God continues to use you even when it seems the darkest of times. I watched as he orchestrated these events and set free a friend in need.
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