I hesitate writing this one because of feed back. But, one can not say anything that I have not heard before. I have been called everything. I want to share because it brings up the scripture in the bible:
I Thessalonians 4:16
For the Lord himself will come down from heaven, with a loud command, with the voice of the archangel and with the trumpet call of God, and the dead in Christ will rise first.
The other night my brother, Only in His Service, whom lives with me, came down the stairs excited. He told me he heard a voice. That the voice had told him something personal. Then he asked me to guess whose voice it was. Of course, I had no idea. He was so excited. He then told me it was our mothers voice, who had died in April.
I got excited myself. Wanting so badly to be with my mother, I felt wonderful.
We went into the living room and told my husband. Now, my brother is not as supernatural as I am, but since living with me, is coming into his own. So, a conversation started.
First, my mother had a similar experience when I was about 17 years of age. Her and I were visiting her father in Kentucky. Her mother had past away a while back and her father was showing the first symptoms of Alzheimer's. He was constantly talking to his dead wife. One night, while we were visiting, my mother had gone to sleep with a terrible headache. In a dream she heard her mothers voice. The voice said that when she woke, she would see her dead mother and her head ache would leave. When she woke, there was her mother and her head ache left.
That event was shared in our conversation. We then went to, how can this be? I, of course, in all the supernatural things that have happened to me, did not really care, how this could happen, but became curious. How can this line up with the Word of God?
The verse quoted at the top of this page came up. Since my thoughts on the rapture are, "I hope there is one, but I do not see it in the Bible", I have always wondered at this verse. My brother, who believes totally in the rapture, had a new thought on this verse. He suggested that perhaps we linger here on this earth. That we wait here for the Lord. This began to make sense to me.
In my life, I have seen many dead people. I do not know why I have this gift, but it happens now and then. I see them in their earthly body. I recognized them and know what they want. I do not talked to them because the Bible tells me not to. But, there is a kind of communication, because I always, supernaturally, know what they want. Which is usually comfort for someone.
So, if we linger, why would we not see them or hear them. The spirit realm is alive and active. There is good and evil just like in the realm that we live in. I do not have all the answers, but I know that it is very possible that the dead linger, waiting for that wonderful day of the return of our Lord Jesus Christ.
I am happy. Just like when I see the dead and it brings comfort to someone, my brother hearing our mothers voice has comforted me. It brings me joy to know that she is near. My mother loved Jesus and waits for His presence as I wait for His return. I look forward to that day, when, we are all together in the presence of the Lord Almighty.
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