Rabu, 30 April 2008

Passing Over

I don't know what to write. I really don't. I wait on God to tell me what I should write and I hear nothing. I can only reflect.
The last 12 days have been long and a blur. I have seen God move in so many ways that I can only sit in awe of the beauty of His glory. I have had ordained appointments, seen into the spirit realm and cried till my eyes became raw.

I waited for the spirit of death and he arrived last night at 10 till 7. My mother is gone. Gone from us, but now with the Father. She cried at that moment of death and I rose up from my sit, bent over her and spoke truth to her. She heard me, my brother kissed her and she left. Oh, how we wept.

Throughout the day people had come and gone in her room. So, many prayed and so many songs were sang over her. The song, still resonate in my heart. My friends came and loved on my mother as if she were their own. They are, my friends, beautiful people of God. Giving of themselves in that hour and showing the love of God. To them I say "Thank you".

I prayed, all day, that God would let me see her go. I expected, if I saw, it to be like it was in the post "Spirit of Man". But, as the day went on, I just began to ask for God's will and left my need behind. Turns out, a friend had been praying that God would give me a supernatural experience with my mother and he did.
At some point in the day, I had the thought that my mother's spirit was going to go right through me. After the thought, I pondered and told myself that was weird.
Feeling it was my own strange thinking, I let it go. But, in that last moment, I knew before she took her last breath that it was done. I sat back and I saw a blur quickly rise up out of her and fly right through me. I felt a weight come off of me. It gave me the feeling that I had lost a hundred pounds and was, for a second weightless. She did as I had thought and flew right through me.

It has only been eleven hours now, but there has been much speculation on why this happen by a handful of people. One, was that she took with her the burden that I have been carry for the last five years of taking care of her. I don't know. Maybe, it was just God's way of answering my prayer of seeing her go. No matter what the reason, it was a beautiful moment and I thank the Most High for giving it to me.
grandma nancy
They told us that we could take as much time with her as we wanted after she was gone. But, we began to pack up and leave. She was no longer there and we saw no point. Her body is now in the hands of the embalmer, which is a notion that I can not stand. I detest embalming and think that we should, like the Jews, go to the ground quickly and not mutilate the body. But, she wanted to allow time for her out of state family to come to see her. So, I cringe and just take it.
virginia, corene, agnes, katherine
There are certain things that we need and want in this life and one that strikes us to the very core is the need for our mothers. Good or bad we are connected to her in so many ways. That earthly connection, for myself, has been broken. I will, however, see her again. I have that great hope in my life. I have assurance of where she is now and her future. My mother has not stopped she has become more. More lovely, more vigorous, more joyful, more enlightened, more gracious, more elegant, more beautiful. She is now set free and I know, with out a doubt, that she is happy.

Senin, 28 April 2008

My Will

Can we interfere with the plans of God? Can we, with the power that the Lord has left us, delay, destroy, or corrupt the plans of the Almighty? This is a question that I have been asking myself and searching God for the answer to.

Smith Wigglesworth wrote that his wife had been killed and dayand he prayed her back to life. This was a mistake (not in God's plan) and after a talk with his wife, he let her go to her God. I heard of another man who was ill and the doctors said that there was nothing that they could do for him. His wife, who was an incredible prayer warrior, prayed healing over him and he recovered. But,he became ill again, and again she prayed him to health. This went on and on till finally, the man asked that his wife be kept away from him so he could go to God.

These appear to be examples of interference with the plans of God.

I have been at the hospital for 12 days now. My mother is in the hospice unit and is just laying in the bed. Nothing more. Just lying there.

Last week, as I sat in front of her, I saw the spirit of death come to her. I gasped at the prospect. The spirit left, but then returned a moment later. I watch it and could feel the fear rise up within me. Then, again it left.

I was confused by this, why would it leave? I have prayed and look to God over the issue. A moment of clarity came to me at 3:30 in the morning. I had gotten up from m hospital bed to ask the nurses to move my mother and give her morphine. After I sat down, a man walked into the room. What is this at 3:30 in the morning? He told me he was a Chaplin.

He mentioned my mother and I welled up with tears. He said, that's alright, even Christ wept. I shared with him, that I believe that Christ wept because He could feel the pain of His people and was overcome by His love for them. The Chaplin began to weep and said "You have moved me." He then pulled up a chair. We had the most intimate and deep conversation,, about our God that I have ever had. We shared our love for God and what He had done for us. We truly ministered to each other. But, He seemed to know things about me that I had not told him and in those things he gave me incredibly encouraging words.

At one point, while he was speaking, I looked over at my mother and knew that God was talking to me. He said, "It is your fault". I knew that He was talking about why she lingers. "It is your fault". What a frightening thought that was to me.

I have prayed about this for a few days. I now realize that in my will, my subconscious will, I have interfered with the plans of God. I have not prayed to keep my mother from death, but have willed it in my deep longings for her to stay.

I always, try to only do what I see my Father doing and to never pray against His will. But, knowing this is wrong, I never thought about the outcome of doing such a thing. How devastating.

My will not God's. Not the way I try to walk, but this is what I have been doing. So, now, I have to learn how to completely surrender this one, knowing that when I do my mother will leave. I have tried and not found the road to completeness with this issue. I continue to strive to unload my will and lay it at the foot of the cross.

So, much to battle right now. I can only surrender and watch God's hand at work. I know the glory and joy that will lay at the other end, but right now it is a battle. I am, however, very tired of the battle and want to surrender so I can rest in the arms of my God.

Sabtu, 26 April 2008


The weekend is here and I do not usually post. But, I am still sitting in this hospital room and wanting to let out my feelings. So, my blog gets the brunt of my emotional whirl wind.

My mother no longer speaks, eats nor drinks. She just is. It is very difficult for me to not be able to fix this. When your child has a cold, broken arm, stubbed toe, you fix it. Never knew how intense this urge was, to fix, was in me. I feel helpless, but praise God, nor hopeless.

I slept last night, for the first time in days. But, I would wake up in the hospital bed and listen to hear her breathe. She continues on but, without pain and for that I am so very grateful.

Every once in a while, I freak out. It is as if I suddenly explode with emotion. What I'd really like to do is to scream at the top of my lungs for about 5 minutes. That would relieve a lot, but instead I let in out a bit at a time. So, bits of explosion come out of me now and then and I weep.

There is no room for us in the hospice. Is that a weird thing. They are full and have a waiting list. So, the hospital that we are in has made her room into a temporary hospice. It has all been surreal.

I keep turning to God for my comfort. He stands by me and my family. I see Him in the faces of those who care for my mother and those who come to encourage and support the family through this time. I am, so very grateful to everyone. God is here and I am blessed because of it.

Jumat, 25 April 2008

God's Power in the Live of A Former Homosexual (David Davis)

My early childhood was filled with scenes of my father coming home drunk and smashing furniture. Mother, my older brothers and sisters and I would stay with a neighbor until he was sober again. When I was eight, he nearly died from a brain aneurysm and spent the next six years in a VA hospital. That ended any hope of developing a relationship with him.

About this time I was the constant companion of two brothers my age in our Atlanta neighborhood, and we began to experiment sexually with one another. Even though my family didn't go to church, my conscience still bothered me. I was too young to understand what was happening, but our activity introduced me to homosexual behavior.

My mother worked to support the family and was out of the home a lot. She worried that I didn't have a father-figure, so she sent me to live with my older sister and her husband stationed in the Panama Canal Zone. I was excited about that, but my brother-in-law had a drinking problem, too. One night he even slapped my sister and choked her in front of me and their two-year-old son. I was really frightened. Then he suddenly threw her aside and left the house.

I had two emotional reactions. First, I decided never to trust adults. Second, I hated myself for being male, thinking that the same anger I saw in my father and my brother-in-law was also in me. I returned home shortly after that incident.

When puberty hit, I had strong homosexual desires, but I didn't act on them since I had started attending church. I prayed all through high school and my first year of college that God would take away the urges, and when He didn't I couldn't reconcile Christianity and homosexuality. So I left the church--and college--and took off for San Francisco's homosexual community. It was 1975; I was 19 years old.

When I joined the gay bar scene, I wanted to settle into one relationship. But that didn't fill the void in my heart, and I turned to drugs and alcohol. I stayed in California for six months, then traveled to other major cities. Eventually, I moved to rural Georgia and took a job in a convenience store, trying to put the past behind me. There, a local pastor invited me to church--where, on separate occasions, two men asked me out. These guys were both married, and supposedly, upstanding Christians. That made me feel justified in my lifestyle. At least, I thought, I've lived more honestly.

By 1978, my alcohol and drug abuse was getting worse, so I began looking for answers in the Bible. Even though I didn't understand most of the passages, reading it gave me peace, and a longing to find people who really believed its message.

A few months later, I left Georgia and eventually wound up in Boone, North Carolina. I arrived with a back-pack and $60. I rented a room for a week, not expecting to stay, but I found a job immediately. After several lonely months, I went to a concert put on by a local church. The man who greeted me at the door shook my hand, looked me in the eye and welcomed me. I thought, This man knows the love of God.

That night I was moved not only by the words of the songs, but by the spirit of the people. When I returned to my room I flushed away my marijuana, and said, "Okay, God, I want to be clean, and I want to know You. What next?"

The following Sunday, I set out for that little church and was heartily welcomed again. For the next two weeks, I went to every service Watauga Christian Center offered, and I listened--and watched--carefully. After a while, I even went to the pastor and apprehensively told him about my homosexuality. To my surprise, he didn't condemn me. Instead, he answered my questions about the Lord. He also helped me see that my homosexuality was learned behavior, and that I could choose to leave it.

Then he helped me make a commitment to the only One who could fill my heart's need. The months that followed were the beginning of a wonderful adventure in learning loving acceptance from the congregation. I also began understanding that men in the church need encouragement to befriend those who struggle with homosexuality. I know now that the emotional makeup of homosexual behavior is rooted in self-hatred and the overwhelming sense of being different from heterosexual men, and therefore, not being able to relate to them.

But while I was confident when helping others understand homosexuality, I worried about dating women, since I didn't have a clue of how to go about it. I prayed, "Lord, I can't do this. So would You please bring the one You want to be my wife to me. And make it really clear who she is."

Freida, a second-year teacher, and I worked in a nursing-home ministry and became acquainted. After much prayer, I asked her to date me. Four months later, we were married.

We have five wonderful children ranging in age from 4 to 11 who daily remind me of the joy I would have missed if I had continued believing the lie that homosexual men cannot change. Praise God, we can! I'm proof of that.

The Transforming Power of God For A Homosexual (Jami Breedlove)

I literally grew up in the church: My parents were the custodians, and we lived in an apartment underneath the sanctuary. I was the oldest of three girls, but I always felt like the extra wheel. Although I wasn't a tomboy, whenever my friends and I played "boyfriend-girlfriend," I always wanted to be the boyfriend.

Growing up in small towns in Texas, I didn't have much interest in dating. I did like one boy I had known since grade school, however, and even when his family moved to another state, we always kept up our friendship. He was three years older than I, and a young evangelist. It was my heart's desire to marry a minister. But soon after I graduated from high school, he drowned. I was crushed.

I was attending Bible college at the time, and when my roommate saw how devastated I was, she took me under her wing. She was a couple of years older and reminded me of my mom. She had a car and pocket money--things I didn't have. We soon became fast friends.

Neither of us dated men much, and she always felt upset because no one loved her. I was struggling with the same feelings. My roommate and I started spending a lot of time together. It wasn't long before we began relating to each other on a deep, emotional level. I didn't set out to find a woman to love; I set out to find someone to love me.

The moment I crossed over the line into homosexuality was right out of "Movie of the Week." We were sitting in our room late at night, and it got very quiet. She extended her hand; I took it. We hugged, then we looked into each other's eyes. She kissed me, and we became intimate.

Although there was a physical attraction, lesbianism was an emotional attachment for me. We soon became an "item" on campus. The dorm mother began to suspect something, so she watched us very closely. When the pressure became too much, my roommate left college and moved back home to Illinois. I dropped out, too, and followed her. When my father found out I had left school, he called and insisted I come home. I did.

About six months later, I left home again to go live with my lover. My parents had it all figured out, but when they confronted me, I denied everything.

You may have seen stories on TV or in the newspaper about lesbian couples. You'll usually see a "butch" and a "fem" in the relationship. Butches dress in a more masculine style, have short haircuts and dominate the relationship. The fem, meanwhile, assumes a demure role. I was the fem.

Perhaps you've read that homosexuals have a lot of money--which may be true in the male gay community--but in the lesbian society, you usually have two $5 or $6 wage- earners living together. Financial hardship actually makes it harder for lesbians to seek a path out.

In the 12 years I was a lesbian, I never went to a gay-pride meeting, never paraded down Main Street, and never knew a pedophile. I still wanted a relationship with God, so I attended a Metropolitan Community Church, where gay people are welcomed with open arms. We used Bibles with translations that eliminated the word "homosexual." That's how much we were deluding ourselves. I fell in and out of several relationships, and twice I married other women, although the unions, of course, weren't legal. One time, I visited an infertility doctor and tried to be artificially inseminated from donor sperm so we could become parents.

Meanwhile, my parents were devastated. In their church one evening, the pastor spoke on how God wants to change homosexuals. He asked any parents of homosexuals to come forward and be prayed for. My folks stood up and walked down the aisle, even though it must have been very difficult to publicly admit their daughter was a lesbian.

During this period I was struggling in one of my relationships. My partner and I had these long discussions. She would always ask me, "Do you really think if the Lord came back, we would go to heaven?" The question haunted me. I'd wake up in the middle of the night, thinking, What if the Lord came back? That was my greatest fear, being left behind.

About this time, a man entered my life. I had known Ben Breedlove from my childhood days, and he knew I was a lesbian. I wondered, Why would any man want to see a woman who had lived with other women for 12 years? But Ben wanted to reach me with the same love that Jesus had for me. He told me he cared for me, and he wanted to be my friend.

When I saw Ben's love was unconditional, I began falling in love with him. We dated a few times, and I learned that he was a sensitive, loving, caring man whom God had sent to me. I looked deep in my heart, and I knew I had been living a sinful lifestyle. I wanted out, so I repented and asked God to heal me.

Two verses that keep coming back to me are I Corinthians 6:9-10, which list the sins that will keep people from entering the kingdom of heaven. Homosexuality is one of them. But the next verse says, "And that is what some of you were. But you were washed, you were sanctified, you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and by the Spirit of our God." We have to remember what the changing power of God does. If we realize there are homosexuals in our church--and believe me, they are sitting in your church pews every Sunday--then we need to pray that God will change their lives.

God can change a homosexual's heart. I know, because not only have I seen it, I've experienced it.

(Jami Breedlove leads Restoration, a residental ministry for women who want to leave the lesbian lifestyle. She can be contacted through: Restoration, P.O. Box 7242, Loveland, CO 80537, (970)663-7778; fax: (970)667-7162. Copyright 1994. Focus on the Family. All rights reserved. International copyright secured. Used by permission of Focus on the Family)

A woman, how God delivered her from smoking (Dorothy forrest)

The night I received the baptism of the Holy Spirit, I had been at a week long revival. On the last day I was studying my lesson for Bible Study. I was also still a smoker (for almost 30 years) and wanted to stop. I prayed and asked to God to take the cigarettes from me and fill me with the Holy Ghost. I'd been asking God this for a long time but this time the Lord spoke to my heart saying, "Daughter, I know what you want but you have to turn your request around.

So, that day I asked Him again. I said, "Please fill me with Your Holy Spirit." I continued to smoke that last night of revival. I remember the preacher asked for those who wanted prayer to come up to the altar.

There was a very long line and as I got closer to him, the preacher kept looking at me. When it was my turn for prayer he reached to lay his hand on me but before he could touch me I was slain in the Spirit.

It was the most beautiful experience! There was a sweet smell of the presence of God all around me and I did not want it to end. I had thought I was in His presence for 10 or 15 minutes but my husband said they prayed over me for 45 minutes to 1 hour.

I remember I was smoking on the way to church that night. When we were going home my girlfriend's husband started to smoke and it made me feel strange. I said to myself, "Lord, make him put it out." Praise God, my girlfriend spoke to him and said, "Harold, do you have to smoke now?" He didn't say a word, just put it out!

I never wanted to smoke since that day, over 15 years ago. God is good, praise Him!

Still Spirit-filled and smoke-free.

"The Best Thing That Ever Happened to Me" (by Doris Glatt)

I was born in London, England. my father was a cabinet maker who came from Riga in Russia, and my mother was born in Latvia in Poland. I don't think they met until their wedding day. My mother was a wonderful lady. She kept a very Orthodox home.

As a child I attended Hebrew school - we called it Sunday school in our synagogue. In the synagogue the women would sit upstairs in the balcony and the men were down below,. Young children were not allowed in synagogue services except on Yom Kippur.

I came to America by ship on February 4, 1948 - the same year that Israel became a state. At first I was able to live with my aunt in Chicago, and my first priority was to find a job. I did think about religions now and then, but my first thought was, "I've got to get money and get settledor else I'll have to go back to England again." somewhere,

During the years I was definitely looking for something to believe in.I would sometimes see a church and ask friends, "What about this church on the corner? What about that one over there?" But for whatever reasons I never did find what I was searching for.

Eventually I retired from my -work, and would often go to the park near my home. One summer day in 1978 1 was sitting on a bench doing some handwork and a beautiful young girl came up and said to me, "Can I talk to you?"

I thought to myself "Talk to me? What does she want with an old lady?"

After inquiring about what I was making, she introduced herself (her name was Paula) and began to explain that she was a student in a program here in Chicago f'or six %weeks. Then she told me about the weekly Bible study that was being held where a lively group would meet to sing songs and study the Scriptures. She said it was the kind of thing that I might enjoy, and from the way she described it, I thought I might.

Then she invited me over for over before the Bible study and my,- first thought was, "Oh brother, I wonder how much this is going to cost me.

I was a bit reluctant to agree. I couldn't figure out why this girl would show such warmth and interest in me, a complete stranger. But I was interested in what she had to say, so I said, "Let me think about it."

She asked if she could phone me, and I told her I'd be glad to have her call. (I thought to myself, "I'm not going to in vite her to my house. I don't know who she is - she'll steal everything I've got.") When she did call, I was so glad to hear her voice. I agreed to be ready when she came to pick me up for the Bible study.

The whole evening really impressed me. I loved all the Hebrew songs, with the tambourine playing, and I thought to myself, 'Golly, I'm back home again!" It felt so good. Some songs I didn't know and some I did. I thought, They don't look like Jewish people. Why are they singing in Hebrew?" I couldn't understand it, but I loved it. And I didn't run out and go home. I stayed the whole night through.

Jose Jimenez had been playing the piano that night. He saw me leaving and called out, "Shalom, Doris!" and do you know I have never forgotten that; that he saw that I was leaving, remembered my, name, and said, "Peace." I thought that was so beautiful. And I Found myself looking forward to the next week's Bible study, and the next - it was the highlight of my week.

I hadn't been going there too long when I began to understand the message they were teaching,: that Jesus was the Messiah of Israel, that I was a sinner, and that it was because God loved me that He sent His Son to be my Savior.

I knew that this was what I wanted, but I thought to myself, "Doris, you don't do these things lightly,-. Don't rush into something you shouldn't. Think about it a little longer.” I could see that they were so sincere, and I just loved coming to the studies.

Finally one day I sat down with one of the AMFI staff and wrote down a list of pros and cons: the things I would gain by accepting Jesus, and what I had to lose. There weren't t many cons, and there was a whole list of pros. The most important thing was that I would have Jesus who would always be my friend. I thought to myself, "What else do I want.-- I need a friend all the time, not just during the Bible studies." And so I put my trust in Messiah Jesus, asking Him to forgive my sins.

One time I was trying to reach my landlord, and he would never come to the phone to talk to me. So I said to his secretary, "How come I can talk to God but I can't talk to Larry.

So she said, "You talk to God?" I said, "All the time." It's the best thing that's ever happened to me. I can recommend it to everyone.

HEAR AND LIVE ! (By Ernst Loewy)

"Far better to be blind than deaf!" This was the considered opinion of a dear friend of mine who is hard of hearing. "After all," he continued, "those to whom sight is denied keep in close touch with the world around them through an intensified sense of hearing. They arc able to enjoy music and they can converse with others, whereas we are shut up to ourselves and cannot really communicate. If only we could hear!"

Yet many who have been endowed with the faculty of hearing do not exercise it to receive God's communication to us. "O earth, earth, earth, hear the word of the Lord," was the cry of Jeremiah of old. "If only you had paid attention," was the lament of Isaiah to an even earlier generation. Again and again the Bible draws our attention to the importance of listening carefully; "He who has ears, let him hear." Any organ of our body which we do not use will deteriorate, and it is a solemn fact that if we turn a deaf ear to God, our ear will turn deaf. The following paragraphs will illustrate how God's promise was fulfilled in the life of the writer: "Give ear and come to me; hear me, that your soul may live" (Isaiah 55:3).

Earliest Days

Born into a Jewish home in Berlin, Germany, I am able to look back on a very happy childhood. My parents were in a position to grant the wishes of their children, so that very little, if anything, remained to be desired. But I remember even in those far off days a longing after deeper things. Unfortunately, neither my father nor my mother had any religious convictions; on the contrary, they had rather inclined toward agnosticism. Consequently, the only way I could give vent to my feelings was by uttering a little prayer which one of our children's maids had taught me.

Another event stands out from my childhood days, namely, an open-air meeting held by the Salvation Army on a Sunday afternoon in one of the open squares of Berlin. Our family had gone for a walk and as we passed by, the service was in full swing. I cannot remember anything about the message given, for none of us were interested enough to stay and listen, but the last line of a chorus which they sang impressed itself indelibly upon my mind. "Are you washed in the blood of the Lamb?" Strictly speaking, these words did not convey anything to me, but the challenge they presented could not be evaded. God did not allow me to forget them, but from time to time, they would be on my lips and in my heart, "Are you washed in the blood of the Lamb?" What about it?


Years passed, pleasant, carefree years, yet all the time the storm clouds were gathering. The hydra-headed monster of anti-Semitism was stalking through the land, gaining followers everywhere. In January 1933, a wave of persecution was unleashed which grew in intensity, reaching dimensions unparalleled in the history of mankind. It did not leave our immediate family unscathed either, although God in his goodness preserved us from irreparable loss.

The inauguration of the Third Reich influenced the life of every Jew within its reach and, though only a teenager at the time, I was no exception. My high school education was cut short and, having always been interested in electromechanics, I was apprenticed to become a tradesman. About this time my real soul struggle began.

A legion of questions occupied my mind. Why this sudden outbreak of fury? Why should so many innocent people suffer? Why did God allow all this? Why did he not intervene? why? Why? WHY? The religious instruction received at high school could not supply the answer to any of these and many other queries. Not in any way bigoted, my parents had allowed me to learn the Old and New Testaments at school, but the prevailing rational approach to the Bible had robbed us of reverence for it, leaving me with a greater void in my heart. Consequently I turned to the one and only path open before me, the synagogue. I began to study Hebrew, knowing that it would help me to enter more deeply into the services and thinking it would be a good preparation for going to Erets Israel when that way would open up.

However, "For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, declares the Lord. As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts." Our family decided to emigrate to South Africa and although left at liberty to stay behind to pursue my plans regarding what was then Palestine, I came to the conclusion that it would be best to leave the circle unbroken and set out with my parents for "Africa's golden shore."

A New Beginning

Busy months followed during which every one of us had to shoulder his part of the responsibility of making a new home. I must pay special tribute to my mother's selfless efforts and unceasing labors which contributed most toward this achievement. But neither this, nor the regained personal freedom in a free country, nor congenial work could end my quest. Regular attendance at the synagogue services, keeping of the dietary laws as far as possible, trying to learn more about the oral law, none of these could satisfy the inner longings of my heart. Friends told me that I was far too serious. "Enjoy life while you are young and leave deeper things to the old people; there is plenty of time later on!" Were they right after all? So far I had not succeeded in my search for truth and for God; was I perhaps chasing a will-o'-the-wisp?


During this critical period I made the acquaintance of a Christian who was on the office staff of the firm where I was employed as a scientific instrument maker. The difference between her and the other members of the personnel was so marked that it could not go unnoticed. In the course of numerous conversations I realized that this was the first person I had met who knew God as a living reality. At last one who had not only sought, but found. So there was a way back to God, but oh, how disappointing it was to hear that Jesus Christ was that way. As he said, "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me." Christians accept this, but how could a Jew believe in the one whose followers have persecuted us throughout the centuries? (I had yet to learn the difference between Gentiles and Christians. While the former may participate in acts of violence and hatred, the latter love our people.)

The very idea seemed so absurd that I tried to put it out of my mind once and for all; but in vain. Judaism had been "weighed in the balances, and found wanting!" If there is no other way besides Jesus Christ, what then? Pride and prejudice barred the road to further inquiry, but God dealt with them in his all-wise manner. He suddenly took away a very good friend of mine while in the prime of life, and this proved a great shock to me. Where would I have gone if the call had come to me instead? "But that is quite impossible," argued the adversary of our souls, "you are even younger than he was, healthy and strong; don't worry about it." Yet God showed me that such a possibility was not nearly as remote as we may think. An accident on a plateau of Table Mountain, which might have been fatal under different circumstances, was a further warning not to delay. "Prepare to meet your God, 0 Israel" was the message of the prophet of old. "Seek the Lord while he may be found; call on him while he is near."

A Deepening Conviction

Remembering that my father had sought comfort and consolation in the Bible at a time of crisis, I also turned to this precious book. Following the counsel of that Christian friend, I began reading in the Old Testament, namely, the prophecy of Isaiah. Nobody, except perhaps one who is utterly indifferent, can read the messages of this zealot and remain untouched; they did not fail to make a profound impression upon me. "A virgin will be with child and will give birth to a son, and will call his name Immanuel." Who else could this be, but the prophet of Nazareth? "For unto us a child is born, to us a son is given, and the government will be on his shoulders. And he will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace." What son or child would dare call himself El Gibbor? Only Yeshua, who claimed to be one with the Father. "See, a king shall reign in righteousness .... Each man will be like a shelter from the wind ... and the shadow of a great rock in a thirsty land." Again, no one fitted into this beautiful picture but "the man born to be king"; the Anointed, the Rock of Ages.

Thus the light became brighter day by day and my conviction deepened. "You were sold for nothing, and without money you will be redeemed." What balm to a troubled spirit! But the reading of Isaiah 53 brought the peace so keenly sought. In it the sufferings of the Messiah on behalf of Israel and the world at large are depicted in sublime language. "Surely he took our infirmities and carried our sorrows, yet we considered him stricken by God, smitten by him, and afflicted." This was the superficial view once held by myself and by multitudes of my Jewish brethren all over the globe. Now, however, the eye of faith looked beyond the external. "But he was pierced for our transgressions, he was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was upon him, and by his wounds we are healed. We all, like sheep, have gone astray, each of us has turned his own way; and the Lord has laid on him the iniquity f us all."

These solemn verses led me to the knowledge of the truth of God, and in him, who is the true center of Israel, I found the answer to my every problem. Confessing my sin and unworthiness, I looked away to Jesus Christ, my Corban (atoning sacrifice), suffering anguish, dying in my place,

and I received him into my heart by faith. That night anther one of the wandering "lost sheep of the house of Israel" returned to the fold of the redeemed; home at last!

God's Call to Service

The newly-found joy in the Messiah, the peace of heart, the assurance of the forgiveness of sins and eternal life were exceedingly precious in the difficult days that followed. Severe tests of faith were encountered, but nothing could undo God's work of grace in my heart. It was my earnest desire to make this blessed salvation known to others, and some months later I heard God's call to my present sphere of service. It came through the words which commissioned Ezekiel, the prophet, to his life task. "Son of man, I have made you a watchman for the house of Israel; so hear the word I speak and give them warning from me."


That was years ago. But throughout all this time it has been a great joy to serve the Master, in spite of multitudinous difficulties and trials. As long as life shall last it will be my privilege to invite my Jewish brothers and sisters with the words of that great Jew on the shore of the Galilean lake centuries ago: Matsanu et hamashiah! "We have found the Messiah." Hear, and live!

A JEW WHO FOUND JESUS (Testimony Of Rabbi Max Wertheimer)

Born in Germany of devout Orthodox Jewish parents, my first fifteen years were saturated with training in Orthodox Judaism. Then I began my studies toward a career and was apprenticed to a manufacturer doing office work. Although I continued to read the prayers and attend synagogue, my worldly associates led me into sinful pleasures, and I drifted from the faith of my fathers.

My parents sent me to America to pursue a classical education at the Hebrew Union College in Ohio. There were major adjustments to be made, but I finished my training in all phases of Hebrew learning. Four years after completing my undergraduate work I received my master's degree.

Having become proficient in the translation of Hebrew into the vernacular and with a broad knowledge of Jewish history, I was ordained and inducted into rabbinical office.

I served ten years in my first charge, receiving many tokens of affection from my flock. I contributed much to their knowledge of the social, industrial, and economic problems of the day.

I spoke on monotheism, ethical culture, and the moral systems of the Jews. On Sabbath mornings, I gave addresses on the Pentateuch, and on Sundays I taught from eight in the morning to five in the evening with only an hour's break for dinner.

I became popular as a public speaker and was often asked to speak in Christian churches. Well do I recall the day when I proudly stood before an audience of professing Christians and told them why I was a Jew and would not believe in their Christ as my Messiah and Savior. I gloried in the Reform Judaism that acknowledged no need of atoning sacrifice for sin-a religion of ethics which quieted qualms of conscience through a smug self-righteousness.

In that audience sat a humble, elderly woman who prayed, "O God, bring Dr. Wertheimer to realize his utter need of that Savior he so boastingly rejects! Bring him, if necessary, to the very depths in order that he may know his need of my Lord Jesus Christ."

What did I need of Jesus? I was perfectly satisfied with life. My wife was young, attractive, and accomplished. I was rabbi of the B'nai Yeshorum Synagogue, lived in a beautiful home, enjoyed a place of prominence in the community where I spoke in every denominational church, was honorary member of the Ministerial Association, served as chaplain in the Masonic Lodge, and fared sumptuously every day.

Suddenly, there came a change. My wife became seriously ill and soon died, leaving me a distraught widower with two small children. I could not sleep. I walked the streets striving to find something that would make me forget the void in my life. My dreams were shattered. Where was comfort to be found? I called on the God of my fathers, but the heavens seemed as brass. How could I speak words of comfort to others when my own sorrow had brought me to despair? I delved into Spiritism, Theosophy and Christian Science, only to find them futile and hopeless.

I decided that I must resign and take time to think things through. I was perplexed about one thing in particular: Where was the spirit and soul of my loved one who had made my existence so sweet? What had become of all her faculties, the intents and purposes of that active, keen mind? I turned to the Bible for an answer.

Again I studied Judaism, but it answered no questions; it satisfied no craving in my heart. Then I began to read the New Testament, comparing it with the Old. As I pondered over and meditated on many passages, one in particular made a definite impression. In the fifty-third chapter of Isaiah, I was perplexed by the expression, ". . . My righteous servant," found in the eleventh verse. This was the only mention of that phrase I could find in either Testament. We have, "David, my servant," "Isaiah, my servant," Daniel, my servant," but here it is, "My righteous servant."

I said to myself, Who is that righteous servant? To whom does the prophet refer? I argued, Whoever that "righteous servant" of Jehovah is, of one thing I am sure: He is not Israel, because the prophet declares Israel to be a sinful nation, a people laden with iniquity, a leprous nation. The righteous servant of Jehovah must be one who is holy. If it isn't Israel, who could it be? I decided it must be Isaiah. But in Isaiah chapter 6 I found it could never be the prophet, for he confesses himself to be a guilty sinner and a man of unclean lips in God's sight. "My righteous servant." Who could it be?

I began to study the context and in Isaiah 50:6 I found, "I offered my back to those who beat me." Then I read how the chapter began: "This is what the Lord says." I asked, Does God have a back? Did he give it to those who beat him? Then I read, "My cheeks to those who pulled out my beard," and how he did not hide his face "from mocking and spitting." I asked myself, When did Jehovah have these human characteristics? When and why did he suffer these indignities?

In my confusion, I began to read Isaiah from the beginning. I was stopped at the sixth verse of chapter nine: "For to us a child is born, to us a son is given, and the government will be upon his shoulders. And he will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace." Here was a most incomprehensible thing!

I was suddenly faced with the doctrine of the Trinity. What now about our familiar monotheistic slogan, Shema Israel, Adonai Eloheynu, Adonai ehad ("Hear 0 Israel, the Lord our God is one Lord")? Upon that word ehad ("one"), the entire philosophy of Judaism is based. I had been taught by the rabbi.,; that ehad means "absolute unity." I began to study that word, and found to my amazement it was used of Adam and Eve who became "one." It was used again when the spies returned from Canaan with a cluster of grapes (eshkol ehad). Again it is found when the "men of Judah" stood up as "one man" (eesh ehad). Suddenly, I was struck with the error l had believed and proclaimed all through my ministry. Ehad cannot mean "absolute unity," but must refer to a composite unity.

Next I began to search for the name of Jesus in the Old Testament. In my study, I found that 275 years before Christ, King Ptolemy Philadelphus summoned men from Palestine and commanded them to translate the Hebrew Scriptures into the Greek vernacular. They took the Pentateuch first, and when they came to "Joshua" they translated it Yesous, written with a circumflex over it to show that there had been a suppression of the Hebrew that could not be expressed in Greek. When Joshua went into Canaan with the other eleven spies, he was called Yehoshua ("Jehovah is Savior"). That is exactly what the word "Jesus" means.

I could hold out in unbelief no longer. I was convinced of the truth of God as it is in Christ Jesus. I cried, "Lord, I believe that as Jehovah Yesous you made the atonement for me. I believe you made provision for me! From henceforth I will publicly confess Yeshua as my Savior and Lord!" Thus, after months of searching, I was convinced that Jesus was the righteous servant of Jehovah, Jehovah-tsidkenu, "The Lord our righteousness."

While I served as a rabbi, I had yearned to give the bereaved some hope and comfort, but I could not give what I did not possess. Now I could approach those in heart-breaking grief and tragedy and give them the satisfying words of the Lord Jesus, "I am the resurrection and the life, He who believes in me will live, even though he dies-, and whoever lives and believes in me will never die." And again, "I tell you the truth, whoever hears my word and believes him who sent me has eternal life and will not be condemned; he has crossed over from death to life."

There is but one eternal life, and one source of eternal life; that is God's Son. What a great and glorious message we, his redeemed ones, are commissioned to deliver today.

Persepsi Kristen Yang Harus Diubah

Pandangan sebagian besar manusia di dunia terhadap agama itu ternyata sama. Mereka menganggap bahwa untuk melakukan perintah agama itu sulit bahkan sangat sulit. Sebagai Kristen, pandangan kita perlu dibaharui pula; jangan sampai hal-hal yang dikehendaki Allah kita anggap terlalu sulit untuk dilakukan. Bagaimana cara membaharuinya? Tentu dengan pertolongan Roh Kudus juga, kita harus memandang secara terbalik; yakni: justru kalau melakukan hal-hal dosa, itu yang sulit, dan melakukan kebenaran firman Allah itu lebih mudah (karena kita disertai Yesus).

Justru kalau membenci (=membunuh) manusia itu sulit, mencuri itu sulit, menipu itu sulit, berzinah itu sulit, tidak menolong sesama itu sulit, tidak mengasihi itu sulit. Mengapa sulit? Karena kita tidak akan merasa kedamaian di dalam hati jika berbuat hal-hal demikian. Sebaliknya kalau kita melakukan kebaikan kepada sesama karena kasih Allah itu, itu yang “keren” dan “lebih mudah”. Karena dengan melakukan kebenaran firman Allah saja maka hati kita merasakan kedamaian hati yang sejati. Dan berbicara soal kedamaian, maka hanya Allah Sumber Damai yang sejati (Yohanes 14:27; I Tes 3:16; Kolose 3:15, Timotius 1:2).

Ada 2 hal yang membuat hati kita merasa kedamaian surgawi:

  1. Kalau segala dosa (kejahatan dan kenajisan) kita diampuni (Mazmur 32:1,2; Yohanes 8:2-10)
  2. Kalau kita melakukan kehendakNya (Yesaya 48:18; Lukas 11:18)

Kamis, 24 April 2008

Jarak Paling Jauh di Alam Roh

Di alam lahiriah/jasmani, jarak itu tidak ada artinya bagi mahluk roh, seperti Tuhan atau malaikat atau setan, jika mau pergi dari kota satu ke kota lain itu kecepatannya hanya sekejap saja seperti satu kedipan mata, bahkan dari negara satu ke negara yang lain, benua ke benua, planet ke planet, bahkan dari bintang satu ke bintang yang lain, galaksi satu ke galaksi yang lain.

Tetapi, kalau di alam roh, lain lagi kendalanya, ternyata yang menjadi jarak terjauh di alam roh, yakni jarak antara:


A Time to Die

It is 10:47 at night. I am sitting in a hospital beside the bed of my mother. Today I made the decision to take her off all medical help. So, now I wait.

We do a lot of waiting in our life time. We wait for the baby to be born, we wait for the bride to walk down the aisle. We wait for the beginning and we wait for the end. We wait in line and we wait for the pain to stop. But, this is the longest wait of my life.

I watch her chest rise and fall and think ahead to that last moment when it no longer rises. When my mother is no longer a part of my everyday existence and I no longer hear her voice. That is a time I wish would never come. But, I sit and wait for that moment knowing I can not stop time.

I chose to make this wait stop. I told the doctors "no more". And yet, I have my doubts that I did the right thing. Knowing it is the right decision and feeling it is right are two different things. My feelings are drowning in a sea of tears.

The wait could take a while. "No one knows" is what the doctor said. He added that, "her heart is strong, but it is failing." I wondered at the contradiction, but understood that she was not going to come back to me. So, morphine is the drug of comfort and now she sleeps. But, I do not. I sit and wait. Watching her chest rise and fall. Waiting for her to leave me.

The Farm

The first time I heard the audible voice of God I hear, "No predator will cross your land." I had been working in the psych department of a local hospital, at the time, and thought I needed to go to lock up because I was now hearing voices.

Within moments, I realized I was hearing God's voice. So, I then got excited. What could this mean, was my next thought. We were, at the time, living on our 120 acre farm. I was only about a mile from the farm when I heard this message. So, I immediately believed that God meant my farm. But, when I shared this word with a friend she said, "isn't it frustrating that God always speaks in parables." I was a new Christian, so I believed that what she was saying was the absolute truth and decided that what God truly meant was that He would not let people cross me or destroy me.
Now, as I think back on that, I realize that God has not once talk to me in parables. He has always spoke to me without mystery. It has always been straight talk with no hidden meaning. So, I ask myself, why would He have talk to me in a parable this one and only time.

So, I have reevaluated this Word and gone back to what my sense of its meaning was in the beginning.

We still own the farm. We had to move into town because of the Lupus that, at that time, was ravaging my body. The doctors said I needed to be close to a hospital. Since my healing, we have not thought of moving back. But, we did not feel the need to sell it either. The land is leased out and that makes the payments for us. But, now, we have an intense sense that we need to get back to the farm.
Both my husband and myself have been praying, intensely about this decision. Wanting only Gods will in this matter. Gas prices are a concern. My husband has to work and it is 60 miles aways from work. This is an isolated farm. Even the locals say our farm is in the boonies. It is far from civilization.

So, back to the word. My original thought was that God meant that my land was a safe place. A place that no predator (man) would cross. That in the end times this was a sanctuary from the evil of the world.

Last night, God gave me a dream, where I was back on the farm. Last evening, my daughter, A Homesteading Neophyte, shows up and wants to talk about all of us moving to the farm and homesteading it. Her and her husband are concerned about a depression and the prophesies of the Bible. This morning, while I am praying about what to post, God tells me to turn on the T.V. and when I did, there was another report about food rationing in the United States and in the world. Am I seeing God's hand at work in my life, telling me to go back to the farm.

I am pragmatic in my thinking. I try to be practical and consider and weigh all options. Should I wait to make sure that this is what God is saying or should I just jump in and go for what I think that God is leading me toward?

Again I quote the Word:

Proverbs 22:3
A prudent man sees danger and takes refuge, but the simple keep going and suffer for it.

I want only to follow the leading of my God. So, we pray, we seek, we follow.

Rabu, 23 April 2008

VIDEO - Elham, Former muslim women's journey from Islam to Christ

VIDEO - Former Muslim Woman Layla's journey from Islam to Christ

VIDEO - Abdul's Testimony - Convert from Islam to Christianity

VIDEO - Jesus Christ Heals a Muslimah in Indonesia

VIDEO - Mohamed, Son of Muslim Sheikh's Journey from Islam to Christ

VIDEO - How a Muslim lady found Truth - From Islam to Christ !

VIDEO - How Nasrin found True Jesus ! Journey from Islam to Christ.

VIDEO - How Lord Jesus Changed Former Muslim Imam Mohammed !

VIDEO - Hanife, Former Muslim Women's Journey from Islam to Christ !

VIDEO - Toufik, An Arab Muslim's journey from Islam to Christ !

VIDEO - From Islam to Christ, Former muslim women lydia's journey !


VIDEO - Manal leaves Islam for Jesus Christ

VIDEO - How Lord Jesus Changed Former Muslim Imam Mohammed !

VIDEO - Shekhar, Testimony of Ex-Hindu Brahmin, Journey to CHRIST !


VIDEO - Woman Healed of Blindness

A Caucasian woman is ecstatic with joy when she receives her sight back from the Lord Jesus.

As the man born blind in John 9 said, "If this man were not from God, he could do nothing..."

This happened at T.B. Joshua's church in Nigeria.

Lesson Learned

"Surrender all" that's the way the song goes. "I surrender all".

Every once in a while, especially when I least expect it, God will reveal to me a weakness, sin or perhaps a control issue in my life. He rarely lets me know these things through a word or dream. It is usually in a round about way that I find fascinating.

As many of you know, my mother broke her hip about five weeks ago. She then had to be put into a nursing home and last week developed heart and kidney failure and pneumonia. She continues to be very ill and my brother, Only in His Service, and I are there most of the time. Especially, my brother.

She is not eating very well. Hardly at all. So, my brother and I have taken it upon ourselves to be there every meal and try to get her to eat. While there I pray and ask God questions. He has been very slow to answer my questions.

I will look at my mother and wonder why she is holding on so long. I have seen, over the years, people give up on life or make a decision that they can let go and then they pass on. So, I wonder and have asked God, why she has such a will, in her horribly frail condition, to live. I know that she longs to see God and to be with my earthly father. But, she lingers.

Then you ask yourself, "Is there a purpose for her lingering?" "What could that be?"
This morning, as I sat here praying about what to post, my thoughts went to my mother and her condition. As, I thought God revealed much to me about my mother and myself.

I know that I do not want to die and the reason may seem strange. I do not want to miss anything. I want to see what is going to happen next on this earth. Now , this is not to say that I will not see what happens next if I do die, I really don't know the answer to that. Maybe, I just never thought much about it. But, the reality is, my thinking is a bit skewed on this matter.

There by, goes my mother as well. This morning God revealed that my mother is just like me. She may miss something and does not want to let go. How controlling is that???

You think you have surrendered all. Given everything to God and WHAM He shows you the truth. My need to know and see what will happen next is keeping me from truly surrendering to God.
I thank God that He continues to show me those unknown sins in my life and that He has used my mothers condition to show me this sin. Perhaps, this is the reason she lingers. With her Alzheimer's, she is not in the mind set to be thinking "I'm going to hang around to see what happens next". But, I think of how she has probably been, like myself, in this mind set all of her life. This is probably one of those self fulling curses that we can put on ourselves.

I can not say to her "when you see God, go to Him" like I did for the man in my post "Spirit of Man". Her mind will not conceive of the idea. I can not pray that God will take her, because I am not sure of God's will in this matter. I do soooo pray that she not suffer. But, I watch as she does. I do understand that nothing happens by circumstance and that the reason is there for the understanding. I, perhaps, have learned the reason and have come to that understanding.

I have got to surrender all. Give up on the notion that I need to see what is going to happen next and stop the control issue. My mother has taught me one more lesson. For that I am eternally grateful.

Selasa, 22 April 2008

The Time is Nigh

These last five days I have posted prophetic warnings from Gods prophets. These warnings are just a small portion of the warnings that are being given in the land. There is no doubt in my mind that we have entered into the last days and the black horse has been released

Revelation 6:5-6 (New Century Version)

When the Lamb opened the third seal, I heard the third living creature say, "Come!" I looked, and there before me was a black horse, and its rider held a pair of scales in his hand. Then I heard something that sounded like a voice coming from the middle of the four living creatures. The voice said, "A quart of wheat for a day's pay, and three quarts of barley for a day's pay, and do not damage the olive oil and wine!"

Then the forth seal is opened.pale

When the Lamb opened the fourth seal, I heard the voice of the fourth living creature say, "Come!" I looked, and there before me was a pale horse. Its rider was named death, and Hades[a] was following close behind him. They were given power over a fourth of the earth to kill people by war, by starvation, by disease, and by the wild animals of the earth.

It is not a matter of time, the time is now. You can feel it in the air. Even the secular world is feeling it and knows that something is wrong. They have heard the warnings from the Christians and now are seeing God's hand working. There is fear in the world.
The first rationing of food has begun here in the United States. In Canada you can not preach certain parts of the Word of God because it is considered hate speech. That will soon be here, especially if Mr. Obama gets elected to the presidency. After all, in his mind, we Christians are weak minded folks who only turn to God in our bitterness. His agenda, is not righteous.

There is no stopping this season. But, there is multiple things you, my dear reader, can do.

Proverbs 22:3
A prudent man sees danger and takes refuge, but the simple keep going and suffer for it.

Seek the Lord on how you should prepare. The number one things is to be right with your God. There is great persecution to come for your belief and you need the strength of the Lord to get through. The next, is to follow His lead in what He would have you do. Not all will prepare in the same way. Some will store food, some build shelters, some both etc. It is the Lord that will decide.

As for my secular friends. The Lord says to you:

Jeremiah 29:13
You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.

I was an atheist when the Lord caught me. I did not understand what truth nor love was till that day He took hold of me. I met the Creator of the Universe on that glorious day and my life was turned upside down. Life did not get easier, it became constant. Because,

Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever. Hebrews 13:8

Hard times lie ahead. For you who know God, go deeper into His arms and hold on to His promises. For you who do not know Him, He waits for you. Just look for Him and you will find Him. Than longing in your heart, that ache in your soul, that hunger in your life is God. He is calling you by name into His love.

Senin, 21 April 2008

The Last Prophetic Warning

This being the last of the prophesies, I wanted to tell you, my dear readers, how these came to my attention. There is a young woman in my church that is having these same kinds of dreams. She has been having them for about a year. The dreams show devastation to the United State. In the dreams she is shown that Wichita, Kansas will be a safe place for people to hide, especially Christians. She has been shown safe houses and stock piles of food. But, the devastation of the United States is terrific and heart rendering.

I believe that God is taking His hand off of the United States. That in His anger, He has warned us and we have not taken heed of these warnings. Our tolerance to sin and disrespect to His commandments are our downfall.

Proverbs 17:11
Disobedient people look only for trouble, so a cruel messenger will be sent against them.


Angelic Warning In Dream! March 19, 2008

I had a very profound, disturbing dream recently. I feel like God wants me to release it, and ask if anyone has had a similar experience, or any 'wisdom', please contact me. I do not pretend to understand this fully.

In my dream, I was busy doing something, and suddenly I heard a male voice speaking to me. He was pleading for a moment of my time. He said : Mam, I need to tell you something important!

So I sat down facing this young man. He was in his early teens, and he appeared to be of African heritage, though he was somewhat black, he looked as if he could be part white. He had tears running down his face.

He began to speak to me. I could tell by his demeanor and tone of his voice, he was desperate and very very serious.I could not understand most of what he said, I strained my ears to determine whether he had a thick accent or if he was speaking an entirely unknown language. However, in the midst of this unknown language, one phrase was clear.

"A judgment is coming against America. Please tell the church to PRAY!" That was it. I woke up, so wishing I could finish it.

I do not know if this young man was an intercessor somewhere in Africa, who God allowed to appear to me in my dream, )like the man from Macedonia appeared to Paul in a dream), or if this 'man' was an angelic messenger.. (as in Genesis 18 where three 'men' appeared to Abraham) But I woke up with an extreme urgency in my spirit to be obedient, first to PRAY and then to release this word to the body of Christ, so we can pray!

Lillis Boyer www.lillisboyer.com

Minggu, 20 April 2008

Fourth Prophesy

March 3, 2008

By this time the pictures were changing faster and faster. I saw a man standing at home with his 'toys'. He was buying all the grown up toys he wanted, what he saw he wanted, and what he wanted he bought. He felt no guilt in indulging himself, rather he felt he was blessed by God to be able to buy these things, that somehow God wanted him to have these things.

By this time was I very nervous, because the pictures were changing fast and I could feel foreboding in the air like the electricity one feels when around a lightening storm.

Suddenly I heard a loud sound, monstrous thunder and a roar. The ground was shaking and it was as if the world was coming to an end. The roar was deafening and as I looked up, I saw the heavens part. The clouds were being pulled back and the heavens were parting before my very eyes. Instant terror overtook me as I fell to the ground face down. I knew this was God himself who was doing this. I couldn't look up I felt such terror. All I could do was beg for forgiveness. I felt the weight of my sins and knew I was before a holy God. I wept and begged for forgiveness, personal forgiveness, and forgiveness for the church body. Then I heard mixed with the loud sounds of thunder a roaring his voice. I dared not look up, I was frozen prostrate before the Holy God and knew judgment was here. I could not look up even if I wanted to, but somehow felt if I tried, I would be instantly destroyed. I was also aware there were others laying prostrate, but I never saw them.

The first words I heard rumble through the air made me physically ill. I heard the following words: "GREED", followed by a pause, "SELFISHNESS", followed by another pause, "IDOLATRY", "LUST", "PERVERSION" and the list went on. I knew God was judging the church. At that moment I knew I didn't deserve mercy or favor.

I cried out over and over, "Jesus, have mercy on me, forgive me Lord for all my sins! Oh God, I don't deserve any mercy, I beg for forgiveness"! I could not stop repenting and asking for forgiveness. I will never forget the weight of my sins and my complete helplessness to do anything BUT beg for forgiveness.

Then I heard that voice speak again and I knew God was addressing the church. I heard, "YOU who ask for favor, YOU who ask for recompense, YOU who ask for justice, do you not know, it is YOU, YOU who judgment will fall upon first?" I was shaking so hard because I knew I have asked for favor, recompense and justice and felt the very weight of my sins.

Melinda O'Dea

Sabtu, 19 April 2008

Baptisan Roh Kudus

Mengapa sebagian Gereja belum menyadari betapa pentingnya supaya mereka dipenuhi oleh Roh Kudus? Karena sebagian menganggapnya bahwa baptisan Roh Kudus itu adalah ajaran dari aliran Kristen Pentakosta; padahal sebenarnya tidak demikian, karena itu adalah merupakan kebenaran Alkitabiah, kebenaran yang sejati, kebenaran yang hakiki.

Karena hanya dengan dipenuhi Roh Kudus, maka hidup kita akan semakin serupa dengan gambaran Anak-Nya. Pada saat Anda menerima Roh kudus, maka Anda menerima Roh Kebenaran, Roh Wahyu, Roh yang menerangkan ayat-ayat Alkitab (yang tersulit sekalipun) kepada Anda, Roh yang mengambil perkataan-perkataan Yesus dan menghidupkannya bagi Anda. Oleh Roh Kudus, kita menjadi mengerti bahwa kita adalah anak-anak Allah, dan bukan hanya anak, melainkan juga menjadi ahli waris, dan bukan hanya ahli waris, tetapi ahli waris bersama-sama dengan Kristus. Karena itu, semua janji Allah adalah “ya” dan “amin” untuk kita melalui Yesus, di dalam Roh Kudus. Oleh Roh Kudus, kita "ditandai" oleh Allah bahwa kita adalah milikNya dan mengalami perlindungan sampai pada Hari Penebusan / Kelepasan sepenuhnya dari dosa, dunia, dan iblis. Oleh Roh Kudus, kita dapat merasakan manisnya Kasih Allah dan Kemurahan yang begitu besar di dalam hidup kita.

Orang yang menerima dan penuh Roh Kudus, dibuktikan dengan: berkata-kata dengan mulut, suatu bahasa lidah yang tidak dapat dimengerti (bahasa roh) dan hati selalu yang memuliakan Allah. (Kis 10:45,46)

Apakah Anda mempunyai kerinduan yang besar untuk dipenuhi RohNya sekarang??!

Terimalah Roh Kudus, jangan hanya menunggu seperti yang dibiasakan beberapa Kristen untuk dipenuhkan Roh Kudus, tetapi terimalah Dia SEKARANG, Roh Kudus sudah ada di bumi, rasakanlah hadiratNya sekarang, rasakanlah aliran RohNya di dalam hati anda, rasakanlah getaran RohNya di dalam diri anda, rasakanlah…, penuhlah sekarang dengan RohNya dan kuasaNya yang dahsyat…sekarang dan selamanya.

Kesembuhan ilahi

Anda akan menemukan bahwa orang yang disembuhkan dengan kuasa Allah - khususnya orang percaya - akan menyadari bahwa kesembuhan yang mereka alami adalah sebagai “insentif” untuk mendorong mereka supaya mereka hidup lebih suci dan kudus.

Jika kesembuhan ilahi hanya menyempurnakan tubuh, maka nilainya akan sangat kecil. Kesembuhan ilahi adalah kemurahan Allah terhadap tubuh Anda yang fana. Dan setelah Anda dijamah oleh Yang Maha Kuasa, apakah Anda tetap “sama”? Tidak. Sama seperti saya, Anda akan menyembah dan melayani ALLAH.

(Keluaran 15:26, Mazmur 103:2-3, Mazmur 147:3)
(By: Smith.W)

Third Prophesy


March 2, 2008

My people are you awake and alert? Are you listening for My Voice? Oh My beloved ones, I truly desire for you to be always alert and listening. Do you know how late the hour is? Are you spending time with Me and studying My Word? I ask these questions to shake you up, and to make you think! Are you a tare and the son of the evil one, or are you Mine and a Blessed One? Remember that the tares and all the stumbling blocks, and all who are lawless will be taken out first and burned! (Matthew 13)

Too many of My own people are satisfied and complacent with their lives and their relationship with Me. Have I not told you that a complacent Christian is a sterile Christian. I would have you be one who is producing abundant fruit. Oh My children, I beseech you to never be so sterile and complacent that your fruit production simply dries up. You need to be the perfect soil showered with the rain of righteousness and fed by the meat of my Word. Always remember that I AM THE TRUE VINE and My Father is the VINE DRESSER! Every branch in Me that does not bear fruit HE TAKES AWAY, and every branch that bears fruit, HE PRUNES, so that it bears more fruit. (John 15)

My love for you is great, and far beyond your comprehension, and so is my patience. But, you must remember that My Word tells you that, "My spirit will not always strive with you forever". Do you understand the times in which you live? Do not be like the hypocrite and be able to read the signs of the weather but not the signs of the times, for I have warned you of them over and over! If you deliberately turn away from the signs of the times, THEN YOU ARE TURNING AWAY FROM ME, FOR YOU ARE SATISFIED WITH YOUR LIFE AND THE WORLD THE WAY IT IS! Ask yourselves how you can be satisfied with a world gone mad with sin and corruption! The constant abominations committed daily, especially in your nation, are a stench in My nostrils and will not be endured by Me much longer! The killing of the innocent, the horrible pornography, the constant lies and deceit by those in power, and the love of war by your nation, has indeed brought you to the utter brink of destruction! I say to you, BE PREPARED! Incredible destruction and utter chaos are just around the corner! So stay very close to Me and keep your eyes on Me now, IT IS IMPERATIVE!

Recieved by Katie Jordan

Jumat, 18 April 2008

Second Prophesy

Many of you prayed and had concerns when I was dealing with my mothers broken hip and admission to the nursing home. Wanted you to know, that last night she was again put into the hospital with pneumonia and an enlarged heart. If you think of her, would you pray for her.

Here is the second prophesy.

Feb 21, 2008


I said Lord I am going to bed, I had my computer on and I went over to turn it off and the Lord said no, I want to speak to you, I want you to write. So I took my Bible, and I had it open to one of the Old Testament prophets books. I fell back down on my face and wept more. Needless to say I woke up quickly, the Lord God had my attention.

The Lord said remember my son, I have given my Angel charge over you, For what I am about to tell you, the time has now come, it is the appointed time. I looked at the clock at that moment it was 12:21 A.M. and the room got very bright and I looked and saw a man in white linen holding a sword. As I looked behind him, I could see a large body of water. Just then the angel of the Lord pointed with His hand, and there appeared before me the United States of America. I saw four huge Angels one standing on the West Coast, East Coast, the Great Lakes and the Gulf Coast, They had these huge swords in their hands, they held them out to each other touching the tips of all four swords together. Then they pulled back and held up their swords in the air, just then I heard the voice of the Lord say,

son of man prophesy against the holy places and to the land of America. The Lord God said tell America I am against her, at that moment I saw the righteous and the wicked running, all over America.. I said Lord why are they running? " He said for they are running to hide from my Judgment," Just then I looked again and I saw the man in white linen, raise up his sword with two hands I saw His waist, there was a gold band around Him. He swung His sword in a 360 degree wave. Then He flew up in the Air and there where lightning bolts that came out from His face. I looked again at his face, it looked like lightning, then He stuck His sword down into the middle of the White House, and it just blew apart, like it was no longer needed, the president was struck. I saw another 911 rise up that was seven times greater, and military troops were blocking all roads,

At that moment the Angel on the West Coast turned to face the Pacific Ocean, I saw four demon spirits rise up, the angel of the Lord commanded, you must let go of the sea, the demons yell out two times no, no. Just then the Holy Angel of God Almighty, took His sword and struck the Pacific Ocean. Then the sea rose up hundreds of feet in the air, the demons screamed out and the Angel of the Lord struck them and they disappeared. The sea was rapidly coming towards the west coast and went towards many other countries.

Matthew Stephen www.propheticwatchmanvine.com

Kamis, 17 April 2008

Warnings from God's Prophets

For the next five days, including the weekend, I am going to post prophetic end time words that I have found about the end of days. These words are very strong and I am hoping that you, my dear reader, take heed to them.

The first one got my attention because part of it has similar words that the Lord gave me. I have wrote them before, but will repeat them here.

I was sitting in a room with several prophets. There was a lot of chatter going on. I heard one woman say, "Well you know, what Satan meant for harm, God will turn to good." I suddenly heard God say, "Stop saying that. You have turned My words into a cliche. In your finite minds you look at something and see ugly and then define it as evil. How dare you. How do you know that what you define as ugly or evil is not My hand at work." This taught me to reassess everything I see and hear. Now, if I see something that I may define as ugly or evil I ask God,"What are you doing here?"

So, with that in mind, here is the prophetic word for today. This word has been condensed.

ask God 2

First Prophecy, February 1, 2008

My Blessed Child, I am your Father Yahweh, yea Jehovah, Most High God. Listen to Me little one and write as I say that all may be the wiser! Rise up and hear what I say! Open your eyes to see! Burst open your ears to hear! For do you not see that the whole world now stands on a precipe, that the whole world now overlooks a great abyss! Who can stay My hand of judgement? Who can turn back My hand of timing? Who can know what I will do, or when I will do a thing? None I say! None can stay My Hand, and None can know My ways!

For surely many say, that is not of the Lord! He did not do such a horrible thing to His people! He has not brought such judgement! But I tell you now, that these speak in ignorance ! They speak foolishness! They speak the desires of their own heart! For I create, and I destroy! For I am both a God of Great love, and an all consuming fire!

Oh yes, I am an all consuming fire! And this part most wish to leave out ! They want to believe that I am love, but My love burns hot! My love cannot look upon evil and be pleased with it! Oh yes, I strive with the sinners! I have striven with you all since the beginning! And all of you, sinners! For I am full of love, mercy and grace, toward all! But even so, I am also an all consuming fire! And when I warn, and warn, and warn, through the mouths of My prophets, and you despise My warnings, mock My prophets, and even throw them out of your midst; oh then, after so much of this, I will turn against the mockers, I will turn against the scorners, and I will set My eye toward you for total destruction! I will utterly destroy the wicked! I will destroy the mockers! I will destroy the rebellious, and My word is replete with such instances of My judgement! But, I do not destroy without warning! And oh how I have warned you, you My people, all over the world! Oh yes, I have warned you! But few, and I mean few, have listened!

In that I delay a little longer the Coming of My Son, I do so to allow you to prepare for the harsh times, which are ahead! To all who are able to do so, get out of the cities! Get survival oriented! Consider the times of massive starvation, massive power failures and wars! Put away food for three and one half years! Put away seeds so that you can garden! Put away supplies, for you will find that the store shelves quickly empty out when this devastation hits! I tell you now, massive devastation! Prepare for hard times!

Linda Newkirk