Kamis, 28 Juni 2012

Saint Jude Prayer

Saint Jude Prayer *
(especially for Hopeless cases)

O most holy apostle, Saint Jude, faithful servant and friend of Jesus, the Church honoureth and invoketh thee universally, as the patron of hopeless cases, and of things almost despaired of. Pray for me, who am so miserable. Make use, I implore thee, of that particular privilege accorded to thee, to bring visible and speedy help where help was almost despaired of. Come to mine assistance in this great need, that I may receive the consolation and succor of Heaven in all my necessities, tribulations, and sufferings, particularly (here make your request) and that I may praise God with thee and all the elect throughout eternity. I promise thee, O blessed Jude, to be ever mindful of this great favour, to always honour thee as my special and powerful patron, and to gratefully encourage devotion to thee.


Reasons to say this St Jude Prayer
  • Pray for prosperity.
  • Pray for employment.
  • Pray for health.
  • Pray for happiness.
  • Pray for love.
  • Pray for money.

The Nine Day Novena To St. Jude
O blessed apostle St. Jude, who labored zealously among the Gentiles in many lands, and performed numerous miracles in needy and despairing cases, we invoke you to take special interest in us and our needs. We feel that you understand us in a particular way. Hear our prayers and our petitions and plead for us in all our necessities especially. (mention your request) May we be patient in learning God's holy will and courageous in carrying it out. Amen.
St. Jude, pray for us.
My Jesus, mercy.
O blessed apostle Jude, who has been instrumental in gathering us here together this day, grant that we may always serve Jesus Christ as he deserves to be served, giving of our best efforts in living as he wishes us to live. May we dispose our hearts and minds that god will always be inclined to listen to our prayers and petitions, especially those petitions which we entrust to your care and for which we as you to plead for us. (mention your request) Grant that we may be enlightened as to what is best for us, in the present and future, not forgetting the blessings we have received in the past. Amen.
St. Jude, pray for us.
My Jesus, mercy.
O holy St. Jude, apostle of Jesus Christ, you who have so faithfully and devotedly helped to spread his Gospel of Light, we who are gathered together today in your honor, ask and petition you to remember us and our needs. Especially do we pray for. (mention your request) May it also please our Lord to lend an ear to your supplications in our behalf. Grant that we may ever pray with fervor and devotion, resigning ourselves humbly to the divine will, seeing God's purpose in all our trials and knowing that he will leave no sincere prayer unanswered in some way. Amen.
St. Jude, pray for us.
My Jesus, mercy.
Saint blessed Jude, you were called to be one of Christ's chosen apostles and labored to bring men to a knowledge and love of God; listen with compassion to those gathered together to honor you and ask your intercession. In this troubled world of ours we have many trials, difficulties, and temptations. Plead for us in the heavenly court, asking that our petitions may be answered, especially the particular one we have in mind at this moment. (mention your request) May it please God to answer our prayers in the way that he knows best, giving us grace to see his purpose in all things. Amen.
St. Jude, pray for us.
My Jesus, mercy.
O holy St. Jude, apostle and companion of Christ Jesus, you have shown us by example how to leas a life of zeal and devotion. We humbly entreat you today to hear our prayers and petitions. Especially do we ask you to obtain for us the following favor. (mention your request) Grant that in praying for present and future favors we may not forget the innumerable ones granted in the past but often return to give thanks. Humbly we resign ourselves to God's holy will, knowing that he alone knows what is best for us especially in our present needs and necessities. Amen.
St. Jude, pray for us.
My Jesus, mercy.
St. Jude, apostle of Christ and helper in despairing cases, hear the prayers and petitions of those who are gathered together in your honor. In all our needs and desires may we only seek what is pleasing to God and what is best for our salvation. These, our petitions (mention your request) we submit to you, asking you to obtain them for us, if they are for the good of out souls. We are resigned to God's holy will in all things, knowing that he will leave no sincere prayer unanswered in some way though it may be in a way unexpected by us. Amen.
St. Jude, pray for us.
My Jesus, mercy.
O holy apostle Saint Jude, in whose honor we are gathered today, may we never forget that our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ chose you to be one of twelve apostles. Because of this and of the martyrdom you suffered for the Faith, we know you are a close friend of Almighty God. Therefore we do not hesitate to petition you in our necessities, especially. (mention your request) We humbly submit ourselves to the will of God, knowing full well that no sincere prayer is ever left unanswered. May we see god's good and gracious purpose working in all our trials. Amen.
St. Jude, pray for us.
My Jesus, mercy.
O holy Saint Jude, apostle of Christ, pray that we may ever imitate the Divine Master and live according to His will. May we cooperate with the grace of God and ever remain pleasing in His sight. Especially do we ask you to plead for us and obtain whatsoever is necessary for our salvation. Forget not our special petitions. (mention your request) May we always be thankful to God for the blessings we have received in the past. Whatsoever we ask for the present or future, we submit to the divine will, realizing that God knows best what is good for us. We know He will respond to our prayers and petitions in one way or another. Amen.
St. Jude, pray for us.
My Jesus, mercy.
O holy Saint Jude, apostle and martyr, grant that we may so dispose our lives that we may always be pleasing to God. In working out our salvation in this life we have many needs and necessities. Today we turn to you, asking you to intercede for us and obtain for us the favors we ask of God. Especially do we petition for. (mention your request) May we not so much seek temporal good but rather what will avail our souls, knowing that it will profit us nothing if we gain the whole world yet suffer the loss of our soul. Therefore, may we incline ourselves toward the divine will, seeing God's good and gracious purpose in all our trials. Amen.
St. Jude, pray for us.
My Jesus, mercy.

Feast day on October 28

Churches / chapels in Malaysia.
St Jude's Church Rawang is in the State of Selangor, Peninsula Malaysia.
Jalan Bandar Rawang 9 Rawang 48000 Gombak Selangor

6.00 PM - NOVENA





7.30 PM - MASS




Mondays & Public Holidays � Closed
Tuesdays to Saturdays
- 9.30 am to 12.30 pm
- 3.00 pm to 8.00 pm
SUNDAYS - 8.00 am TO 12.00 pm

Prayers to Our Lady of Perpetual Help

Prayers to Our Lady of Perpetual Help

Oh Mother of Perpetual Help, grant that I may ever invoke your powerful name, the protection of the living and the salvation of the dying. Purest Mary, let your name henceforth be ever on my lips. Delay not, Blessed Lady, to rescue me whenever I call on you. In my temptations, in my needs, I will never cease to call on you, ever repeating your sacred name, Mary, Mary. What a consolation, what sweetness, what confidence fills my soul when I utter your sacred name or even only think of your! I thank the Lord for having given you so sweet, so powerful, so lovely a name. But I will not be content with merely uttering your name. Let my love for your prompt me ever to hail you Mother of Perpetual Help.

Mother of Perpetual Help, pray for me and grant me the favor I confidently ask of you. {mention your petition}

Prayer for Financial Aid

Realizing, dear Mother Mary,
that thou art our Perpetual Help not only in spiritual
but likewise in temporal necessities,
we approach thee with submissive and humble hearts,
because we have a child-like confidence in thy power and goodness,
beseeching thee to assist us in our present financial worry.
Owing to untoward circumstances which have arisen in our lives,
we are in dire want, being unable to meet our honest debts.
We are not asking, dearest Mother for wealth,
if possession of it is not in accordance with the holy will of God;
we merely beg for that assistance which will enable us
to satisfy our pressing obligations.
We believe, dear Mother,
that thou art the Queen of heaven and earth,
and, as such,
the instrument and special dispensation of thy Son Jesus Christ;
that thou hast acquired by virtue of thy wonderful dignity,
a sweet jurisdiction over all creation.
We believe that thou art not only rich and bountiful,
but extremely kind and generous to all thy loving children.
We plead with thee then, dear Mother,
to obtain for us the help we so urgently need in our present financial difficulty.
We thank thee, dear Lady and promise to publish far and wide,
the marvels of thy glorious Picture.

Novena Prayers to Our Mother of Perpetual Help
Feast on 27 June
Churches / Chapels in Malaysia

Church of Our Mother of Perpetual Help
19-21 Jalan La Salle, Ipoh Garden, 31400 Ipoh, Perak
T: 05-5458220 (O)
F: 05-5468495
T: 05-5468611 (Community)


Church of Our Lady of Perpetual Help
Jalan Tanjong Kerayong 28400 Mentakab Pahang
Phone: +609 277 1577
Facsimile: +609 277 7176

Churches / Chapels in Singapore
Church Of Our Lady Of Perpetual Succour
31, Siglap Hill, Singapore 456085
Tel: 6241 9565 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting

FREE 6241 9565 end_of_the_skype_highlighting
 Fax: 6241 5874

Church of St. Alphonsus (Novena Church), Singapore 
300 Thomson Road Singapore 30765

The Miracle Prayer (Sacred Heart of Jesus)

The Miracle Prayer

Lord Jesus, I come before you, just as I am, I am sorry for my sins, I repent of my sins, please forgive me. In your Name, I forgive all others for what they have done against me. I renounce Satan, the evil spirits and all their works. I give you my entire self, Lord Jesus, now and forever. I invite you into my life, Jesus. I accept you as my Lord, God and Saviour. Heal me, change me, strengthen me in body, soul, and spirit.
Come Lord Jesus, cover me with your Precious Blood, and fill me with your Holy Spirit. I love you Lord Jesus. I praise you Jesus. I thank you Jesus. I shall follow you every day of my life. Amen.
Mary, My Mother, Queen of Peace, St. Peregrine, the cancer saint, all the Angels and Saints, please help me. Amen.
Say this prayer faithfully, no matter how you feel. When you come to the point where you sincerely mean each word with all your heart, Jesus will change your whole life in a very special way. You will see.
Prayer � 1993 Peter M. Rookey and Servite Fathers, O.S.M. 

O give thanks to the God of heaven,
for his steadfast love endures forever.
Psalm 136:26

O LORD, my Lord, my strong deliverer.
Psalm 140:7

You are my God, and I will give thanks to you;
you are my God, I will extol you.
Psalm 118:28

Jumat, 22 Juni 2012

Surat I Yohanes 3 (Alkitab)

3:1Lihatlah, betapa besarnya kasih yang dikaruniakan Bapa kepada kita, sehingga kita disebut anak-anak Allah, dan memang kita adalah anak-anak Allah. Karena itu dunia tidak mengenal kita, sebab dunia tidak mengenal Dia.
3:2Saudara-saudaraku yang kekasih, sekarang kita adalah anak-anak Allah, tetapi belum nyata apa keadaan kita kelak; akan tetapi kita tahu, bahwa apabila Kristus menyatakan diri-Nya, kita akan menjadi sama seperti Dia, sebab kita akan melihat Dia dalam keadaan-Nya yang sebenarnya.
3:3Setiap orang yang menaruh pengharapan itu kepada-Nya, menyucikan diri sama seperti Dia yang adalah suci.
3:4Setiap orang yang berbuat dosa, melanggar juga hukum Allah, sebab dosa ialah pelanggaran hukum Allah.
3:5Dan kamu tahu, bahwa Ia telah menyatakan diri-Nya, supaya Ia menghapus segala dosa, dan di dalam Dia tidak ada dosa.
3:6Karena itu setiap orang yang tetap berada di dalam Dia, tidak berbuat dosa lagi; setiap orang yang tetap berbuat dosa, tidak melihat dan tidak mengenal Dia.
3:7Anak-anakku, janganlah membiarkan seorangpun menyesatkan kamu. Barangsiapa yang berbuat kebenaran adalah benar, sama seperti Kristus adalah benar;
3:8barangsiapa yang tetap berbuat dosa, berasal dari Iblis, sebab Iblis berbuat dosa dari mulanya. Untuk inilah Anak Allah menyatakan diri-Nya, yaitu supaya Ia membinasakan perbuatan-perbuatan Iblis itu.
3:9Setiap orang yang lahir dari Allah, tidak berbuat dosa lagi; sebab benih ilahi tetap ada di dalam dia dan ia tidak dapat berbuat dosa, karena ia lahir dari Allah.
3:10Inilah tandanya anak-anak Allah dan anak-anak Iblis: setiap orang yang tidak berbuat kebenaran, tidak berasal dari Allah, demikian juga barangsiapa yang tidak mengasihi saudaranya.
3:11Sebab inilah berita yang telah kamu dengar dari mulanya, yaitu bahwa kita harus saling mengasihi;
3:12bukan seperti Kain, yang berasal dari si jahat dan yang membunuh adiknya. Dan apakah sebabnya ia membunuhnya? Sebab segala perbuatannya jahat dan perbuatan adiknya benar.
3:13Janganlah kamu heran, saudara-saudara, apabila dunia membenci kamu.
3:14Kita tahu, bahwa kita sudah berpindah dari dalam maut ke dalam hidup, yaitu karena kita mengasihi saudara kita. Barangsiapa tidak mengasihi, ia tetap di dalam maut.
3:15Setiap orang yang membenci saudaranya, adalah seorang pembunuh manusia. Dan kamu tahu, bahwa tidak ada seorang pembunuh yang tetap memiliki hidup yang kekal di dalam dirinya.
3:16Demikianlah kita ketahui kasih Kristus, yaitu bahwa Ia telah menyerahkan nyawa-Nya untuk kita; jadi kitapun wajib menyerahkan nyawa kita untuk saudara-saudara kita.
3:17Barangsiapa mempunyai harta duniawi dan melihat saudaranya menderita kekurangan tetapi menutup pintu hatinya terhadap saudaranya itu, bagaimanakah kasih Allah dapat tetap di dalam dirinya?
3:18Anak-anakku, marilah kita mengasihi bukan dengan perkataan atau dengan lidah, tetapi dengan perbuatan dan dalam kebenaran.
3:19Demikianlah kita ketahui, bahwa kita berasal dari kebenaran. Demikian pula kita boleh menenangkan hati kita di hadapan Allah,
3:20sebab jika kita dituduh olehnya, Allah adalah lebih besar dari pada hati kita serta mengetahui segala sesuatu.
3:21Saudara-saudaraku yang kekasih, jikalau hati kita tidak menuduh kita, maka kita mempunyai keberanian percaya untuk mendekati Allah,
3:22dan apa saja yang kita minta, kita memperolehnya dari pada-Nya, karena kita menuruti segala perintah-Nya dan berbuat apa yang berkenan kepada-Nya.
3:23Dan inilah perintah-Nya itu: supaya kita percaya akan nama Yesus Kristus, Anak-Nya, dan supaya kita saling mengasihi sesuai dengan perintah yang diberikan Kristus kepada kita.
3:24Barangsiapa menuruti segala perintah-Nya, ia diam di dalam Allah dan Allah di dalam dia. Dan demikianlah kita ketahui, bahwa Allah ada di dalam kita, yaitu Roh yang telah Ia karuniakan kepada kita.