Kesaksian Rohani Kristen, Renungan, Kesaksian, Inspirasi, Saat Teduh, Firman Tuhan, Bahan Kotbah, Humor, dll.
Jumat, 31 Oktober 2008
So...I am radio active. Cool!!!
Yesterday, I was sitting in my living room, when I suddenly started to have some pain. My jaw began to hurt. Then the pain moved into my neck and my chest became tight. The pain in my neck and jaw was quite painful. I suspected that I was having a heart attack. My son has been a first responder and he thought I was having a heart attack. So, I went to the hospital where they thought I might be having a heart attack.
Stayed over night. It is a terrible thing to be a Christian sensitive and to be in the hospital. I was woke up every hour by a different spirit in my room. They would wake me up, I would see them, look at the clock and complain. Not happy that my sleep was being interupted.
In the morning I got into this long line a wheel chairs to take a stress test, where they injected a raio active compond. My husband says I will glow tonight for Halloween. Anyways, the outcome is that there is no damage to my heart and it does not look like I had a heart attack.
The theory is that I blew a blood clot. Scary theory, but I am alright now. When this event was happening to me, I talked to God. I said to Him, "I really do not think that my time is up here. It seems that You have much more for me to do. So, I am going to relax and get through this thing>"
I was right and God is good. Still more for me to do. I am, however, sore from multiple medical procedures and weary from lack of sleep. I do not always understand the presence of spirits. But, I hope that I move on after my death and do not linger in some medical facility.
Kamis, 30 Oktober 2008
Watching God Move
God is so good!!! So gracious!!!
A few weeks back, with an inner healing, I saw another of God's miracles. We met with a young woman whom had many issues from her past and wanted freedom. The healing was going on well when I suddenLy realized that she had some mental illness.
God spoke to me, so I asked the question. "Do you ever lose time." One of the members on my team spoke up and said "Yes she does." An example was that one night her husband found her outside, in the middle of the night, getting in her car to go somewhere. She did not remember nor know where she was going. She shared with me that she loses time often.
She had, also, shared earlier in the healing, that she had an invisible playmate when she was young called "Curt". I sat back in my chair and had a conversation with God. Here I am trained in the natural to deal with Dissociative Disorder or Multiple personality disorder and yet God was taking me to a spiritual healing. My natural training kicked in, for a moment. But, then my understanding of whom God is broke through the natural and I said to myself "God can take care of this." So, I began to pray through and watch God bring this woman back together.
Now, I had to let go of all the natural training that I have had and just let God be God. I asked to speak to "Curt" just in case "Curt" was a personality instead of an invisible playmate. I, also, by this time had come to the belief that we were looking at demons not alternate personalties.
Sure enough, her breathing changed, her attitude and her body posture. Next thing I knew, she lunged forward in her chair and came within inches of my face. It startled me, but I knew not to let this show nor to back down myself. This thing became threatening. So, I told it to be quite and sit back. There was a reluctance to sit back, but with the name of Jesus being spoke, she sat back.
Off and on there was threatening jesters. Several lunges at me and snide remarks. Trying to be tough and disarming. We remained in prayer and sought the Lord in every word that came out of my mouth.
There were tow demons. To boys. Both were rather mean and did not want to leave. For the woman sitting in front of me, she was floating in an out of reality. She would be there one moment then the next gone. These demons spoke often, so I bound them up so that they would not try to control the situation nor influence that woman either.
Deliverance came after a short while. It was beautiful to see and to know that God's truth are always founded in His hand. He reached down to this woman and set her free. She had been drawn several time to kill herself and had cut her arms to destroy the body. The new woman I met in that moment of deliverance was truly a woman of light.
She continues to walk free. She is gifted in the supernatural and I am sure that this is why, this assignment to destroy, had been put on her. She is young and has a wonderful life, with Christ, ahead of her. Freedom.....freedom...God is so true to His promises. Man would say that someone suffering in this way has very little hope of a stable and joyful life. But, God says, "Be healed by my name" and with that all things are possible.
Selasa, 28 Oktober 2008
Introducing My Son
The Lord has been very good to him and he has come along side of me to help with my ministry. It is a delight to have him on board. His growth in Christ is amazing.
So, let me introduce you to him. He has started a new blog that I will help co-write, as will several others on my team. Here is a link to his blog Kansas Exorcists Society.
Senin, 27 Oktober 2008
The Slumbering Chruch
I was walking into church the other day when I was stopped by one of the worship leaders. He wanted to tell me of a dream he had. In the dream he was leading worship but, fell asleep. When he woke up, in the dream, and looked out into the congregation, they were now asleep. He said that, at this point in the dream, I got up and walked to the front of the church and said, "the church will no longer slumber". He wanted to know if I knew what this dream meant.
I got very excited about his dream. For a year now, God has been talking to me about the slumbering church. This made my friend excited as well.
As the church slumbers the world seep in. We become tolerant to the things that are sins to our God. We become lazy in our Bible study, our prayer life and our everyday walk with the Lord. We quit walking in the gifts of God and the authority of the Father.
I look to myself in this slumber and see that I too, have fallen prey to this spirit of slumber. I am very busy with ministry, but take little time for a quiet moment with God.
With a closer look at myself, I ask myself "do I walk in the fruit of the Spirit or do I ignore the fruit."
Galatians 5:22-23
But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control.
I began to look at what the opposite of these fruits would be and sure enough, especially in my thought life, I found that I have a long to go.
Love= The opposite of love is to detest or dislike.
Joy= The opposite of joy is sadness, sorrow, unhappiness.
Peace= The opposite of peace is, disharmony, disagreement, war, fighting.
Patience= The opposite of Patience is agitation, frustration, intolerance
Kindness= The opposite of kindness is cruelty, harshness, meanness.
Goodness= The opposite of goodness is evil, indecency, meanness, wickedness.
Faithfulness= The opposite of faithfulness is dishonesty, falseness, inconstancy.
Gentleness= The opposite of gentleness is harsh, cruel, violent, sudden, wild, unruly
Self-control= The opposite of self-control is agitation, rashness.
It tore at my spirit when I realized how far from the fruits I truly have been. So, then I must look at the ways to overcome this slumber and begin to walk into the righteousness of God.
2 Corinthians 10:5
We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.
Begin anew, to catch every thought and bring it into alignment with the Word of God. To praise Him all day and meditate on His promises.
For the word of God is living and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart.
To put on the armor of God and to never take it off.
Ephesians 6:10-18
Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand. Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist, with the breastplate of righteousness in place, and with your feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace. In addition to all this, take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one. Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God. And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the saints.
Wake up Church!!! Do you not see that the time in nigh for the Lords return. Wake up!!!!
Minggu, 26 Oktober 2008
Jumat, 24 Oktober 2008
Rabu, 22 Oktober 2008
Satu Kota Bertobat: HEMET, California, USA
Selain premanisme,
Dan ternyata tidak lama setelah itu…hasilnya sangat mengesankan, jumlah anggota kelompok okultisme yang pernah menjadi ancaman menurun hingga 3-10% dari jumlah penduduk, bidat Kristen masih ada tetapi banyak kelompok sesat lainnya telah lama pergi; pusat pelatihan meditasi transcendental terbakar habis tapi herannya tidak membakar bangunan di sebelah kiri dan kanannya; hasil lainnya adalah jumlah orang yang meninggal dan yang masuk penjara karena premanisme berkurang hingga tidak pernah terjadi lagi. Bahkan suatu kali ketika pendeta
Segalanya sungguh berubah, … menurut Sony, mantan pengedar obat bius yang telah bertobat: perdagangan obat bius di
Jumlah jemaat di gereja San Jacinto (Assembly of God) yang digembalai oleh pendeta
Gereja-gereja di
Bahkan puluhan gereja di kota Hemet pernah mensponsori suatu kegiatan sosial yang dinamai “Convoi of Hope / Konvoi Pengharapan” dimana ribuan penduduk menerima makanan gratis, pakaian, layanan medis, dan “suntikan” kasih Allah. Hasil dari pelayanan ini, 300 orang memberi hati mereka kepada Kristus.
Gereja-gereja di
Selasa, 21 Oktober 2008
Minggu, 19 Oktober 2008
Dilepaskan dari kuasa Gelap - NN
“Topik Pembicaraan” dari TUHAN
Rabu, 15 Oktober 2008
WASPADA!!! Inilah Salah Satu Contoh MESIAS PALSU - Jose Luis De Jesús Miranda
Selasa, 14 Oktober 2008
Kuasa Roh Kudus (Smith Wigglesworth)
Kuasa Roh Kudus di dalam seseorang dimaksudkan untuk menjadi kekuatan yang terus meningkat, suatu perluasan.
Allah tidak pernah mempunyai apapun yang bersifat berkurang-kurang, Dia selalu maju terus, dan saya akan maju terus. Apakah anda juga akan maju terus? Itu perlu saya katakan, untuk maju terus.
Jangan berhenti di dataran, ada hal-hal yang jauh lebih besar di puncak gunung daripada di dataran.
Yesus memberi perhatian khusus kepada Paulus (sebelum dia bertobat, dia suka memburu orang-orang Kristen dan membunuh mereka). Yesus tidak pernah dengan tergesa-gesa ‘membawa’ Paulus melalui usahaNya.
Beberapa orang berpikir bahwa segala sesuatu harus dilakukan dengan terburu-buru; tapi Allah tidak demikian. Allah mengambil banyak waktu dan Dia mempunyai cara yang luar biasa untuk mengembangkan segala sesuatu ketika Dia berjalan terus.
Tidak ada satu pun yang anda kerjakan akan gagal bila anda tidak melupakan apa yang Dia katakan dan bertindak menurutnya, anda sungguh tidak bisa melupakan apa yang ditaruh Roh Allah tepat di dalam hati anda sebagai tujuanNya untuk anda.
Seseorang yang dibaptis oleh Roh Kudus bukan lagi manusia alami; ia “didesak” oleh Roh Allah untuk diubah menjadi manusia yang lain, manusia baru.
Seseorang yang dipenuhi Roh Allah berhenti menjadi dirinya sendiri, dalam arti tertentu, ia beristirahat, ia “tiba” di mana Allah bekerja; ia tidak akan mempercayai hatinya sendiri, ia bersandar hanya pada kekuatan yang terkuat dari Yang Maha Tinggi.
Jika anda dibaptis oleh Roh Kudus, maka anda tidak mempunyai makanan rohani yang lain kecuali firman Allah; anda tidak mempunyai sumber-sumber selain sumber dari surga; anda telah ‘tertanam’ di dalam Kristus dan telah ‘dibangkitkan’ bersama Dia; bahasa anda adalah bahasa surgawi; Allah bertakhta di dalam seluruh hidup anda, dan anda melihat perkara-perkara yang dari ‘atas’, dan bukan yang dari ‘bawah’.
Orang yang dibaptis Roh Allah mempunyai misi dari Yesus, ia tahu panggilan dan rencana hidupnya. Allah berbicara kepadanya dengen begitu jelas dan nyata sehingga tidak mungkin ada kekeliruan tentangnya.
Orang Kristen harus memiliki pengurapan dari Roh Allah yang harus disadari setiap saat, entah bersama orang lain atau sendirian, bahwa ia bersama dengan Allah.
Ketika anda dipenuhi oleh Roh Kudus, maka anda sudah dipersiapkan untuk pelayanan yang lain dari Tuhan.
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------(September 1916) “…malam lalu ada seorang pengkhotbah di salah satu ruangan ini, ia berlutut, ia kaku seperti papan; anda perlu ketajaman untuk mengetahui apakah itu realitas; ia takut untuk berserah. Saya berkata,”Ayolah saudara, terimalah Roh Kudus.” Dia menjawab,”Saya tidak bisa.” – lalu saya berkata,”Anda tidak serius, tidak ada usaha dari anda, anda harus mulai bertindak. Terimalah Roh Kudus.” Kemudian, dengan pengetahuan bahwa ia benar-benar digugah, menurut perintah dari Allah saya menumpangkan tangan ke atasnya dan berkata,”Terimalah Roh Kudus,” dan Allah Roh Kudus menggoncangkannya dari atas sampai ke bawah, dari “dalam” keluar, dan betapa ia memperoleh baptisan yang luar biasa!
Ketika seorang “menghirup” masuk Roh Kudus,mereka menjadi begitu dipenuhi oleh kuasa Allah sehingga mereka tidak mempunyai kuasa atas diri mereka sendiri; mereka hanya “jatuh” ke dalam Allah, dan Allah menguasai segalanya – tangan dan kaki dan tubuh dan lidah demi kemuliaan Allah.
Senin, 13 Oktober 2008
I never know what will happen next in my walk with God. It is certainly never boring and I have come to expect, the unexpected.
I was in a class the other day that helps find your purpose in life. I assist in teaching this class and love to be there to see the changes in women's lives. During class it was obvious that one women at a major headache. So, it was decided that after class, we were about to close, that we would lay hands on her and pray healing.
Myself and another leader prayed for her and watched God work. Her headache was relieved and she felt blessed. The young woman that was praying with me, asked me to pray over her mother that was in the class. Now, her mother is one that I felt I could read pretty well.
In the class I could see that she was over wrought and very stressed. That she could not find relief from the everyday stress that she herself had put on to herself and there, sitting in that stress was not finding God.
I told her what I saw and she began to cry. But, when I touched her to pray, she suddenly manifested an oppressing spirit. I was surprised. I did not see that one coming. Her face began to contort and her body to rock. She was moaning and crying. So, I began to pray against this thing of evil that was oppressing her.
She grabbed my knee and squeezed. Then she would slapped my knee, then squeeze again. It was quite painful, so I started relaxing my knee, so that my concentration was were it needed to be. I prayed for what seemed like a very long time.
She suddenly said, "I see light. A little bit of light". This gave me a handle on where we were. So, I prayed against darkness and prayed that the light of the Lord fall upon her.
She began to speak in tongues. Not sure if she ever had tongues before this. I have had people pray in what seems like tongues, but then recognized it to not be a tongue from God. So, I listened to her and realized that she was speaking a tongue from God.
She wailed. Then just as fast as this began, it stopped. She sat back and took a deep breath. "wow". "Where did that come from?, she asked.
I told her, that this was her ordained time from God, to be set free. No longer was she to be oppressed by evil. She is free.
You never know when God is going to put you to work. Just like we must always be ready for the fight in the heavenlies, we muse also be ready to be called by God to obedience. There I was minding my own business and suddenly God appears and the world changes.
Thank You God.