Remember this:
"I've got the joy, joy, joy, joy,
down in my heart.
Down in my heart.
Down in my heart."
Well, that is my song today. I took myself through the soul and spirit tie breaking that you read on my last post and God answered that prayer.
"I feel good.
You knew that I would.
I feel good.
You knew that I would.
So Good, So Good.
I found you."
That was an old song. I certainly have songs on my heart today. God has delivered me from the dark. I praise him for deliverance. He is the great I AM. The Alpha and the Omega. My Father.
When I sit back this week, I can see what God did for me the last two weeks. How his plan for my redemption was laid out and I walked it till I was healed. I fell right into His plans without even looking for His plan. I was led by His power and mercy till I found my healing. Praise be to God.
Thank you for all your prayers, my brothers and sisters in Christ. Your prayers were heard and I am extremely grateful. You lifted me up on high and God led me out of the darkness. Your love heals.
I have energy again and hope. I am focused and I hope reliable. I look forward and not backwards. I see the light again and not the dark. I feel healthy and not sick. I pray and do not weep. God is good.
So, my future is bright because of Him. My hope lies in Him and my focus is on Him.
Thank you God.
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