Senin, 24 November 2014

2015 Liturgical Year, Hours, and Holy Days of Obligation and Moveable Feasts ~ Roman Catholic

With the First Sunday of Advent, 30 November, 2014 begins the 2015 liturgical year.

Cycles used in Lectionary for Mass

Sunday Cycle
Year B is applied on Sundays between 30 November, 2014 to 22 November, 2015.

Weekday Cycle
Cycle 1 is applied on Ordinary Weekdays between 12 January, 2015 to 17 February, 2015 and from 25 May, 2015 to 28 November, 2015.

* Readings from the Proper of Time and Proper of Saints will be used for all Solemnities and all Feasts since they must take the place of the weekday readings for those respective days. The readings from the weekday cycle generally are to be used even on days on which a Memorial or Optional Memorial of a Saint occurs with the exceptions to this rule are the Memorials or Optional Memorials which have �proper readings� (usually only the Gospel) assigned to them in the Lectionary for Mass. Substitutions from the Commons or Proper of Saints may be made for the other readings suggested for those Memorials or Optional Memorials.

Liturgy of the Hours
30 November, 2014 to 11 January, 2015
Advent, Christmas (Volume I)
12 January, 2015 to 17 February, 2015
Weeks 1 to 6,
Ordinary Time (Volume III)
18 February, 2015 to 24 May, 2015
Lent, Triduum, Easter (Volume II)
25 May, 2015 to 1 August, 2015
Weeks 8 to 17,
Ordinary Time (Volume III)
2 August, 2015 to 28 November, 2015
Weeks 18 to 34, Ordinary Time (Volume IV)

* Outside Advent, Christmas Time, Lent, and Easter Time, on Saturdays which have no commemoration having the rank of Obligatory Memorial or higher, a Mass in honour of the
Blessed Virgin Mary may be celebrated. 

Roman Catholic 
Holy Days of Obligation and Moveable Feasts 2015

Thursday, 1 January, 2015
Mary, Mother of God; Holy Day of Obligation

Saturday, 3 January, 2015
The Most Holy Name of Jesus

Tuesday, 6 January, 2015

Sunday, 11 January, 2015
Baptism of the Lord

Saturday, 24 January, 2015
Our Lady, Queen of Peace

Sunday, 25 January, 2015
Conversion of Saint Paul

Monday, 2 February, 2015
Presentation of the Lord

Wednesday, 11 February, 2015
Our Lady of Lourdes

Wednesday, 18 February, 2015
Ash Wednesday

Sunday, 22 February, 2015
Chair of Saint Peter

Thursday, 19 March, 2015
Saint Joseph, Husband of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Wednesday, 25 March, 2015
Annunciation of the Lord

Sunday, 29 March, 2015
Palm Sunday / Passion Sunday

Thursday, 2 April, 2015
Holy Thursday / Maundy Thursday

Friday, 3 April, 2015
Good Friday

Saturday, 4 April, 2015
Holy Saturday

Sunday, 5 April, 2015
Easter Sunday

Sunday,12 April, 2015
Divine Mercy Sunday

Saturday,18 April, 2015
Our Lady of the Valley

Monday, 25 April, 2015
Saint Mark, the Evangelist

Sunday, 26 April, 2015
Our Lady of Good Counsel

Friday, 1 May, 2015
Saint Joseph the Worker

Monday, 4 May, 2015
Saints Philip and James, Apostles

Wednesday, 13 May, 2015
Our Lady of Fatima

Thursday, 14 May, 2015
Ascension; Holy Day of Obligation 
(* may be transferred to Sunday, 17 May, 2015)
Saint Matthias, the Apostle

Sunday, 24 May, 2015
Pentecost Sunday
Mary, Help of Christians
Monday, 25 May, 2015
Mary, Mother of the Church

Sunday, 31 May, 2015
Trinity Sunday / Holy Trinity
Visitation of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Thursday, 4 June, 2015
Corpus Christi / Body and Blood of  Christ
(* may be transferred to Sunday, 7 June, 2015)

Friday, 12 June, 2015
Sacred Heart of Jesus

Saturday, 13 June, 2015
Immaculate Heart of Mary

Wednesday, 24 June, 2015
Birth of Saint John the Baptist

Monday, 29 June, 2015
Saints Peter and Paul, Apostles

Thursday, 16 July, 2015
Our Lady of Mount Carmel

Sunday, 26 July, 2015
Saint Joachim and Anne, parents of Mary

Thursday, 6 August, 2015
Transfiguration of the Lord 

Saturday, 15 August, 2015
Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary; Holy Day of Obligation 

Saturday, 22 August, 2015
Queenship of the Blessed Virgin Mary 

Saturday, 29 August, 2015
The beheading of Saint John the Baptist

Tuesday, 8 September, 2015
Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Saturday, 12 September, 2015
Holy Name of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Monday, 14 September, 2015
Exaltation of the Holy Cross

Tuesday, 15 September, 2015
Our Lady of Sorrows

Monday, 21 September, 2015
Saint Matthew, Apostle and the Evangelist

Thursday, 24 September, 2015
Our Lady of Mercy

Tuesday, 29 September, 2015
Saints Michael, Gabriel and Raphael, Archangels

Friday, 2 October, 2015
Guardian Angels

Wednesday, 7 October, 2015
Our Lady of the Rosary

Monday, 12 October, 2015
Our Lady of the Pillar

Sunday, 18 October, 2015
Saint Luke, the Evangelist

Wednesday, 28 October, 2015
Saints Simon and Jude, Apostles

Sunday, 1 November, 2015
All Saints Day; Holy Day of Obligation
Saturday, 7 November, 2015
Mary, Mother and Mediatrix of Grace

Monday, 9 November, 2015
Dedication of the Lateran Basillica 

Saturday, 21 November, 2015
Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Sunday, 22 November, 2015
Christ the King

Sunday, 29 November, 2015
First Sunday of Advent

Monday, 30 November, 2015
Saint Andrew, the Apostle

Tuesday, 8 December, 2015
Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary; Holy Day of Obligation
Saturday, 12 December, 2015
Our Lady of Guadalupe

Friday, 25 December, 2015
Nativity of our Lord (Christmas); Holy Day of Obligation

Sunday, 27 December, 2015
Holy Family
Saint John, Apostle and the Evangelist

Sunday, 28 December, 2015
Holy Innocents, martyrs

Minggu, 23 November 2014

Pentateuch and Abbreviations of the Books of the Bible

The Pentateuch, which consists of the first five books of the Bible (Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy), enjoys particular prestige among the Jews as the "Law," or "Torah," the concrete expression of God's will in their regard. It is more than a body of legal doctrine, even though such material occupies many chapters, for it contains the story of the formation of the People of God: Abraham and the Patriarchs, Moses and the oppressed Hebrews in Egypt, the birth of Israel in the Sinai covenant, the journey to the threshold of the Promised Land, and the "discourses" of Moses.

Books Bible in the Old Testament in Canonical Order

Genesis, Gn
Exodus, Ex
Leviticus, Lv
Numbers, Nm
Deuteronomy, Dt
Joshua, Jos 
Judges, Jgs
Ruth, Ru
1 Samuel, 1 Sm
2 Samuel, 2 Sm
1 Kings, 1 Kgs
2 Kings, 2 Kgs
1 Chronicles, 1 Chr
2 Chronicles, 2 Chr
Ezra, Ezr 
Nehemiah, Neh
Tobit, Tb
Judith, Jdt
Esther, Est
1 Maccabees, 1 Mc
2 Maccabees, 2 Mc
Job, Jb
Psalm(s), Ps(s)
Proverbs, Prv
Ecclesiastes / Qoheleth, Eccl / Qoh 
Song of Songs, Sg
Wisdom, Wis
Sirach / Ecclesiasticus, Sir / Ecclus
Isaiah, Is 
Jeremiah, Jer
Lamentations, Lam
Baruch, Bar
Ezekiel, Ez
Daniel, Dn
Hosea, Hos
Joel, Jl 
Amos, Am
Obadiah, Ob
Jonah, Jon
Micah, Mi
Nahum, Na
Habakkuk, Hb
Zephaniah, Zep
Haggai, Hg
Zechariah, Zec
Malachi, Mal

Books Bible in the New Testament in Canonical Order

Matthew (Gospel), Mt
Mark (Gospel), Mk
Luke (Gospel), Lk
John (Gospel), Jn
Acts of the Apostles, Acts
Romans, Rom
1 Corinthians, 1 Cor
2 Corinthians, 2 Cor 
Galatians, Gal
Ephesians, Eph
Philippians, Phil
Colossians, Col
1 Thessalonians, 1 Thes
2 Thessalonians, 2 Thes
1 Timothy, 1 Tm
2 Timothy, 2 Tm
Titus, Ti
Philemon, Phlm
Hebrews, Heb
James, Ja / Jas
1 Peter, 1 Pt
2 Peter, 2 Pt
1 John, 1 Jn
2 John, 2 Jn
3 John, 3 Jn
Jude, Ju / Jude
Revelation / Apocalypse, Rv / Ap

Merciful Love of Christ

By Blessed John Paul II, Pope

Merciful Love, we pray to You, do not fail!
Merciful Love, be tireless!
Be constantly greater than every evil 
which is in man and in the world. 
Be greater than that evil 
which has increased in our century 
and in our generation!
Be more powerful with 
the power of the crucified King!
"Blessed be His Kingdom which is coming."

Strength of the Cross ~ Prayer

By Saint John Paul II, Pope

Holy is God.
Holy and strong.
Holy immortal One, have mercy on us.
Have mercy: eleison: misere.
May the power of Your love once more be shown to be greater than the evil that threatens it. May it be shown to be greater than sin�
May the power of Your cross, O Christ, be shown to be greater than the author of sin, who is called "the prince of this world."
For by your blood and Your passion You have redeemed the world!

Kamis, 13 November 2014

Help me O' Lord! I Your servant cry for Your Help.

Dear Lord I am going through financial difficultly, and out of desperateness I cry to you O' Lord to help me in this urgent need and all those in similar situation as me. I know Lord I have sinned and am a sinner, have mercy on me Lord. I am only human at times, I am unable control my human senses. I know Lord you are full of love and mercy, your compassion and empathy is infinite. Therefore, Lord Jesus by the will of the Father in heaven, let it be done unto me, touch, heal and provide for me Lord and all other who also need the same. I truly have faith, trust and hope in You alone my Lord, that by Your miraculous wonder, will allow needs be fulfilled and the money I need will know my name, address and bank account as soon as You permit it. My trust and hope in You Lord will never fade or die. May the grace of the Almighty support, sustain and Supply all my needs according to His riches in glory. Amen.

The Solemnity of Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe ~ 23 November, 2014

In this solemnity, we celebrate and contemplate the kingship of Jesus our Redeemer. Today, the Sunday 23 November, 2014 is the last Sunday of the Church�s liturgical year. Next Sunday, 30 November, 2014, we start the Advent Sunday with the first Sunday in Advent. 

Jesus Christ is not a king like any king we have ever seen on earth. He is the Good Shepherd that we hear about in the first reading from the prophet Ezekiel. Jesus is a King who loves our freedom. He rules by his love, by his tender mercy. He wants us to respond with our freedom to his gifts of grace and his invitation to share in his divine life.

"When the Son of Man comes in his glory, 
and all the angels with him, 
he will sit upon his glorious throne, 
and all the nations will be assembled before him. �
Matthew 25:31

Pope Benedict XVI, has spoken of the power of Christ the King in this way: �It is not the power of the kings or the great people of this world; it is the divine power to give eternal life, to liberate from evil, to defeat the dominion of death. It is the power of Love that can draw good from evil, that can melt a hardened heart, bring peace amid the harshest conflict and kindle hope in the thickest darkness.�

Then Pilate entered the headquarters again, summoned Jesus, and asked him, �Are you the King of the Jews?� Jesus answered, �Do you ask this on your own, or did others tell you about me?�  Pilate replied, �I am not a Jew, am I? Your own nation and the chief priests have handed you over to me. What have you done?� Jesus answered, �My kingdom is not from this world. If my kingdom were from this world, my followers would be fighting to keep me from being handed over to the Jews. But as it is, my kingdom is not from here.� Pilate asked him, �So you are a king?� Jesus answered, �You say that I am a king. For this I was born, and for this I came into the world, to testify to the truth. Everyone who belongs to the truth listens to my voice.� Pilate asked him, �What is truth?� 
(John 18:33-38)

In the dialogue between Pilate and Jesus reminds us that Our Lord�s kingship is real, yet it is unlike political kingship. He did not come to rule over peoples and territories. For Him, to reign was to serve! His throne was the cross where He revealed His power, the power of love. With this power, Christ the King set people free from the slavery of sin and reconciled them to God the Father. Throughout His earthly life, Jesus witnessed to the truth that God is love. On Calvary, He witnessed this truth to the full with the sacrifice of His own life. He conquered Satan, the �ruler of this world� (John 12:31).

Lastly, let us ask Our Blessed Mother Mary that through her intercession may we all gain the grace we need to allow Jesus Christ to rule in our hearts and souls as we serve others for the love of him and seek to build his Kingdom of Love. 

Almighty ever-living God, whose will is to restore all things in your beloved Son, the King of the universe, grant, we pray, that the whole creation, set free from slavery, may render your majesty service and ceaselessly proclaim your praise. Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. AMEN.

Sunday, 23 November, 2014
The Solemnity of Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe (Christ the King)

Reading 1
Ezekiel 34:11-12, 15-17
Thus says the Lord GOD:
I myself will look after and tend my sheep.
As a shepherd tends his flock
when he finds himself among his scattered sheep,
so will I tend my sheep.
I will rescue them from every place where they were scattered
when it was cloudy and dark.
I myself will pasture my sheep;
I myself will give them rest, says the Lord GOD.
The lost I will seek out,
the strayed I will bring back,
the injured I will bind up,
the sick I will heal,
but the sleek and the strong I will destroy,
shepherding them rightly.

As for you, my sheep, says the Lord GOD,
I will judge between one sheep and another,
between rams and goats.

Responsorial Psalm 
Psalm 23:1-2, 2-3, 5-6
R/ The Lord is my shepherd; there is nothing I shall want.
The LORD is my shepherd; I shall not want.
In verdant pastures he gives me repose.
R/ The Lord is my shepherd; there is nothing I shall want.
Beside restful waters he leads me;
he refreshes my soul.
He guides me in right paths
for his name's sake.
R/ The Lord is my shepherd; there is nothing I shall want.
You spread the table before me
in the sight of my foes;
you anoint my head with oil;
my cup overflows.
R/ The Lord is my shepherd; there is nothing I shall want.
Only goodness and kindness follow me
all the days of my life;
and I shall dwell in the house of the LORD
for years to come.
R/ The Lord is my shepherd; there is nothing I shall want.

Reading 2
1 Corinthians 15:20-26, 28
Brothers and sisters:
Christ has been raised from the dead,
the firstfruits of those who have fallen asleep.
For since death came through man,
the resurrection of the dead came also through man.
For just as in Adam all die,
so too in Christ shall all be brought to life,
but each one in proper order:
Christ the firstfruits;
then, at his coming, those who belong to Christ;
then comes the end,
when he hands over the kingdom to his God and Father,
when he has destroyed every sovereignty
and every authority and power.
For he must reign until he has put all his enemies under his feet.
The last enemy to be destroyed is death.
When everything is subjected to him,
then the Son himself will also be subjected
to the one who subjected everything to him,
so that God may be all in all.

Matthew 25:31-46
Jesus said to his disciples:
"When the Son of Man comes in his glory,
and all the angels with him,
he will sit upon his glorious throne,
and all the nations will be assembled before him.
And he will separate them one from another,
as a shepherd separates the sheep from the goats.
He will place the sheep on his right and the goats on his left.
Then the king will say to those on his right,
'Come, you who are blessed by my Father.
Inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world.
For I was hungry and you gave me food,
I was thirsty and you gave me drink,
a stranger and you welcomed me,
naked and you clothed me,
ill and you cared for me,
in prison and you visited me.�
Then the righteous will answer him and say,
'Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you,
or thirsty and give you drink?
When did we see you a stranger and welcome you,
or naked and clothe you?
When did we see you ill or in prison, and visit you?�
And the king will say to them in reply,
'Amen, I say to you, whatever you did
for one of the least brothers of mine, you did for me.�
Then he will say to those on his left,
'Depart from me, you accursed,
into the eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels.
For I was hungry and you gave me no food,
I was thirsty and you gave me no drink,
a stranger and you gave me no welcome,
naked and you gave me no clothing,
ill and in prison, and you did not care for me.�
Then they will answer and say,
'Lord, when did we see you hungry or thirsty
or a stranger or naked or ill or in prison,
and not minister to your needs?�
He will answer them, 'Amen, I say to you,
what you did not do for one of these least ones,
you did not do for me.�
And these will go off to eternal punishment,
but the righteous to eternal life."

Minggu, 02 November 2014

Islam Agama Klaim, Bukan Fakta

Kita tentu sudah sering mendengar Klaim - klaim bombastis Islam, yang bagaikan melaju dengan bebas dijalan raya yang penuh rambu-rambu dan kaidah-kaidah pengujian. Bahkan Kristen sendiri yang merupakan tonggak peradaban moderen, masih harus diuji dengan Kitab Kuno Yahudi, yaitu Tanakh (PL).

Puji Tuhan, Yesus sendiri telah membuktikan kepada para Ahli-ahli taurat, mengenai penggenapan nubuatan-nubuatan para nabi.  Para Farisi atau Ahli Taurat, jika kita bandingkan untuk masa sekarang adalah, setara dengan Profesor Theologi, hanya saja jika disuruh berdebat Rabbi Farisi Vs Profesor Theologi, jelas Profesor Theologi masih kalah.

Sebab para Farisi itu adalah orang-orang yang luar biasa.  Namun Lihat, bagaimana berkali-kali Yesus berhasil menjawab tantangan mereka yang penuh dengan jebakan maut.  Bahkan Yesus malah menyindir orang-orang hebat ini 'Bahwa sebenarnya mereka belum tau apa-apa tentang kitab suci'.  Dan nubuatan para nabi membuktikan bahwa Yesuslah sang Mesias yang dinanti itu.

Tapi okelah, kali ini kita bukan ingin menceritakan tentang kehebatan Yesus, tapi ingin membahas Klaim-klaim Islam yang begitu lepasnya, tanpa ada dasar fondasi sama sekali. Jika Yahudi menyebut Tanakh (PL) itu sebagai Kanon, artinya Penggaris.  Itu bertujuan untuk mengukur klaim-klaim dari sebuah kitab.

Nah, masalahnya Klaim-klaim Islam ini sama sekali tidak ada dasarnya yang bisa di Kanonisasi, sebab kitabnya sendiri sudah berbeda hampir 180 derajat.  Jadi benar-benar tidak ada yang bisa di ukur. ada 3 dari 4 agama samawi, yaitu Samaria, Yahudi, kristen.. menggunakan Alkitab sebagai kitab sucinya, hanya dalam masalah Penafsiran saja mereka masih berperang.

Tapi Islam ??  Woww... ini sudah benar-benar melenceng sama sekali.
Jadi Islam tidak pantas lagi dimasukkan kedalam Penganut Abrahamic, karena mereka sudah berbeda sama sekali.

Namun untuk menutupi Kesesatannya ini, yaitu isi Quran berbeda dengan Alkitab, maka Islampun mengeluarkan Klaim yang sangat aneh, "ALKITAB TELAH DIPALSUKAN".   Lucu sekali bukan..!!

Berikut adalah beberapa klaim-klaim islam yang bertentangan dengan Fakta:

1. Islam Lebih Dulu Ada, sebelum Kristen

Fakta: Sejarah Dunia mencatat, Muhammad datang membawa Agama islam adalah sekitar abad ke 6.

2. Alquran datang untuk Menyempurnakan Alkitab

Fakta: Yang terjadi adalah Pembelokan dimana-mana, Pemalsuan, dan Manipulasi.  Dan hebatnya, Kejahatan-kejahatan immoral, seperti Pembunuhan, Perampokan, Pengkafiran, Pemenggalan, Pemboman, Teror, dll, semua terinspirasi dari Quran

Kristen memang sangat toleran akan kelemahan orang lain, tapi coba anda datang pada Yahudi, dan katakan kepada mereka 'Alkitab itu sudah dipalsukan, dan Alquran datang untuk menyempurnakannya'..  Maka anda akan dirajam sampai mati, dan disebut orang sebagai orang gila yang terkutuk. Agama Yahudi adalah agama yang keras, mereka tidaklah selembut Kristen.

Semua manuskrip-manuskrip gulungan kitab masih terjaga sampai sekarang, dan tidak ada yang dirubah sedikitpun.  Justru Klaim ini dilakukan untuk mengcover Kepalsuan Alquran itu sendiri. Alkitab sebagai kitab tertua membuktikan bahwa Quran memiliki kesalahan-kesalahan fatal yang sangat banyak.

3. Islam Agama Damai

Seorang Kristen Mesir menangis atas Gereja yang diporak-porandakan,
dan gambar Yesus dilempari dengan Kotoran

Fakta: Islam membawa Kekacauan di Seluruh dunia.  Jangankan teror terhadap agama orang lain, sesama agama islam sendiripun tiap hari berperang, saling membunuh, saling memenggal kepala, TIAP HARI, atas nama Islam.

4. Muhammad adalah Nabi Akhir Zaman

Fakta: Tidak ada satu ayatpun dalam Alkitab yang menceritakan atau mengenal Muhammad.

5. Muhammad Ahlaknya sangat Mulia & Sempurna

Fakta: Penjahat, Pembunuh, Pemerkosa, Beristri Puluhan, Pedofilia, dan mengawini anak kecil berusia 6 tahun.

6. Alquran turun langsung dari Allah

Fakta: Ternyata Alquran adalah hasil tulisan Waraqah. Seorang Pendeta Kristen yang bersekongkol untuk membuat Muhammad menjadi Nabi.  Waraqah mengutip ayat-ayat Alkitab, dan mengubah-ubahnya seturut kepentingan Muhammad.  Karena itulah lebih dari 85% isi Alquran, dikutip dari Alkitab, namun sudah ditelikung, dan dipelintir dimana-mana.

7.  Islam adalah Agama Allah

Fakta: Satu-satunya klaim yang paling aneh, yang pernah dikenal Peradaban Umat Manusia, Bahwa Allah punya Agama.

8. Islam Datang Untuk Menyempurnakan & Membimbing Agama Kristen

Fakta: Peradaban moderen yang sangat Humanis dibentuk oleh Agama Kristen sendiri.  Sehingga anda bisa berdemokrasi, bertoleransi, mencapai segala kemajuan, dll.

Sementara apa yang seluruh umat manusia lihat dari Islam adalah Kekacauan, Kekerasan, Intimidasi, Teror, Bom, Pemenggalan Kepala, Barbarisme.

9. Islam Agama Paling Mulia Diridhoi Allah

Fakta: Jika sebuah sumber Kejahatan disebut Mulia, maka Setan akan menjadi mahluk yang paling mulia.

Daftar Klaim ini akan terus bertambah, namun semuanya tidak sesuai dengan kenyataan.  Anda ingin menambahkan lagi ?

Karena itulah Tuhan Yesus mengingatkan kita, bahwa semua orang bisa mengklaim-klaim, bahkan Setan sekalipun bisa mengaku dirinya sebagai Malaikat Terang.  Namun dari Buahnyalah, kita mengetahui Pohonnya.