Rabu, 29 November 2017

Why are you worrying?

I told you once 
and I tell you again,
of divine happenings.
My timing is PERFECT.
~ GOD ~ 

Not once in the Bible
does it say
worry about it,
stress about it,
figure it out,
but time after time
it says to 
put your TRUST in GOD.

put your TRUST in GOD.

Not a hair of your head will perish

If the Gospel message is good news, then why do so many people treat Christians with contempt and hostility for their beliefs and practices? Jesus warns his followers that they will be confronted with wickedness, false teaching, persecution, as well as the temptation to renounce their faith when it is put to the test.

Satan destroys and kills - God restores and gives life 
The real enemy of the Gospel - the good news of Jesus Christ - is Satan (also called Lucifer), the powerful leader of the fallen angels who rebelled against God and who were cast out of heaven. Satan opposes God and all who follow his rule of peace and righteousness (moral goodness) on the earth. Jesus calls Satan a "murderer" who turns brother against brother and the "father of lies" who twists the truth and speaks falsehood (John 8:44). Satan not only opposes God's rule, he seeks to destroy all who would obey God. Satan will use any means possible to turn people away from God. He tempts people through envy, deception, hatred, and fear to provoke hostility towards those who follow the Lord Jesus Christ.

What is Jesus' response to hostility and persecution? Love, forbearance, and forgiveness. Only love - the love which is rooted in God's great compassion and faithfulness - can overcome prejudice, hatred, and envy. God's love purifies our heart and mind of all that would divide and tear people apart. Knowing God as our compassionate Father and loving God's word of truth and righteousness (moral goodness) is essential for overcoming evil. Jesus tells us that we do not need to fear those who would oppose us or treat us harshly for following the Lord Jesus. He promises to give us supernatural strength, wisdom, and courage as we take a stand for our faith and witness to the truth and love of Christ.

The Gospel is good news for the whole world because it is God's eternal word of truth, love, pardon, and salvation (being set free from sin and evil) through his Son, Jesus Christ. The Lord Jesus has won the victory for us through his atoning death on the cross for our sins and his rising from the grave - his resurrection power that brings abundant life and restoration for us. That is why the Gospel has power to set people free from sin, fear and death, and bring peace, pardon, and new life.

Endurance never gives up hope in God 
Jesus tells his disciples that if they endure to the end they will gain their lives - they will inherit abundant life and lasting happiness with God. Endurance is an essential strength which God gives to those who put their trust in him. Endurance is the patience which never gives up hope, never yields to despair or hatred. Patience is long-suffering because it looks beyond the present difficulties and trials and sees the reward which comes to those who persevere with hope and trust in God. That is why godly endurance is more than human effort. It is first and foremost a supernatural gift of the Holy Spirit which enables us to bear up under any trial or temptation.

Endurance is linked with godly hope - the supernatural assurance that we will see God face to face and inherit all the promises he has made. Jesus is our supreme model and pioneer who endured the cross for our sake (Hebrews 12:2). "God shows his love for us in that while we were yet sinners Christ died for us" (Romans 5:8). Jesus willingly shed his blood for us - to win for us pardon and peace with God. Our joy and privilege is to take up our cross each day to follow the Lord Jesus.

True martyrs live and die as witnesses of Christ and the Gospel of peace 
The word "martyr" in the New Testament Greek means "witness". The Book of Revelation says that "Jesus was the faithful witness ...who freed us from our sins by his blood" (Revelation 1:5). Tertullian, a second century lawyer who converted when he saw Christians singing as they went out to die by the hands of their persecutors, exclaimed: "The blood of the martyrs is seed." Their blood is the seed of new Christians, the seed of the church.

The third century bishop, Cyprian said: "When persecution comes, God's soldiers are put to the test, and heaven is open to martyrs. We have not enlisted in an army to think of peace and to decline battle, for we see that the Lord has taken first place in the conflict." True martyrs live and die as witnesses of the Gospel. They overcome their enemies through persevering hope and courage, undying love and forbearance, kindness, goodness, and compassion.

God may call some of us to be martyrs who shed their blood for bearing witness to Jesus Christ. But for most of us, our call is to be 'dry' martyrs who bear testimony to the joy and power of the Gospel in the midst of daily challenges, contradictions, temptations and adversities which come our way as we follow the Lord Jesus.

We do not need to fear our adversaries 
What will attract others to the truth and power of the Gospel? When they see Christians loving their enemies, being joyful in suffering, patient in adversity, pardoning injuries, and showing comfort and compassion to the hopeless and the helpless. Jesus tells us that we do not need to fear our adversaries. God will give us sufficient grace, strength, and wisdom to face any trial and to answer any challenge to our faith. Are you ready to lay down your life for Christ and to bear witness to the joy and freedom of the Gospel?

Lord Jesus Christ, by your atoning death on the cross you have redeemed the world. Fill me with joyful hope, courage, and boldness to witness the truth of your love for sinners and your victory over the powers of sin, Satan, and death.

source: From the desk of Don Schwager, 
hosted by Kairos Europe and the Middle East

Rabu, 22 November 2017

They did not want me to reign over them

How does God establish his kingdom here on the earth? The Jews in Jesus' time had a heightened sense that the Messiah would appear soon to usher in the kingdom of God's justice, love, and peace on the earth (Isaiah 11:1-9). Jesus, in fact, spoke in messianic terms of the coming reign of God. Perhaps his entry into Jerusalem would bring about such a change and overthrow of Roman domination.

Parable of the talents 

Jesus speaks to their longing for a new kingdom in the parable of a nobleman who went away to receive a kingdom. The parable reveals something important about how God works his plan and purpose with the human race. The parable speaks first of the king's trust in his subjects. While he goes away he leaves them with his money to use as they think best. While there were no strings attached, this was obviously a test to see if the Master's workers would be industrious and reliable in their use of the money entrusted to them. The master rewards those who are industrious and faithful and he punishes those who sit by idly and who do nothing with his money.

The essence of the parable seems to lie in the servants' conception of responsibility. Each servant entrusted with the master's money was faithful up to a certain point. The servant who buried the master's money was irresponsible. One can bury seeds in the ground and expect them to become productive because they obey natural laws. Coins, however, do not obey natural laws. They obey economic laws and become productive in circulation. The master expected his servants to be productive in the use of his money.

The Lord rewards those who faithfully use their gifts and talents for doing good by giving them more

What do coins and the law of economics have to do with the kingdom of God? The Lord entrusts the subjects of his kingdom with gifts and graces and he gives his subjects the freedom to use them as they think best. With each gift and talent, God gives sufficient means (grace and wisdom) for using them in a fitting way. As the parable of the talents shows, God abhors indifference and an attitude that says it's not worth trying. God honors those who use their talents and gifts for doing good. Those who are faithful with even a little are entrusted with more! But those who neglect or squander what God has entrusted to them will lose what they have.

There is an important lesson here for us. No one can stand still for long in the Christian life. We either get more or we lose what we have. We either advance towards God or we slip back. Do you seek to serve God with the gifts, talents, and graces he has given to you?

The Lord Jesus offers us a kingdom of justice, love, and peace and he calls us to live as citizens of this kingdom where he rules as Lord and Master. Through his atoning death on the cross and through his resurrection victory, Jesus frees us from a kingdom of darkness where sin and Satan reign. Through the power of the Holy Spirit the Lord gives us freedom to live as his servants and to lay down our lives in loving service of our neighbors (Galatians 5:1,13).

The Lord expects us to be good stewards of the gifts and graces he gives us 

The Lord entrusts us with his gifts and graces and he gives us freedom to use them as we think best. With each gift and talent, the Lord gives sufficient grace and strength for using them in a fitting way. As the parable of the talents shows, God abhors indifference and an attitude that says it's not worth trying. God honors those who use their talents and gifts for doing good. Those who are faithful with even a little are entrusted with more! But those who neglect or squander what God has entrusted to them will lose what they have. There is an important lesson here for us. No one can stand still for long in the Christian life. We either get more or we lose what we have. We either advance towards God or we slip back. Do you trust in God's grace to make good use of the gifts and talents he has given you?

Lord Jesus, be the ruler of my heart and mind and the master of my home and goods. Fill me with a generous and wise spirit that I may use the gifts, talents, time, and resources you give me for your glory and your kingdom.

source: From the desk of Don Schwager, 
hosted by Kairos Europe and the Middle East

Kamis, 16 November 2017

Advent ~ a season of self-preparation for the coming of Jesus

"Advent is synonymous with hope: 
not the vain waiting for a faceless god, 
but concrete and certain trust 
in the return of him who has already visited us," 
* ~ Pope St John Paul II * ~


"the virgin shall conceive and bear a son,
and they shall name him Emmanuel,"

* Matthew 1:23 *

Work your miraculous wonders Lord, help me Lord sent forth your miraculous help, hear my cries in this time of affliction

The state of Penang in Malaysia was badly hit by flash-flood over the last weekend due to heavy rain downpour which started since 4th November mid-day, and continue till Sunday morning. Rain became heavier at about 2am Sunday early morning and with strong wind bring down trees, road signs and blowing of roofs. 

My house was also badly hit with water level raising above the knee. The flood water entered and rose very fast, therefore making it difficult for me to salvage and move thing higher. Many item were badly damage like wall in-built power outlets, electrical appliances, furniture, kitchen equipment and mattresses. The rain had stop and water subside, but the water level at river has not subsided and sea is high. 

Sky and weather does look that promising and I am worried the flood may come again if it rains heavily again. Please pray for me and all those effected by the flood that everything will be normal again and help will come to help replace/cover the lost and damage. 

I truly believe when we pray together for the same cause, he is with us and miracles will happen as the Lord has said � For where two or three are gathered in my name, I am there among them." In the mighty name of Jesus, I pray, hope, trust, and believe. Amen.

Heavenly Father, we come to you trusting in your mercy and knowing that your steadfast love endures forever. Look with mercy on those who have been affected by the floods. Grant them your strength to meet the days ahead and allow them to experience your peace which surpasses all understanding and new hope in the resurrection. 

Move in those who are able to give aid, that we may be your hands and heart on the earth. Be with all who offer your assistance; may your Spirit uphold them. To you face the challenges ahead. Give us the assurance of your presence even in this time so that we can cling to your promise of hope and life shown us through Jesus Christ, our Savior and Lord, Amen.

Jumat, 10 November 2017

Prayer for Peace of Mind and Heart

Eternal, Holy God, 
I come to You burdened 
with worries, fears, doubts, and troubles.
Calm and quiet me 
with peace of mind.
Empty me of the anxiety 
that disturbs me, 
of the concerns
that weary my spirit,
and weigh heavy on my heart.

Loosen my grip on the disappointments
and grievances I hold on so tightly.
Release me from the pain of past hurts, 
of present anger and tension,
of future fears.
Sometimes it's to much for me Lord,
too many demands and problems,
too much sadness, suffering, and stress.
Renew me spiritually and emotionally.
Give me new strength, hope and confidence.
Prepare me to meet the constant struggles 
of daily life with a deeper faith
and trust in You. 
Let Your love set me free,
for peace, for joy, for grace, 
for life, for others, forever.
In Jesus' name.

Lord, You are with me today, tomorrow and for all eternity ~ Prayer

God, I cannot see Your face,

but my heart knows you are here.

I feel Your hand upon me 
when I am in need
and my soul hears Your whispering
"peace, be still"
when the storms of this world threaten me.

I look and Your work is easy to see
and I praise You 
for the miracles given to me.

Others may believe what the wish,
but as for me
there is no doubt at all in my mind,
You were with me yesterday,
You are with me today, 
tomorrow and for all eternity.

Morning Prayer

O Lord God, Almighty
and everlasting Father,
You have brought me in safety
to this new day.
Lord, preserve me with Your Mighty power,
that I may not fall into sin,
nor be overcome by adversity,
and in all i do,
direct me to fulfilling
of Your purpose,
through Jesus Christ 
my Lord and Saviour.

Grace to stand strong ~ Prayer

Father, I thank You 
for Your grace to stand strong
no matter what I am facing.
I choose to stay in faith.
I choose to keep praying.
I choose to keep believing, 
knowing that victory
is on the way for me
in Jesus' name. 

Prayer for good weather

St. Medard, Patron Saint Against Bad Weather. St. Medard was born around 456 in Salency (near Noyon), France. He was one of the most honored bishops of his time. St. Medard died of an illness in 545 at the age of 89. Legend says that when he was a child, St. Medard was once sheltered from the rain by a hovering eagle.

Let us turn to Saint Medard and ask for his intercession.

Jesus My Lord, Saint Medard served as a bishop during very difficult times, and his long life of spiritual leadership created a tremendous impression on the people. Because of his patronage against bad weather, I ask him to intercede for me during the storms of my life as well as the storms in nature. Protect me and my home. And Lord, help the victims of hurricanes, tornadoes, earthquakes and other natural disasters. Send in more helpers and multiply the supplies that are needed for their aid. You calmed the storm on the Sea of Galilee; deliver us from the storms that are raging around us now. Saint Medard, pray for us. Amen.

Christ lives in me

I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, 
but Christ lives in me. 
The life I now live in the body, 
I live by faith in the Son of God, 
who loved me and gave himself for me.

Lord, teach me the right way to pray.... Holy Spirit guide me

"Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you" 
(Matthew 7:7)

"You do not have because you do not ask" 
(James 4:2)

"You ask and do not receive, because you ask amiss, 
that you may spend it on your pleasures" 
(James 4:3)

Kamis, 09 November 2017

The necessity of prudent foresight

Do you make good use of your money and possessions? Jesus seemed to praise a steward (a manager entrusted with his master's goods) who misused his employer's money. What did the steward do that made Jesus praise him? The steward was responsible for managing his wealthy landowner's property. 

The steward very likely overcharged his master's tenants for their use of the land and kept more than his fair share of the profit. When the landowner discovered the steward's dishonest practice he immediately removed him from his job, leaving him penniless and ashamed to beg or do manual work.

The necessity of prudent foresight to avert disaster 

Before news of his dismissal became public knowledge, the shrewd steward struck a deal with his master's debtors. In discounting their debts he probably was giving up his generous commission. Such a deal won him great favor with the debtors. Since the steward acted as the landowner's agent, such a deal made his master look very generous and forgiving towards those who owned him money. Surely everyone would praise such a generous landowner as the town hero! Since the master could not undo the steward's cancellation of the debts without losing face and making his debtors resent him, he praised the steward for outwitting him and making him appear as a generous and merciful landowner.

Jesus obviously thought that the example of a very clever steward would be a perfect illustration for a spiritual lesson about God and how God treats those who belong to his kingdom. What's the point of Jesus' parable? The dishonest steward is commended not for mishandling his master's wealth, but for his shrewd provision in averting personal disaster and in securing his future livelihood. The original meaning of "shrewdness" is "foresight". A shrewd person grasps a critical situation with resolution, foresight, and the determination to avoid serious loss or disaster.

Faith and prudent foresight can save us from moral and spiritual disaster

Jesus is concerned here with something more critical than a financial or economic crisis. His concern is that we avert spiritual crisis and personal moral disaster through the exercise of faith and foresight. If Christians would only expend as much foresight and energy to spiritual matters, which have eternal consequences, as they do to earthly matters which have temporal consequences, then they would be truly better off, both in this life and in the age to come.

God loves good stewardship and generosity 

Ambrose, a 4th century bishop said: The bosoms of the poor, the houses of widows, the mouths of children are the barns which last forever. True wealth consists not in what we keep but in what we give away. Possessions are a great responsibility. The Lord expects us to use them honestly and responsibly and to put them at his service and the service of others. We belong to God and all that we have is his as well. He expects us to make a good return on what he gives us.

God loves generosity and he gives liberally to those who share his gifts with others. The Pharisees, however, had little room for God or others in their hearts. The Gospel says they were lovers of money (Luke 16:14). Love of money and wealth crowd out love of God and love of neighbor. Jesus makes clear that our hearts must either be possessed by God's love or our hearts will be possessed by the love of something else. What do you most treasure in your heart?

Lord Jesus, all that I have is a gift from you. May I love you freely and generously with all that I possess. Help me to be a wise and faithful steward of the resources you put at my disposal, including the use of my time, money, and possessions.

source: From the desk of Don Schwager, 
hosted by Kairos Europe and the Middle East

Rabu, 08 November 2017

Home flooded - prayer needed, Lord in time of distress, hear us and grant your miraculous help

The state of Penang in Malaysia was badly hit by flash-flood over the last weekend due to heavy rain downpour which started since 4th November mid-day, and continue till Sunday morning. Rain became heavier at about 2am Sunday early morning and with strong wind bring down trees, road signs and blowing of roofs. 

My house was also badly hit with water level raising above the knee. The flood water entered and rose very fast, therefore making it difficult for me to salvage and move thing higher. Many item were badly damage like wall in-built power outlets, electrical appliances, furniture, kitchen equipment and mattresses. 

The rain had stop and water subside, but the water level at river has not subsided and sea is high. Sky and weather does look that promising and I am worried the flood may come again if it rains heavily again. Please pray for me and all those effected by the flood that everything will be normal again and help will come to help replace/cover the lost and damage. 

I truly believe when we pray together for the same cause, he is with us and miracles will happen as the Lord has said � For where two or three are gathered in my name, I am there among them." In the mighty name of Jesus, I pray, hope, trust, and believe. Amen.

Kamis, 02 November 2017

The Litany of our Lady of Hope

*** Also known as Our Lady of Pontmain

Lord, have mercy.
Lord, have mercy.
Christ, have mercy.
Christ, have mercy.
Lord, have mercy.
Lord, have mercy.

Response for the following: Pray for us.

Our Lady of hope
Our Lady of the way
Our Lady of light
Fullness of Israel
Prophecy of the new age
Dawn of the new world
Mother of God
Mother of the liberating Messiah
Mother of the redeemed
Mother of all people
Our Lady of hope
Virgin of silence
Virgin who listens
Virgin who sings
Servant of the Lord
Servant of the Word
Servant of the redemption
Servant of the kingdom

Our Lady of hope,
light up our way.

Response for the following: Pray for us.

Disciple of Christ
Witness of the gospel
Sister of humanity
Beginning of the Church
Mother of the Church
Model of the Church
Image of the Church
Our Lady of hope
Mary, blessed among women
Mary, dignity of women
Mary, greatness of women
Woman faithful in waiting
Woman faithful in her task
Woman faithful in discipleship
Woman faithful to the cross
Our Lady of hope
First fruit of Easter
Splendor of Pentecost
Star of evangelization
Shining presence
Prayerful presence
Welcoming presence
Active presence

Our Lady of hope,
light up our way.

Response for the following: Pray for us.

Hope of the poor
Trust by the humble
Strength of the marginalized
Relief of the oppressed
Defender of the innocent
Courage of the persecuted
Comforter of the exiled
Our Lady of hope
Voice of freedom
Voice of communion
Voice of peace
Sign of God�s maternal aspect
Sign of the Father�s nearness
Sign of the Son�s mercy
Sign of the Spirit�s fruitfulness
Our Lady of hope
Christ, Savior of history
Christ, Savior of humanity
Christ, Hope of creation

Almighty and eternal God, the blessed Virgin Mary, glorious Mother of your Son, helps and defends all those who call upon her. By her intercession may we be strong in faith, steady in hope, and persevere in your love. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.

Love God above all things

"You shall love the Lord, your God, with all your heart, with all your soul and with all your strength."

"You shall love your neighbor as yourself"

Recall the Last Supper, He is surrounded by his disciples. He tells them a new commandment, "Love one another as I have loved you." So now, He says that our love for one another has to mirror Jesus' love for us. And, how did He love us? You can scarcely count the ways. For the love of us He became human, born of a teenage Jewish girl and grew up in a small village where everyone knew His every secret, except the big secret that He was not Joseph's son, but God's. For the love of us He walked the long dusty roads of Palestine, healing the sick and raising the dead, comforting the afflicted and afflicting the comfortable. He was hungry and thirsty with no place to lay His head.

Each word, each gesture was shaped of love and all of this crowned by the last great act of love, crucifixion. No greater love than this to lay down your life for your friend or for an enemy. Even crucifixion was not enough. He never stops giving, giving His very self. How many times have you heard these words, "This is my body given for you."? What does this all mean to you? With all that crowds in upon us, how is it possible today to love God above all things? The only way I know how to do that is not to just know about God but to come to know God, to have in some way experienced Him, to have Him touch you and you touch Him. Get to know God. You cannot love someone you do not know.

source: this week's reflection, Fr.Bob Warren, SA

Every one who believes in him will be raised up at the last day

Is your hope in this present life only? What about the life to come after our physical death? God puts in the heart of every living person the desire for unending life and happiness. While physical death claims each of us at the appointed time, God gives us something which death cannot touch - his own divine life and sustaining power.

God does not abandon us to the realm of the dead 
One of the greatest examples of faith and hope in the promise of everlasting life with God is the testimony of Job in the Old Testament. God allowed Job to be tested through great trial, suffering, and the loss of everything he had. In the midst of his sufferings Job did not waver in trusting God. In chapter 19 of the Book of Job, he exclaims:

" For I know that my Redeemer lives, and that at the last he will stand upon the earth; and after my skin has been thus destroyed, then in my flesh I shall see God, whom I shall see on my side, and my eyes shall behold, and not another" (Job 19:25-27).

Through testing and purification God strengthened Job in faith and abundantly rewarded him for his trust and hope in God's promises.

King David also expressed his unwavering hope in the promise of everlasting life with God. In Psalm 16 David prays,

Therefore my heart is glad and my tongue rejoices; my body also will rest secure, because you will not abandon me to the realm of the dead, nor will you let your faithful one see decay. You make known to me the path of life; you will fill me with joy in your presence, with eternal pleasures at your right hand (Psalm 16:9-11 NIV translation).

We wait with hope for the Lord to raise us up to everlasting life 
Jesus made an incredible promise to his disciples and a claim which only God can make and deliver: Whoever sees and believes in Jesus, the Son of God, shall have everlasting life and be raised up at the last day (John 6:40)! How can we see Jesus? The Lord makes his presence known to us in the reading of his word (John14:23), in the breaking of the bread, and in his church, the body of Christ.

The Lord Jesus reveals himself in many countless ways to those who seek him with eyes of faith (Hebrews 12:2, 11:27). When we read the word of God in the Bible the Lord Jesus - who is the Word of God - speaks to us and reveals to us the mind and heart of our heavenly Father. When we approach the table of the Lord, Jesus offers himself as spiritual food which produces the very life of God within us ( I am the bread of life, John6:35). He promises unbroken fellowship and freedom from the fear of being forsaken or cut off from everlasting life with God. And he offers us the hope of sharing in his resurrection - being raised again with him to abundant life that will never end. Do you recognize the Lord's presence in your life and do you long for the day when you will see him face to face?

The Holy Spirit is the key to growth in faith 
What is the source of faith and how can we grow in it? Faith is an entirely free gift which God offers us through his Son Jesus Christ. We could not approach God if he did not first approach us and draw us to himself. The Lord Jesus gives us his Holy Spirit who works in us to open our ears to hear God's word and to respond to it with trust and submission. The Holy Spirit is the key to our growing in faith. The Holy Spirit is our teacher and guide who makes our faith come alive as we cooperate with his help and and to his wisdom and instruction.

To live, grow, and persevere in faith to the end we must nourish it with the word of God. Augustine of Hippo (354-430 AD) said: I believe, in order to understand; and I understand, the better to believe. Jesus promises that those who accept him as their Lord and Savior and submit to his word will be raised up to everlasting life with him when he comes again at the close of this age. Is your life securely anchored to the promises of Christ and his kingdom of everlasting peace,joy, and righteousness?

Lord Jesus Christ, your death and resurrection brought life and hope where there was once only despair and defeat. Give me unwavering faith, unshakeable hope, and the fire of your unquenchable love that I may know you fully and serve you joyfully now and for ever in your everlasting kingdom.

source: From the desk of Don Schwager, 
hosted by Kairos Europe and the Middle East

Rabu, 01 November 2017

All Saints Day (1 November) - Petition for the Prayers of the Saints

Oh all you saints and angels,

who see Him face to face,
and thou, most especially, ever blessed Virgin Mary,
in whose sacred womb He was conceived
and borne for nine months�
I most humbly beg the assistance of your prayers and intercession,
that I may in such a manner receive Him here in this place of banishment
and to be brought, one day,
to behold Him with you in our true home
and there to praise and bless Him for ever and ever. 