I carry a journal with me everywhere I go. Well, let's say, I usually carry a journal with me everywhere I go. Sometimes I forget it and end up with a piece of paper.
I carry one because, I hear from God so often, that I need to carry one to write down what He is saying.
The other night, I forgot the journal. So, I got a piece of paper.
I was in a meeting and once in a while God would speak to me about someone in the room. So, I would write.
While there one of the things that God spoke to me was spoke out, but the others were kept to myself. I wait for God to create a time for me to speak.
The next morning, I got a call from someone that was in that meeting and from whom God had given me a word. The conversation started with just chit chat. I had actually forgotten about the word that God had given me. That's why I write the words down.
Then the real reason she called came forth. She said, "Last night, I saw you writing while we were in the meeting." "Yea, I write down what I hear God saying." I answered. "Well, I believe you have something for me, because God told me you do."
My thoughts went to "she's not going to like this." I have know this woman for years and she does not like to hear certain things. I knew that this was not a word that she would except easily. But, God's timing is remarkable, so I let her have it. The word that is.
"God says, that there is a part of you that you will not let in. You fight that part of you and you know what it is."
There was silence on the other end of the phone. We sat there listening to each other breath. After the long silence I hear, "I know what that is." Sure enough, it was hard for her to except. But, because of God's timing, she did except it. She talked about change, attitude and life. I was awed at what she was saying because for years she has needed to make changes but has, as God said, fought the change. She has been told by many that these changes needed to take place but she would not listen. Yet, now she was listening.
It truly amazes me how God's times our lives. What was it that needed to happen in this woman's life before this word was given? She could have changed her thinking years ago by a word from God, but she had to go through something before He spoke at that very moment. He orchestrates our lives in such a way that every little intricate detail plays into His plans for us. Truly an amazing God.
Details are so important to God. We need those details and to learn from them. I have no idea what it was that this woman needed to go through and learn, but the lesson has been learned and she has been set free. But, now it comes down to her choice. To continue in the lesson or to step back into the muck of life.
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