Walk in the Realm of the Supernatural
Can you take hold of the supernatural, asks your God? Can you take hold and believe you walk in the realm of the supernatural? Can you take hold and believe indeed I will come forth on of those who call upon me?
Even as you have called upon me, I will come forth, and I will come forth on a white horse, saith God. I will come forth and it will be with a sword indeed in the realm of the supernatural and they will see, for their eyes will be opened. For I've heard your heart cry and I've seen your tears. I've heard your intercession.
I have felt compassion, saith God, for this generation, saith God. For this is the generation that will rise up and walk in the supernatural realm, and they shall see and they shall hear and they shall move with God and they shall do exploits, exploits, exploits, exploits, exploits, exploits, exploits, exploits, exploits, exploits, exploits, exploits shall cover the earth in this hour. For this is my generation; these are my youth; this is that of which I have spoken of in times past, and you shall see it happen.
So yes, be comforted; be comforted in this hour. Be comforted; be comforted; be comforted in this hour, for you shall see with your own eyes that which I am establishing and you shall see it come forth even as your heart has desired it.
I am lifting up a supernatural standard on their behalf. Yes, you have heard of and you have seen those who are dying and who have lost their lives needlessly, but know this: I am standing in the gap for my little ones. I am standing in the gap, saith God. It is time; it is time; it is time and the enemy shall be put on the run.
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